Out of the 4 DLCs this has got to be the worst! What the hell does Freddy have to do with MK? (I could say the same thing about Kratos, I don't like him either!) All this build up, for this crap? Like I said right before they debuted Freddy, this is pathetic just like Mileena's Flesh Pits reward! They must think that only little kids are playing this game, even though it's rated M. Speaking of, why the keep saying "Partial Nudity"? I haven't seen anything close...
I finally picked up MK9 and it definitely brings back memories but one thing that sucks is that it is one of most frustrating games of all time! I'm doing story mode and there are way too many "2 CPU fighters vs 1 (you)" battles. I'm currently near the end and I'm fighting Scorpion and Quan Chi and I have Liu Kang. I hate using Liu Kang but I didn't have a choice!