Me too man. Look at the sig for shits sake lol.
Yeah I've noticed a lot of Star Wars geeks around here.:1orglaugh
Me too man. Look at the sig for shits sake lol.
i was really looking forward to this. still havent played the demo but it seems its getting mainly negative opinions...
Me too man. Look at the sig for shits sake lol.
who do you talk to or how do you go about doing a Sig Pic i would love to add one but i dunno how to do that shit
i was really looking forward to this. still havent played the demo but it seems its getting mainly negative opinions...
If they do a sequel of TFU, I hope they put Kyle Katarn in a video game again. (Although I don't know if they could squeeze another story of him in the timeline well anymore.) I've always liked him. There was something about playing a Jedi that also had the Chuck Norris Beard Power working for him.
That might be something else that tells how well the game is received. Katarn and a lot of the people from KOTOR are some of the most popular non-movie Star Wars characters of all time, especially Revan, who is near the very top dispite being in only one video game and only talked about in another one where others near him have dozens novels they are in. This is just my feeling and I have nothing to base it on but, I get the sense that Starkiller just isn’t going to reach the level of love from the fans those others have.
Gamepro gives it a 3.5/5 stars
Pretty good score. It's just minor problems they have beefs with. They feel that you won't be utilizing many of the upgrades/combos you can buy or whatever. But if you ask me, most hack n slash games are the same way, when you find a combo you like, you usually stick with it. I also think they were expecting too much out of the boss battles, they complain that they're too underwhelming. Unfortunately you're mainly fighting Jedi your size, so you can't expect things on the scale of God of War.
But yeah I do believe from what I've played that the game will be good, it's just that once again the reviewers are expecting too much from hyped games.
Truth be told, I'm only really looking forward to Fallout 3 and Rock Band 2.
I am so loving this game right now. I now know what Anakin felt when he became Darth Vader and started killing everybody. I tell you as soon as I got my hands on Vader in the prologue level I started killing my own Stormtroopers.:1orglaugh