My jeep only gets 16 mpg, but I would love to find a more economical 4x4 that can still get me to work before the roads get plowed, I just haven't been able to yet. Sometimes I have to drive through a foot of snow and that's just the way it is.
As for your rant, I don't see the difference between driving a Hummer and the countless millions of Americans driving 3500 duallies around all day with nothing in them.
indeed, that was another thing i was just talking to my girl about. i live in an area where its "in" to have a fucking duallie. (spelling?)
theres a bunch of cowboy wannabes with their coors light and their ugly dogs, but that aside, they all drive big fucking trucks WITH NOTHING IN THEM!
i note these things, people say they need them for work, etc but i have yet to see one with so much as a 2x4 in them. they only time i see a truck being used for work is the gardeners, and they are pulling a little cage with a couple of rakes in it and they are driving the little rangers. (which gas mileage isnt too bad in comparison)
its an image thing, and the hummers, oh man. those guys have their windows down and the bass up, never indicating, cutting people off, etc. and it really must be nice to have a $400.00 a week gas usage and not give a fuck. drive it to the store, drive it to the bank, its like c'mon.
its just irresponsible and again, for every hummer out there, it cancels out 4 focus/accord/corollas (35-40mpg) and cancels out like 2 hybrids. its astonishing that these are ok'd as a mode of transportation!