Should Christians vote?

I would say no, but in a way we are forced to do so.

Which party should we vote?

In my view neither of these: Conservatives or exterme left.

Conclusion: we should give our voices to the Christian Democrats or Social Democrats



Official Checked Star Member
I once was together with a guy named Christian. He didn't vote. The sex wasn't good either, but his lasagna were awesome. I had to leave him, though, because it felt contradictory for me, a pornstar, to be together with a Christian. I think Christians should be left alone to do whatever the fuck is that they want to do, as long as they don't burn lasagna. For all the rest, there is Mohamed.

Sorry, what did you ask, again?


I once was together with a guy named Christian. He didn't vote. The sex wasn't good either, but his lasagna were awesome. I had to leave him, though, because it felt contradictory for me, a pornstar, to be together with a Christian. I think Christians should be left alone to do whatever the fuck is that they want to do, as long as they don't burn lasagna. For all the rest, there is Mohamed.

Sorry, what did you ask, again?

From now on, during my darkest hours, when my very existence has been reduced to a sick joke, I will rely on this post and no other to see me through, and to perchance, emerge once more into the light. :clap:
I once was together with a guy named Christian. He didn't vote. The sex wasn't good either, but his lasagna were awesome. I had to leave him, though, because it felt contradictory for me, a pornstar, to be together with a Christian.

Sorry, what did you ask, again?

Many of the porn industry people are Christians so I see no contradication in this matter.

But if you're Satanist then togetherness may not be possible with a Christian.

I just wondering that what party we (Christians) should vote.

In my view Christianity is a socialist thing.

"Let everyone who posseses two shirts share with him who has none and let him who has food do likewise.)

(Luke: 3; 11)
Sick jokes often help lighten the mood.


Ok, but what is your opinion?

What political party is suitable for us?

Us = Christian people

You're having fun aren't you?

I am starting to realize why some posters get frustrated with you. You are a Finnish dude, probably still remember remnants of the Soviet Bloc or Eastern Bloc. Russians are a joke to you and so are Christians. Probably fancy yourself as a comedian with a Finnish accent. I like you and you make me laugh. You are as much of a Christian as was Christopher Hitchens. But the act is entertaining,

You're having fun aren't you?

I am starting to realize why some posters get frustrated with you.

You are a Finnish dude,

Russians are a joke to you and so are Christians.

Probably fancy yourself as a comedian with a Finnish accent.

I like you and you make me laugh. You are as much of a Christian as was Christopher Hitchens. But the act is entertaining,


No, I'm not having a fun because this is not a humor thread.

If people do not like my style they should not read my threads ie if you want to read good writings do not open assari-threads.

Yes I am.

The Russian are generally friendly people and they are ok if they stay in their own side of the fence.

True Christians are ok.

I'm just a humble visitor, not a wannabee comedian.

Thank you.

I am member of the Finnísh Evangelical Lutheran church.


Closed Account
I would say no, but in a way we are forced to do so.

Which party should we vote?

In my view neither of these: Conservatives or exterme left.

Conclusion: we should give our voices to the Christian Democrats or Social Democrats


In what way do you think this is important? I can understand that a political party may seek to apply christian principles to publice policy and therefore is more attractive for a christian to support. But would that mean that other political parties in Finland would therefore be anti-christian so to speak, or have a lesser political view on things? Why would you for example consider conservatives or extreme left a no go to vote for as a christian?

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Yes, WE, shouldn't.
I would say no, but in a way we are forced to do so.
Christians are forced to vote ? How ? Who forces them ? Is voting mandatory in Finland. If it is, you gotta know that things are different outside of your freezing country.

That said, why Christians shouldn't vote ?

As a citizen, I think everyone should have the right to and should do so. But if christiand choose not to vote, I would be glad they don't 'cause christians mostly vote for conservatives 'cause conservatives are anti-gay rights, anti-abortion, anti-women's rights, etc).
But you're right, christians should vote for the Left, Jesus was a socialist, even a communist I would say

In what way do you think this is important?

I can understand that a political party may seek to apply christian principles to publice policy and therefore is more attractive for a christian to support. But would that mean that other political parties in Finland would therefore be anti-christian so to speak, or have a lesser political view on things?

Why would you for example consider conservatives or extreme left a no go to vote for as a christian?

True Christians do not want political power or wordly possession, but we also want to influence social issues so Christian MP's are required.

Political parties in Finland and I quess elsewhere too pushing only certain groups interests.

Conservatives and the exterme left-wing ideas are in many ways contrary to Christian values.
Christians are forced to vote ? How ? Who forces them ? Is voting mandatory in Finland. If it is, you gotta know that things are different outside of your freezing country.

That said, why Christians shouldn't vote ?

As a citizen, I think everyone should have the right to and should do so. But if christiand choose not to vote, I would be glad they don't 'cause christians mostly vote for conservatives 'cause conservatives are anti-gay rights, anti-abortion, anti-women's rights, etc).

But you're right, christians should vote for the Left, Jesus was a socialist, even a communist I would say

If you want to make difference, you must vote.

In Finland there is no such law that forces people to go to vote.

Abortion is a major sin.

In my opinion the best vote option for Christian people would be socialist party with Christian values.


Closed Account
I believe Assari is referencing John 17:14-16

Some groups believe that verse commands them to keep separate from the world, so no voting. Jesus says that he is not of this world, his followers are not of this world, and they should keep themselves from evil (the world). The only groups I know of that follow that interpretation are Jehovah's Witnesses, and some Amish.
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