Should a pornstar or former one tell their significant other about what they do or did?


Closed Account
How about splitting the difference? How about Date #2. I say that because a 1st Date is not something where you (should) find out a lot about a person. It is nothing more than 2 people getting together to see if there is enough interest to go out again and get to know even more about that person. A 1st Date is not something where we should be discussing our thoughts on abortion or stuff like that. There are a lot of 1st dates that don't lead to a 2nd date. On Date #1 I don't want to tell her all of my life story and then have her be scared away and/or not like it and never see me again and tell others. If someone was in Porn tell me on Date #2 but not Date #1

That doesn't make sense but whatever. I'd rather she tell me upfront. Straight up. None of this dating games ring around crap jmo
She shouldn't say it for no particular reason but she neither should hide it or lie about it.
One of three things would happen.

1. I would curl up in a ball and cry.
2. I would go off and do some 'research'.
3. Upon completion of 2. Get my Spiderman outfit on.

Aaliyah Love

Official Checked Star Member
not ALL men are insecure, judgemental idiots with fragile egos. Some dudes wouldn't give a shit. Esp if it's in the PAST. And some dudes would actually like it. I've seen it many times. I understand it's not for EVERYBODY.. but some people in this thread assume it's a dealbreaker for everyone and someone who has done porn in the past won't ever get a normal relationship and that's just not true from what I have seen in real life.

Aaliyah Love

Official Checked Star Member
That would be like me being so insecure the guy I'm on a date with dated Playboy bunnies before me that I can't handle dating him. not gna happen. I'm secure enough in myself to not care what someone did before meeting me. The past doesn't matter, only the present.

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That would be like me being so insecure the guy I'm on a date with dated Playboy bunnies before me that I can't handle dating him. not gna happen. I'm secure enough in myself to not care what someone did before meeting me. The past doesn't matter, only the present.

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That would be like me being so insecure the guy I'm on a date with dated Playboy bunnies before me that I can't handle dating him. not gna happen. I'm secure enough in myself to not care what someone did before meeting me. The past doesn't matter, only the present.

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That would be like me being so insecure the guy I'm on a date with dated Playboy bunnies before me that I can't handle dating him. not gna happen. I'm secure enough in myself to not care what someone did before meeting me. The past doesn't matter, only the present.

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FOUR times? ok I'm so done with this board.
How about splitting the difference? How about Date #2. I say that because a 1st Date is not something where you (should) find out a lot about a person. It is nothing more than 2 people getting together to see if there is enough interest to go out again and get to know even more about that person. A 1st Date is not something where we should be discussing our thoughts on abortion or stuff like that. There are a lot of 1st dates that don't lead to a 2nd date. On Date #1 I don't want to tell her all of my life story and then have her be scared away and/or not like it and never see me again and tell others. If someone was in Porn tell me on Date #2 but not Date #1

i can see your point as most girls aren't going to be recognized immediately by the majority of people they run into but in PetraIsMyQueen's case, seeing as she stands a lot higher chance of being recognized than most i can see why she would tell people on the 1st date...same goes for others who are/were big names in the industry..regardless, i personally would like to know early on, same time as asking any other girl what she does for work. it wouldn't be a minus in any way for me, it is what it is. if anything it would make me more motivated to please her if we ended up fucking but that's about it.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
I don't have to remind you kiddies to play nice in here, do I?

I shall sweep off the naughty step just in case.