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Shooting in Florida School

Ana Navarro :rolleyes:

She’s a fucking idiot. I abuse her often at 260 characters at a time. All they needed were giant balloons and it could have been mistaken for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. So what does that photo prove exactly?


Hiliary 2020
Nah, no crisis actors. Just a whole lotta brainwashed dummies who succumbed to the relentless propaganda based on lies.
Pretty powerful stuff when it can make people actually beg and demand their rights be taken away.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Johan, I don't know how far and what accuracy rocket propelled grenades go. Do you? How big is your back yard? The military must have done tests on these things in a safe size area.

What a great money making idea! Tow a car to one of these ranges. Maybe a car that gave you so much headaches or the one that some shithead crashed into your favorite or new vehicle. Pay a fee to make that fucker explode. Get back to me with your range stats. I'll check my 401k for a loan.
Newsflash : G. Soros is now broke after being forced to pay thé 800,000 crisis actors who partcipated to the March for our Lives, as he had promised to

800,000 did not attend. At least 200,000 did. Less than 500,000 by all generous accounts.
Try and take our guns and 5,000,000 will show up in D.C.
And I just want an RPG. I don't need an RPG but I'd like to blow up a TV in my backyard. What's wrong with that.
Thankfully, both in the US and in France the law won't let me get one because it's too danferous and it's only usefull if I'm up to no good

One of these is not a toy, would you find it ?


A gun is not a toy, it's a weapon, an objet designed to cause harm or kill humans or animal. If youy want an assault rifle "because it's fun", you're clearly unfit to get one.
The vast majority that own an AR-15 say that it is the first weapon they would go for in the event of defending their home. And most of them own various other firearms. I agree, it is my go to weapon if I should need it.

These weapons are not toys but they are used for sport, hunting and marksmanship.

They’re not getting our guns.


Hiliary 2020
Newsflash : G. Soros is now broke after being forced to pay thé 800,000 crisis actors who partcipated to the March for our Lives, as he had promised to

yeah I already addressed that ignorant statement on the previous page. I figure someone with your level of using your brain would love that lame attempt to discredit people.

It took some time and many Phony Fake Shows but they have finally convinced a good portion of young people, children mostly to beg and demand their Government take away their rights. You know, those young people who live with their heads down in a cell phone.
Those ones.
And its not only the 2nd. Basic freedom of speech is being eroded here also.
Eric Holders dream of Brainwashing people to be against guns is becoming reality.

If anybody can't see the level of propaganda here then I'm sorry but your head must be up your ass.
If you think the murders were real then they are using the deaths of victims to influence laws and people feelings.
If you think its fake then they are still doing the same but based on lies.
Just funny how all these supposed grieving parents immediately went after Trump to "Do Something!"
Dozens of of these events during Barry's 8 years and I never heard that.
Its because its all fake and scripted but whatever, beileve what you want.

And if you think all this was concocted after Feb.14 2018 then you are a fool.
This was obviously and blatantly planned before.
Before means foreknowledge. And Foreknowledge means Fake.

H.R.4909 - STOP School Violence Act of 2018

Introduced by a Florida Congressman 2 weeks before the crisis drill.
Guaranteed to pass now. Become law.

So much money for so many people involved. Its a cash cow forever until its repealed, which it wont be.
But since when has tons of money ever been motivation to lie or steal?
Newsflash : G. Soros is now broke after being forced to pay thé 800,000 crisis actors who partcipated to the March for our Lives, as he had promised to

In total, at least 1.2 million marched for gun control over the weekend at events across the U.S. Pretty cool

Will E Worm

They’re all full of shit.

Pay close attention people. These are your decision makers for tomorrow.

Also, her last name says it all, Chavez.


They are brainwashed automatons.

Assault weapons are designed for assault so unless you're planning on assaulting something you don't need an assault weapon

You need them in case someone tries to assault you. It's called self-defense.

A hammer is an inanimate object just like a firearm. If I pick up a hammer and hit you in the back of the skull with it, it becomes an assault weapon.

Same thing for a baseball bat.

A hammer's pupose is to hit nails, not to assault people.
What's the purpose of an assault rifle ?

An object might have one purpose, but in the hands of the right person can be used for another.

Take a look at Lucille.



Staff member
In total, at least 1.2 million marched for gun control over the weekend at events across the U.S. Pretty cool

If you dislike the 2nd amendment this much so why then living in the States??? This is beyond my understanding. Most of the crimes come from illegally owned guns. There is nothing cool when the 2nd amendment is attacked and left wing parties trying to grab legally purchased and owned guns as well as to repeal the 2nd amendment.
If you dislike the 2nd amendment this much so why then living in the States??? This is beyond my understanding. Most of the crimes come from illegally owned guns. There is nothing cool when the 2nd amendment is attacked and left wing parties trying to grab legally purchased and owned guns as well as to repeal the 2nd amendment.

Le Pen lost. Macron is president. Get over it dude
Newsflash : G. Soros is now broke after being forced to pay thé 800,000 crisis actors who partcipated to the March for our Lives, as he had promised to


Just funny how all these supposed grieving parents immediately went after Trump to "Do Something!"
Dozens of of these events during Barry's 8 years and I never heard that.

Ya think maybe because "Barry" appeared open to ideas for how to address the issue, while Trump appeared not to be?
Naw that's way too logical. Never mind.
Ya think maybe because "Barry" appeared open to ideas for how to address the issue, while Trump appeared not to be?
Naw that's way too logical. Never mind.

open to ideas. How can you say that when President Trump on national television in his round table discussion went against his entire base by floating the idea of confiscating guns before due process?


Hiliary 2020

Have you ever thought about who you get your news from? Who they are?
Ever considered they are manipulating you? Telling you only what they want you to know?

There have already been millions donated to this thing via gofundme. And that will continue for years
And the bill that was introduced 2 weeks before it happened will be minimum 50 million a year to those involved for all eternity.

And the NRA, despite what they tell you and you apparently believe , doesn't do a whole lot to prevent stricter gun laws.
And they can pass all the laws they want which they do, make it more and more difficult for a citizen to legally buy a gun. It ain't going to stop murders with or without guns.
That's fact not opinion.

And bodie, yeah I'm sure that's what it is. No doubt.
C'mon buddy. We are still buddies I hope. I mean that.
Casual acquaintances at least?
open to ideas. How can you say now that when President Trump on national television in his round table discussion went against his entire base by floating the idea of confiscating guns before due process?


But Trump has never been an ideologue, he's always been open to ideas to solve a problem. Hey may have to be pulled aside and informed of the constitutionality of that idea, but he's still open to ideas.


Hiliary 2020
open to ideas. How can you say that when President Trump on national television in his round table discussion went against his entire base by floating the idea of confiscating guns before due process?

I think thats Check Mate, Mate.
Still trying to figure out if Trump was full of shit the whole time, if he's being blackmailed or threatened, if he made a deal or if he just realized the Swamp is too big to drain and gave up or what.
I think he is most likely a great big- Red White and Blue Pacifier shoved up our asses for 8 years. And the perfect tool for the GOV and its media to use to divide THE PEOPLE as much as possible.

Some of you want to believe this shite good. i don't buy it for one cotton pickin hot minute

What was Florida Politician Douche laughing at at 2:10?
Pretty obvious. Her. Her horrible acting.