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Shooting in Florida School

open to ideas. How can you say that when President Trump on national television in his round table discussion went against his entire base by floating the idea of confiscating guns before due process?

Perhaps my wording wasn't as clear as I intended.
You might note I used the words "appeared not to be", by which I meat prior to the aftermath of the event.
Perhaps my wording wasn't as clear as I intended.
You might note I used the words "appeared not to be", by which I meat prior to the aftermath of the event.

No, my wording wasn't clear which I corrected. But for those paying attention, Trump has never been an ideologue with fixed policy positions (other than maybe trade) which his detractors have pointed out. But that is likely lost on those marching in the streets demanding Trump "Do something" in the wake of another but not the last school shooting.

Ya think maybe because "Barry" appeared open to ideas for how to address the issue, while Trump appeared not to be?
Naw that's way too logical. Never mind.

Using intelligence guided by experience, please give us examples where their “ ideas” ( I’ll assume regulation or tougher laws) have stopped a crazed gunman hellbent on killing as many as possible has worked before.

As far as I can tell, their ideas should be sent in care of the FBI’s Informant and Tip Line.


Hiliary 2020
Perhaps my wording wasn't as clear as I intended.
You might note I used the words "appeared not to be", by which I meat prior to the aftermath of the event.

Fair enough. Either way its wrong.
I feel we are close enough for me to tell you that without it being AWKWARD.
Like if you had a piece of spinach on your tooth.

Using intelligence guided by experience, please give us examples where their “ ideas” ( I’ll assume regulation or tougher laws) have stopped a crazed gunman hellbent on killing as many as possible has worked before.

As far as I can tell, their ideas should be sent in care of the FBI’s Informant and Tip Line.

I know right?
I mean really.
No but really I agree with that.

And here I go again on my own..............

The people behind these events and the ones involved are very aware that more and more people are waking up to what they really are.
So they gotta start upping the ante which is what they are doing with this one.
Sure they are still very profitable moneywise but with all the effort they still haven't made enough impact on GUN LAWS.
They've terrorized us plenty but no significant changes have been made regarding Gun Laws.
In fact with each one people seem to go out and buy MORE GUNS. That must be very discouraging for them.
Thats why they are specifically targeting young people on this one. Kinda like a Long Con.

The next one will probably be in the North East. Its getting warmer up there now.
Crisis Actors work better in warm weather.

Using intelligence guided by experience, please give us examples where their “ ideas” ( I’ll assume regulation or tougher laws) have stopped a crazed gunman hellbent on killing as many as possible has worked before.

Well, it may just be coincidental or it may be for other reasons, but the gun homicide rate took a steep tumble then remained fairly static in the years following the passage of the Brady Bill.



Staff member
Le Pen lost. Macron is president. Get over it dude

The socialist swine Hillary lost and Trump got elected. The same useful idiots that voted for Hollande voted for Macron. I certainly won't pity Macron voters about their situation if it goes worse. Macron was the minister of finance during Hollande in a socialist government, that says a lot.
In gun-friendly Vermont, lawmakers pass firearms control bill

Vermont lawmakers gave final legislative approval on Friday to a bill that raises the legal age for buying firearms and expands background checks, becoming the latest state poised to tighten gun restrictions after last month's Florida school massacre.
The Democrat-controlled state Senate approved the measure, S55, in a 17-13 vote, according to the online legislative record. The bill passed the state House of Representatives this week.
The measure now goes to Republican Governor Phil Scott, who has shifted his stance and voiced support for some gun control after the arrest in February of a Vermont teenager accused of threatening to shoot up a high school. The incident came two days after a former student killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, on Feb. 14.
Scott's support for gun controls marked a sharp switch for a governor with a 93 percent approval rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA) gun rights advocacy group in an otherwise politically liberal state with a reputation as a pro-gun stronghold.

Vermont, a largely rural New England state with a passion for hunting, is one of two dozen states where efforts to curb gun violence have gained momentum since the Feb. 14 shooting rampage that killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

The Vermont bill raises the age for gun purchases to 21 and expands background checks for private gun sales. It also bans magazines of more than 10 rounds for long guns and 15 rounds for pistols as well as rapid-fire devices known as bump stocks.
Vermont Public Radio reported that the Senate would take up two more gun-related measures next week. Both are aimed at removing guns from homes in cases of domestic violence or when someone is at risk of imminent harm from firearms, it said.

Gun control advocates say the turnaround in Vermont and other states has been propelled in part by the groundswell of student-led lobbying efforts and protests calling for firearms restrictions.

After the Parkland massacre, Florida's Republican-controlled legislature swiftly passed a bill that raised the age requirement and set a three-day waiting period for gun purchases and allowed the arming of some school personnel. The measure was signed into law by another Republican with strong NRA credentials, Governor Rick Scott.

First Florida, now Vermont. Which State will be next ?


Hiliary 2020
For those of you who think the NRA actually protects the 2nd Amendment.
Ever think how with each Crisis Drill portrayed as real.......
Scratch that. I forgot they are real.

With each MASS MURDER, specifically MASS SHOOTINGS the NRA gains more members.
More Members. More Money. More Sweet Sweet Money. Lots of it.


Hiliary 2020
Ever notice how in EVERY ONE of these the MSM almost immediately comes out and says the the FBI and/or other LAW AGENCIES had the TERRORIST and/or LONE NUT WHITE GUY "under their radar for a long time but did nothing".
Every time, in every one they say this.
Yep, they were aware of this person but even though they were, this still happened. People got killed.

Am I a lunatic yet?
Its the truth. They always say this. (Vegas being the only exception I can think of).

I think they repeat this over and over because they want it to come to a point where even if they suspect someone (or don't like what they post online) they can go arrest someone and put them in an asylum or something.
They can over ride DUE PROCESS simply by having a doctor that they employ say a person "may" be a danger.

The primary agenda is more gun laws. To make it more and more difficult for a law abiding citizen to legally obtain a firearm.
But there are also hidden agendas like the one I just mentioned.
Ever notice how in EVERY ONE of these the MSM almost immediately comes out and says the the FBI and/or other LAW AGENCIES had the TERRORIST and/or LONE NUT WHITE GUY "under their radar for a long time but did nothing".
Every time, in every one they say this.
Yep, they were aware of this person but even though they were, this still happened. People got killed.

Am I a lunatic yet?
Its the truth. They always say this. (Vegas being the only exception I can think of).

You must not be thinking very hard Mr. P.
Omar Mateen was not.
Dylan Roof was not.
Seung-Hui Cho was not.
Adam Lanza was not.
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were not.
Should I go on?
Fox News host Laura Ingraham takes week off after David Hogg comments

11 companies boycott The Ingraham Angle over Twitter attack

The Fox News host Laura Ingraham announced late on Friday that she would take the next week off, after 11 advertisers dropped her show over her mockery of a teenage survivor of the Florida school shooting.
Ingraham said on air she would take Easter week off with her children and a “great line-up of guest hosts” would fill in. In an email on Saturday, a Fox News spokeswoman said the break had already been planned.

Ingraham taunted David Hogg, 17, on Twitter on Wednesday. In response, Hogg called for a boycott of advertisers on The Ingraham Angle.
Ingraham wrote that Hogg had been “Rejected By Four Colleges To Which He Applied and whines about it. (Dinged by UCLA with a 4.1 GPA...totally predictable given acceptance rates.)”

Hogg is a survivor of the 14 February shooting that killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school in Parkland, a suburb of Fort Lauderdale. He and other classmates have become the faces of a youth-led movement for gun control reform, last weekend leading a huge protest march in Washington DC.
Hogg tweeted a list of a dozen companies that advertise on The Ingraham Angle and urged his supporters to demand they cancel their ads.

On Thursday, Ingraham tweeted an apology
“Any student should be proud of a 4.2 GPA,” she wrote, “incl[uding] David Hogg. On reflection, in the spirit of Holy Week, I apologize for any upset or hurt my tweet caused him or any of the brave victims of Parkland.
“For the record, I believe my show was the first to feature David immediately after that horrific shooting and even noted how ‘poised’ he was given the tragedy. As always, he’s welcome to return to the show anytime for a productive discussion.”

The apology did not stop companies dropping her show. The first to cancel were Nutrish, a pet food line created by the celebrity chef Rachael Ray; TripAdvisor; the online home furnishings seller Wayfair; Nestlé; Hulu; Expedia; and Stitch Fix, an online personal shopping service.
According to CBS News, four more companies dropped the show on Friday: Johnson & Johnson, Office Depot, the dieting company Jenny Craig and the Atlantis Paradise Island resort.

Hogg wrote on Twitter: “An apology in an effort just to save your advertisers is not enough. I will only accept your apology only if you denounce the way your network has treated my friends and I in this fight. It’s time to love thy neighbor, not mudsling at children.”
After Ingraham announced her time off, he added that she should: “Have some healthy reflections this Holy Week.”
He told CNN: “I think it’s great that corporate America is standing with me. They cannot push us around, especially when all we’re trying to do here is save lives.”
On Saturday, he told the same outlet: “A bully is a bully and it’s important that you stand up to them.
“She’s tried calling out people at Dartmouth University for their sexual orientation and she told Lebron James to shut up and dribble,” he added. “I don’t see any apology for those people.”

Elsewhere on Friday, the rock musician and Donald Trump supporter Ted Nugent said students calling for gun control were “mushy brained children”.
The National Rifle Association board member was a guest on the Joe Pags Show, a nationally syndicated conservative radio program. Parkland survivors were wrong to blame the NRA for mass shootings, he said, adding that “the evidence is irrefutable, they have no soul”.
The gun-control measures such activists support would amount to “spiritual suicide”, he said.

Maybe next time she'll think again before going afterschool shooting victims in order to defend the NRA
He constantly uses profanity, engages in name calling, thinks he can insult millions of Americans saying that blood is on their hands, things that will get you a 30 day ban here and he is adored by the left. I just hope he keeps talking, he’s motivating the hell out of 5 million NRA voters for November.


Hiliary 2020
You must not be thinking very hard Mr. P.
Omar Mateen was not.
Dylan Roof was not.
Seung-Hui Cho was not.
Adam Lanza was not.
Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were not.
Should I go on?

Columbine was real so scratch that.
I believe the virginia tech was also but I haven't researched it enough.
Adam Lanza never existed.
Roof wasn't? Well he wasn't a CRAZY WHITE GUY or MUSLIM TERRORIST he was just a racist killer during the big push to divide Blacks/Whites. There was no need for them to say it for him.

And Matteen? I guess they didnt say that about him.
You believe in the Pulse? Wow. How about that Norman Cassiano?

Good work however. Really nice research bodes.
I'll reword it to MOST instead of ALL and that should fix my error.

"Yep. Law Enforcement knew about this guy for years but did nothing".
"What oh what can we do about that?".

"Wait, I know!".


Hiliary 2020
Eden. Eden Hebron.
Eden Hebron speak-ging

Eden. Eden Hebron.
Eden Hebron sing-ging

Eden. Eden Hebron
Eden Hebron march-ching
In israel.



Hiliary 2020
Mei-Ling. Mei-Ling Ho-Shing
She's black. And a protestor for Black lives do matter.

From Hogg to this woman.
Just normal everyday high school kids just tryin to make the world a better place.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Oh, your fucking research. Let the world stop rotating on it's axis till meester does his research. Hey meester, go research dead people. You know, people that are kind of dead from shootings that you claim are fake. Yea, where are those dead people? Hundreds claimed as dead and not ONE found alive. Hey meester, Google your YourToobers and find a dead person walking around.

What did that Ace guy say ...oh, yea ... go suck a bucket of dicks.
Eden sings pretty well, actually.

Yeah right like a couple of Jewish kids would ever visit family in Israel during their spring break. :wtf: That defies any and all logic!


Hiliary 2020
Eden sings pretty well, actually.

Yeah right like a couple of Jewish kids would ever visit family in Israel during their spring break. :wtf: That defies any and all logic!

C'mon. It wasn't a visit.
It was a MARCH or RALLY for more GUN CONTROL which is another way of making it more difficult and to limit the ability for US CITIZENS to obtain firearms.
Its a methodical and systematic manipulation of THE PEOPLE to become more favorable to the passage of stricter and stricter GUN LAWS little by little justified by one FAKE KILLING after another.

So they are in fucking Israel rallying for more gun laws in the UNITED STATES.
I would like someone to explain that to me.

So they are in fucking Israel rallying for more gun laws in the UNITED STATES.
I would like someone to explain that to me.

The Parkland shooting inspired demonstrations by gun control advocates in several places worldwide, including Israel.

I remember you going off on a bender about how fake the scenario was when some other Jewish kid was visiting family overseas on spring break - I think it was the girl who was tweeting about the Munich shooting.