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Shooting in Florida School


Hiliary 2020
Ok forget whether or not you think the event was real or fake.
If you care about anything in this world, anything at all please watch this video at least for 30 seconds.
Its "Student Warrior" David Hogg making a speech. Top MSM Story from NBC.

So for now forget the FACT that his father is FBI and specializes in crisis management, meaning he is in charge of crisis drills.
Forget the fact that his aunt is a US Navy Officer who worked for Homeland Security and according to her own resume is a crisis management expert.
And his mother is heavily involved in Planned Parenthood who is in charge of all these "Rally's" and who the US GOV is currently giving huge amounts of money to.
This means his family is not only very involved with CRISIS DRILLS but they Organize, Supervise, and Control realistic CRISIS DRILLS. This is their expertise and livelihood. Its what they do.

Its true, accept it. These are all verifiable facts if you dont believe it then look it up.

And forget the fact that we know from photos he and his family had previous connections to CNN and that CNN put an actual microphone in his hand before the sun even set the day of the drill.....I mean mass murder, and he's had a microphone in his hand ever since.
Forget the fact that while he was hiding from a person or persons outside the door murdering people that he took that time to interview other students who were hiding for their lives about GUN CONTROL.
And that CNN showed that Cell Phone video to the world also.

Am I wrong so far? No I am not. These are facts.

Over 3000 students but CNN just happened to randomly pick this person to tell THE WORLD what happened.
Then before the bodies were even supposedly in the ground there was a big GUN CONTROL movement already not only up and running but in full swing.
They must have had very good organizers with lots of money.

These are still facts. Not opinions.

Now here he is making speeches telling people the USA needs more GUN LAWS.
Telling them the POLITICIANS are OWNED by the NRA.
He is telling people that its them against the US GOVERNMENT and that they need to STAND UP against the US GOV by demanding MORE GUN LAWS.
But in reality he is working for the US GOV. He is doing their bidding. Does any body here actually think The GOV and the politicians want armed citizens? According to David they do.

See what this is is MASS PROPAGANDA with lies, based on lies.
They want young people TODAY to be so against GUNS that in the near future they will ACCEPT a repeal or massive change to the 2nd Amendment.
And they are using MASS PROPAGANDA to, as Eric Holder said must be done, "Brainwash" Americans to be against guns.

And look at the comments and Thumbs Up/Thumbs down on any David Hogg video.
I am far from alone here.

If you can't see what this is by now you never will.


Hiliary 2020
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.
It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
That David Hogg guy is creepy as fuck. Here's like a character out of a Stephen King novel. Randall Flagg, meet David Hogg. He definitely has that Children of the Corn thing going
Hey, MP, you reazlly think the government is stupid, don't you ?

Don't you think, that, knowing Hogg's resumé, knowing how many of his relatives are in the crisis management business, choosing him as the prominent face of that movement would be totally stupid ?

The truth is, given his resume, it's only natural that he is so involved in this : unlike the other students, he has the knowlege and the ressources to organize all this.

Now, I see you and your loony conspiracists are heavily focused on Hogg but what about the others ? What about Emma Gonzales ? Don't you geniuses have anything fishy about her to share with us ?

And what about the 17 people who got killed, where are they if, as you pretend, it was fake ?
March for Our Lives : thousands join anti-gun protests around the world

March for Our Lives draws huge numbers of protesters
Trump spends weekend at Florida retreat of Mar-a-Lago

Hundreds of thousands of students joined the pro-gun control March for Our Lives rallies across the US in one of the largest expressions of popular opposition in the modern era.
Events have been taking place at more than 800 locations around the world – including London, Sydney, Tokyo, Mumbai, plus hundreds of places in the US.
In Washington, as the number of young, diverse and impassioned protesters swelled along Pennsylvania Avenue, many carried signs reading “We are the change”, “No more silence” and “Keep NRA money out of politics”.

Organizers said they hoped their protest would be one of the biggest in the capital since the Vietnam era, and it was clear they had been careful to create a diverse, inclusive group of speakers.
Along with survivors from the attack in Parkland, Florida, who have galvanized the new push for gun reform, speakers included young victims of gun violence from around America. They sang, they chanted, and they challenged their parents generation to be effective in eliminating gun violence from society.
Edna Chavez, 17, from Manual Arts high school in Los Angeles, took the stage with a raised fist and spoke powerfully about her brother, who was killed by gun violence. “I have learned to duck from bullets before I learned to read.” She led the crowd to chant his name, “Ricardo! Ricardo!”
Trevon Bosley, a high school student from Chicago whose brother was killed, said: “I’m here to speak for those youth who fear they may be shot while going to the gas station, the movies, the bus stop, to church or even to and from school. I’m here to speak for those Chicago youth who feel their voices have been silenced for far too long.”

Yolanda Renee King, granddaughter of Martin Luther King, told the crowd: “I have a dream that enough is enough. And that this should be a gun-free world, period.”
She then asked the crowd to repeat back her words: “Spread the word, have you heard? All across the nation. We are going to be a great generation.”
She led the chant three times, encouraging the crowd to repeat her words “so the whole world can hear.”

Shortly before the end of the event, Parkland shooting survivor Emma Gonzalez – who had been a leading voice immediately after the attack on her school – took to the stage for six minutes and 20 seconds, much of that in silence. She said it was the amount of time it took a school shooter to kill 17 people at her school in Florida last month.

As the students gathered, Donald Trump was whisked by motorcade to his West Palm Beach golf club. Trump later tweeted support for “the victims of the horrible attack in France yesterday” but did not mention the rallies on Twitter. A White House statement read: “We applaud the many courageous young Americans exercising their first amendment rights today. Keeping our children safe is a top priority of the president’s, which is why he urged Congress to pass the Fix NICS and STOP School Violence Acts, and signed them into law.”
The administration also drew attention to some minor reforms the president has called for, including a move by the justice department on Friday to ban bump stocks, the accessory that allows rifles to mimic the rapid fire of automatic weapons.

The NRA stayed silent on the student gatherings. But outside the FBI headquarters in Washington, about 30 gun-rights supporters staged a counter-demonstration in front of the FBI headquarters, standing quietly with signs such as ‘Armed victims live longer” and ‘Stop violating civil rights’.

Veteran civil rights leader John Lewis said the protests reminded him of the early days of the civil rights era. “I think it’s amazing,” Lewis said. “They will be the leaders of the 21st century.”

In one of the first speeches, Marjory Stoneman Douglas senior Delaney Tarr told the crowd of the students’ demands, including background checks and a ban on assault weapons. “When you give us an inch, that bump stocks ban, we will take a mile,” she said. “We are not here for breadcrumbs, we are here to lead.”
Earlier, the Guardian spoke to Cassie Pearce, 17, who had ridden in her school bus for 10 hours from Manchester, Vermont with dozens of her classmates. Clutching a sign that read “I should be writing my college essay, not my will” Pearce said: “I’m here because enough is enough. We have a right to be heard. We don’t want to be killed in school.”

In a meeting with lawmakers in the aftermath of Parkland, the president had signalled support for stronger background checks on gun purchases and raising the minimum age for buying high-powered rifles. But the NRA staunchly opposed these measures and Trump appears to have abandoned the proposals.

A group of student journalists from the Stoneman Douglas newspaper, the Eagle Eye, were invited to guest-edit the Guardian’s US website this weekend. Eleven students covered the rally in Washington, interviewing other survivors of gun violence from Stoneman Douglas and elsewhere.

Parkland student Jordan Khayyami, 15, said: “I think that legislatures should be aware that the next generation of voters is right in front of them so if they don’t want to promote change then we will vote for change.”

The scenes of thousands of students on the streets was overwhelming to many of the victims of gun violence who attended the Washington rally. “I did not expect this. I’m still astounded,” said Mark Barden, whose seven-year-old son Daniel was one of the 20 children murdered at Sandy Hook in 2012. “To me, it looks like our entire nation is finally on board.”
Barden has spent five years pushing for stricter gun control laws, first with the support of Barack Obama’s White House, then continuing when gun control again dropped off the national agenda.

While the day was focused on the youth, Sir Paul McCartney stood in solidarity with marchers in New York’s Central Park and referred to John Lennon’s fatal shooting outside his apartment building in 1980. “One of my best friends was killed by gun violence right around here, so it’s important to me not just to march today but to take action tomorrow and to have these people to have their voices heard,” he told CNN.

There were, however, a number of counter protests in some cities. AP reported that in Salt Lake City, Utah about 500 pro-gun marchers walked to the state Capitol building, though they were far outnumbered by an estimated 15,000 gun control marchers there.

While classmates are rallying in Washington, thousands more Stoneman Douglas survivors, their families and supporters are among tens of thousands gathering in Parkland, Florida, the scene of last month’s shooting.
More than 20,000 attended to listen to the speeches from the amphitheater at Pine Trails Park before walking the mile south to Stoneman Douglas high school.
“Parkland is a family. And when our family is hurting, we all come together,” said Liam Kiernan, a 15-year-old Parkland 10th grader. “We become stronger because we feel we’re all one person.”
Max Schachter, the father of Alex, a 14-year Stoneman Douglas marching band musician, broke down in tears as he recalled how his son enjoyed playing basketball with his older brother and teaching his little sister “to become a better trombone player”. Schachter said that on 13 February he was like any other parent, wanting his children to be happy and get good grades. Then the Valentine’s Day shooting happened.

“Since the day that changed my life, I will not stop fighting for change,” he said.

The good news here (or maybe the bad news, depends of your take on the story) is like, unlike what happened after previous shootings and despite the government trying to bury the story, people are not giving up, they seem to be prepared for a long fight


Hiliary 2020
Oh hi Johan, what's happening?
1- It would be stupid, if the media wasn't owned by a handfull of people and a huge part of the lies and propaganda.
A real news media would expose him......this one hides it.
There is no journalism in this country. Just news actors all reading from a script.

2- He has knowledge and resources to organize this?
You think he's organizing this? I don't. I think he is just what i said he was from day 1, a Well Rehearsed Prick.

3- I don't only focus on Hogg, far from it.
Emma? I researched her. She's a ghost. Can't find anything that showed she existed before this.
No social media, no photos. People have theories, I don't. She's a Ghost so what can I say about who she is?

I saw the 60 minutes propaganda piece. I highly doubt that is her mother unless maybe she was adopted.
But its been pretty clear to me since they shoved her in my face that she is just a player in this reading from a script.
It's very obvious to me. To you it isn't.

The 17 people? How would I know. I'm not part of it.
But I don't have to know.
Where are the nearly 700 people shot in Vegas? Or the 100 shot in Orlando? Or the 400 run over by a Truck in Nice? Or the 280 who got blown up in Boston?
I have no idea.

Understand my last post or two wasn't really about whether this was real or a fraud.

They are about where it stands now. What is happening as a result of it.
The Bill that was introduced 2 weeks before the shooting,and this massive campaign that is being treated as the most important thing in the world right now and getting massive MSM coverage.

I am not surprised personally. This is exactly what I suspected, again very obvious.
Disgusting amounts of money "donated". Disgusting amounts of money spent on a Bill they wanted passed before this even happened, much of it going to police and schools and other Government businesses, stricter gun laws, and a massive propaganda campaign designed to brainwash Americans especially young people who are more easily manipulated.

What do you think about it?


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
" meester" The 17 people? How would I know. I'm not part of it. But I don't have to know.

You should have hell to should know and care. Your claim is that all of these events are fake. Dead people. They lay in rest. I have given you the tracks to their final resting place. meester, your claim of fake events are shattered by documentation of dead people.

Suck kit up. You are wrong. These events are real and people have died.
That David Hogg guy is creepy as fuck. Here's like a character out of a Stephen King novel. Randall Flagg, meet David Hogg. He definitely has that Children of the Corn thing going

I wonder where Frankie Muniz ended up at... guess he still stick in the middle.
That David Hogg guy is creepy as fuck. Here's like a character out of a Stephen King novel. Randall Flagg, meet David Hogg. He definitely has that Children of the Corn thing going

He is a creepy little punk, but make no mistake, he is being groomed as a mouthpiece for the left for many years to come. I bet the coddling of him yesterday was sickening to watch. Especially from the Hollywood actor and producer types that were there. He’s profiting from this tragedy. I wouldn’t be surprised if Hogg was specifically on Cruz’ hit list. Davy doesn’t need to be missing any more school. Especially English class, he could hardly read the script put before him. Some one needs to ask the little bald lesbian girl if she plans on standing in silence 250 minutes, one minute for each person killed by a Democrat with a handgun that was legally prohibited from possessing one. And that was just this past week.


Hiliary 2020
He is a creepy little punk, but make no mistake, he is being groomed as a mouthpiece for the left for many years to come. I bet the coddling of him yesterday was sickening to watch. Especially from the Hollywood actor and producer types that were there. He’s profiting from this tragedy. I wouldn’t be surprised if Hogg was specifically on Cruz’ hit list. Davy doesn’t need to be missing any more school. Especially English class, he could hardly read the script put before him. Some one needs to ask the little bald lesbian girl if she plans on standing in silence 250 minutes, one minute for each person killed by a Democrat with a handgun that was legally prohibited from possessing one. And that was just this past week.

Hi BC. Youre on the right track and using your brain.
He is being groomed. However you don't think its just a little coincidental that this troupe of supposed student activists , out of a school of over 3000 students all literally had CNN microphones put in their hands the same day this event happened?
They just chose these people randomly out of over 3000 students who were running all over the place that day?

This is so staged and scripted that if anybody can't see it this time they never will.
And staged and scripted can only mean 1 thing.
Foreknowledge. You can't be prepared for something so much if you have no idea it going to happen.
Not to mention the Bill that they are pushing which calls for Mega Millions to be spent on schools and police and even metal detectors, plus stricter gun laws, was introduced by a Florida politician 2 weeks before this happened. Coincidence?

I might be alone on this little forum but thank Science that so many Americans are finally waking up.
Waking up because in this one they went too far and people see it for what it is.
And now that they see what this is they are questioning every other one.
And that is why the GOV and its controlled media are trying so hard to censure and discredit everyone who questions it in any way.
Dissidents must be silenced.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Foreknowledge? This is your claim. Your word. Justify that claim. Foreknowledge is knowing the event was going to happen before the event. Only a communication can verify that claim. Do you have one? No, you don't. You don't have one and will never find one.

meester, your bracket has been busted. No dead people being alive and no communications in any way organizing any of these events.

Here are your cookies and milk. Go to bed and I'll make you pancakes in the morning.


Hiliary 2020
More disgusting stuff. Assuming this is authentic which it seems too be.

No mention of all those poor people killed. Just a very expensive meeting up with politicians to demand a gun ban.... and of course lots of laughs. Such excitement!
She's Broward teacher Debby Miller

They want to ban that AR 15 so badly. I wonder what lengths they would go through to accomplish that.


Obama wrote letter to parents of Parkland teacher killed in shooting

“I received no correspondence whatsoever. I received nothing from the White House. I got a beautiful letter from Marco Rubio,” she said. “I’ve gotten letters from other congressmen. But no, nothing from the president.”
She said she believed Trump should have reached out to her following her son’s death but she wasn’t disappointed.
“Because I didn’t expect it,” Linda Beigel Schulman said. “I have realistic expectations."

Trump cares only about himself. He was too busy playing golf at Mar-A-Lago.
Obama wrote letter to parents of Parkland teacher killed in shooting

“I received no correspondence whatsoever. I received nothing from the White House. I got a beautiful letter from Marco Rubio,” she said. “I’ve gotten letters from other congressmen. But no, nothing from the president.”
She said she believed Trump should have reached out to her following her son’s death but she wasn’t disappointed.
“Because I didn’t expect it,” Linda Beigel Schulman said. “I have realistic expectations."

Trump cares only about himself. He was too busy playing golf at Mar-A-Lago.

Anxiously awaiting copies of the letters that Obama wrote to the families of the 250 victims killed each week by Democrats legally prohibited from posing a firearm.
i'll just leave this here while I get back to it

The problem with that kind of video is that you can cherry-pick the people you choose to put in it to make it match your any agenda

Anyone could go to a Trump rally, interview a lot of people but select only the 5 most racist and stupid ones to then say "Look at how Trump voters are racist and stupid !".