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Shooting in Florida School

Will E Worm

Conspiracy theorists have nuggets of truth mixed in with all the outrageous claims.
Does our government lie to us? Yes.
Are school shootings staged? No.
All of these school shootings have resulted in real people dying. It’s not fake, it’s not staged, actors are not playing roles.
I believe the government lie to us in many ways, school shootings are not an example of that.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Yes it does matter if a gun is purchased legally or illegally. Two separate situations of concern. Do the people that want to own guns to do skill or hunting or protection want illegal guns in the market? No. The right to own a gun is tied to being responsible. Registration of persons and the equipment and storage are not in question.

As for meesternothing's comments ... scripted... only reading headlines... inconstancies ...other shit. I watched these events in real time. Multiple outlets reporting in the same area. Meester, start giving some answers. Let me toss you a soft ball. Did anyone die at this Florida school shooting event? I've asked you this same exact question time and time again concerning multiple events. Provide any sort of evidence that dead people are still alive. Any concrete evidence in a way of actual people with names organizing such events.

Fishy? Explain that with your vast nothingness. Oh, wait... these same students were there at the real time of the event. YOU, however, needed to do a yootoob search to catch up on this story. Your "observations" and "need to ask more questions" continues to fill buckets with shit. You haven't had answers to Pizzagate, Sandy Hook, more, and more, and more.

Please keep posting that deluded shit that rises to the point that it has to be puked out. I laugh at this. The people that sit next to you on the bus laugh at this. Your denying that human people have died and gotten hurt is something that will haunt you to your grave. Wake the fuck up and save yourself from the voices on YooTuue that dominate your brain cells.


Hiliary 2020
Yes it does matter if a gun is purchased legally or illegally. Two separate situations of concern. Do the people that want to own guns to do skill or hunting or protection want illegal guns in the market? No. The right to own a gun is tied to being responsible. Registration of persons and the equipment and storage are not in question.

As for meesternothing's comments ... scripted... only reading headlines... inconstancies ...other shit. I watched these events in real time. Multiple outlets reporting in the same area. Meester, start giving some answers. Let me toss you a soft ball. Did anyone die at this Florida school shooting event? I've asked you this same exact question time and time again concerning multiple events. Provide any sort of evidence that dead people are still alive. Any concrete evidence in a way of actual people with names organizing such events.

Fishy? Explain that with your vast nothingness. Oh, wait... these same students were there at the real time of the event. YOU, however, needed to do a yootoob search to catch up on this story. Your "observations" and "need to ask more questions" continues to fill buckets with shit. You haven't had answers to Pizzagate, Sandy Hook, more, and more, and more.

Please keep posting that deluded shit that rises to the point that it has to be puked out. I laugh at this. The people that sit next to you on the bus laugh at this. Your denying that human people have died and gotten hurt is something that will haunt you to your grave. Wake the fuck up and save yourself from the voices on YooTuue that dominate your brain cells.

Nice speech.
I am now clapping my hands in a very slow manner indicating extreme sarcasm.

Most of what you said isnt even true about me.
And I'm not going to fall for your bait and get into a debate.
And nothing regarding all these events is ever going to haunt me except for the fact that innocent people, especially young people are being terrorized by these events. That is what pisses me off.

While everybody who has posted here is going through the usual routine of a senseless go nowhere debate over guns started by the usual person I have actually been posting clips from THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA with the hopes of trying to understand exactly what happened.
(I also spend time investigating on my own and its really something what a few simple goggle searches of these people can expose.).

You know, taking in the information they are giving me and anal-lizing it in order to understand as much as possible.........instead of reading a headline or two and letting my emotions run wild.

And again what I've seen so far is mostly news actors and witnesses reading from the exact same script.
Inconsistencies that are either true or put out intentionally.
Witnesses behaving with no emotion or clearly fake emotion or who are clearly acting and again reading from a script.
And this is from the very first moments this story hit the news.

I know I'm F-uped but I feel anybody with one good eye, one good ear, and one working brain cell should be able to see these things clear as day.
(As about 25-50% of the comments on these yootoob MSM news clips show, so I'm far from the only one feeling this way.).

So like in all the others the fact that most witnesses seem to be phonies leads indicates they were prepared before the event took place.
That indicates forknowledge of the event. there is no other explanation.

Now to answer your one question.
I highly doubt it.

I believe like almost all the others since election day 2012 that this was a STAGED DRILL reported and sold as a real event.
And I feel that way because of the information they themselves have put out, not somebodys yootoob channel.
I know I know they wouldn't do that. Its not possible blah blah and blah.


Hiliary 2020
And a little side note bob just so the few of us left here dont think I am a heartless creep as you have been portraying me.
My son goes to the same high school as me. I know the school well even though its almost twice the size as when I went.

Well I have to pick him up sometimes.
So I have to enter the building.
Now the Middle School next door completely is locked up, all doors locked.
But the High School has most doors other than the main entrance unlocked all the time. And there are many doors.

But me, one of the people who believe that all these killings are fake actually spoke to people in the school trying to get these doors locked because honestly anybody can just walk in.

I bet no other parents who believe in these things have done that.
But crazy me did.
And now I found out from someone that now all doors will be locked at the school.
Not because of a concerned citizen and parent but because of a PHONY FAKE SHOW sold as a real event.

Can you answer me a question now?
Can anybody answer this please?
Why is this man smiling so much at 2:10? Look at him. How can anybody possibly smile in that situation?
Unless he's laughing because the womans acting is just so terrible.

Oh and one more question I almost forgot.
3,000 kids in that school. Where is all the cell phone video?
3,000 movie cameras in every hand, 3000 social media pages. Where is it?
Maybe with the 22,000 cell phones in Vegas?

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Oh man...Classic overcompensation

Hey bud, feel free to get on your knees whenever you want....you'll eventually find it's not to great of a way to live.

I'll die on my feet, thank you.
Ok, so let's assume these shootings are staged. Who's doing that ?
You might say it's a liberal plot to push the gun control agenda but it does not make any sense : corpses are piling up and nothing gets done.
Now, who's profiting from shootings ? The NRA and the gun manufacturiers : every time there's a shooting gun sales skyrocket
Hey bud, feel free to get on your knees whenever you want....you'll eventually find it's not to great of a way to live.

I'll die on my feet, thank you.
Hey, big mouth, you'll die like 90% of us : in a bed

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Hey, big mouth, you'll die like 90% of us : in a bed

Fuck off you soft cheese eating surrender monkey.

And as always, mind your own fucked up shit hole....and shut your cock sucker for a change.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Step in my shop and I'll fix yours too.
every time there's a shooting gun sales skyrocket

Right and also when lots of talk of gun control banning the sale of weapons creates a sense of urgency from the public to buy these potentially banned weapons while they still can. It's not an easy solution. America is already armed to the teeth with guns and there is no civilized pathway to disarm the public. These shootings are tragic but as an American who actually knows a thing or two about living here I don't know how to prevent the next one. Making people see a psychiatrist before buying a gun isn't going to happen either. Also don't forget the biggest monthly/yearly slaughters happen in the inner cities and you don't see those local governments being effective in stopping those either.


Staff member
And back to facts even several people said that a gun would have prevented the massacre
Even Alabama passed a law allowing "the stand your ground rights"
Even the liberals outlets made fake news about the NRA
Even Adam Bladwin shut the worthless Libs antigun arguments
And at last even CNN aka Clinton News Network humiliated themselves by being complete and uberignorant ignoramuses when it comes to guns
Seriously? What kind of incompetent comeback is that? For both of you! If you two cannot be more creative, intelligent during your little political spats, I shall ask that you both go stand in the corner.