Actually you'll find that McInerney along with other pupils had been bullying and harassing King for some time because he was gay, at some point King decided enough was enough and started giving back as good as he good. He made
one flirtatious comment to McInerney in a crowded hallway which left McInerney embarassed and angry and he decided he would kill King, other pupils are already testifying to this. The simple truth is McInerney liked being the bully but when his victim started giving back as good as he got he couldn't handle it, he planned on murdering the kid and then went through with it and that's it. You complain the teachers did nothing over the one comment that King made to McInerney but what about the many made by McInerney to King which started all of this, is the bullying of King less important because he was gay? Here's an article from an American newspaper if that which I'm sure will show McInerney in a whole new light,0,7498647.story
Yes but the trial has just started now which is why it's in the news