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Sandy Hook Parents Sue Alex Jones for Defamation


Hiliary 2020


So Lenny Pozner and his wife Veronique as well as Neil Heslin (but not his wife and mother of his son Scarlett Lewis) are suing A Jones .
Both couples who were well into their 40's like all the other Sandy Hook parents are suing Infowars for ONE MILLION DOLLARS!

Lenny has been the parent who has had numerous yootoob channels terminated and who is an advocate for "A regulated internet".
He recently had a similar lawsuit against a man named Wolfgang Halbig. But when Halbig countersued and Pozner was required to show up at court he was a no show and dropped the case the same day.
His wife Veronique is from Switzerland. She is a gun control advocate.
She got a tattoo the day after her child was murdered.
And Scarlett Lewis, Jessies mom, said that her 5 or 6 year old son (who weighed 9 lbs 11 ounces at birth) wrote the words Nurturing Healing Love on her refrigerator the morning he was murdered.
She wrote a book titled Nurturing Healing Love: A Mother's Journey of Hope and Forgiveness, which can be picked up at Barnes and Noble for 1.99.
She also travels and makes speeches for 20 dollars a seat.
When she heard there was a shooting at her sons school of over 500 students she knew her 6 year old had done something heroic. And he did. When THE SHOOTER stopped to reload Jesse yelled at other students to run which they did. He saved 9 childrens lives by doing that but stayed behind to be murdered himself.

So Lenny who has been the only parent going after people on the internet, and Heslin who is a gun control lobbyist are suing A Jones.
Good for them.
They probably have little or no shot of winning, but merely drawing more attention to what an ignorant, divisive, irresponsible piece of trash Jones is will be a good thing.

She got a tattoo the day after her child was murdered.

Well there you go. The clinching piece of evidence that proves it was all fake. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

ps: an ex gf of mine got a remembrance tattoo the day after her sister died. hmm. thinking now her sis isn't actually dead....or maybe the woman i was introduced to as her sister was in truth a crisis actor!


Hiliary 2020
Lenny doesn't do video but here is Veronique-Haller-Pozner-De La Rosa a few days after her sons death, talking about gun control with Anderson.

And Here is Neil asking for stricter gun laws at a Senate hearing.

Jessie's Mom. Worth watching. Jessie still contacts her from the beyond.

I hope they win their lawsuit. And its a good time to strike with all the March For Our Lives stuff going on.
Good for them.
They probably have little or no shot of winning, but merely drawing more attention to what an ignorant, divisive, irresponsible piece of trash Jones is will be a good thing.

Well there you go. The clinching piece of evidence that proves it was all fake. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

ps: an ex gf of mine got a remembrance tattoo the day after her sister died. hmm. thinking now her sis isn't actually dead....or maybe the woman i was introduced to as her sister was in truth a crisis actor!

I bet if I asked you to list 5 things [NOBABE]Alex Jones[/NOBABE] has done or said that 4 of them would be lies based on what you’ve heard about him in the media and think they are true.


Hiliary 2020
Look how suddenly Jones stops crying!

Crisis actor!!!!!!!

Of course he's an actor bodes. I've been trying to tell you all this for years.
He's the cripple who during the traveling snake oil shows would drink the tonic then start doing the Tennessee Two Step.
His role is to play the big mouthed bat shit crazy conspiracy theorist for the people to see and equate all of those questioning these events to be just like him. A fucking nut job. Also to shame people who are just waking up to go back to sleep.
He is an actor we agree. And a very very rich actor.

Yootoob/Google has deleted and terminated everybody who questions the mass killings. The first wave was about a year ago. Then after Vegas, then after Parkland they terminated them all. But yet Jones is still going strong on yootoob.
Wonder why? Pretty obvious.

And reality is that info wars avoided Sandy Hook for years. A Jones has flipped flopped on it many times and he even says he believes the people died. So why they are going after him makes no sense.
Unless.........Its part of the show.
And a million dollars? Didn't the movie Austin Powers make fun of what a small amount of money that is like 20 years ago?
And Pozner and these others have made much more than a million dollars off their alleged childrens alleged deaths.

There are plenty of researchers who aren't shills like Jones who have been exposing Sandy Hook for years, but they won't bring them to court.
No way. Those people might just introduce evidence. Like how come no paramedics entered the school to save those childrens lives. Why no medavac helicopters. Where is any footage of any of the 500 students who were evacuated. Too much to list here.

So this lawsuit is a publicity stunts with several agendas.
1- Make anyone who doesn't believe these people and questions these things look like dangerous nuts to the sheep.
2- Gain sympathy for the poor parents who either A- lost a child or B- have frauded people out of millions of dollars.
3- A continuation of the major gun grab/massive brainwashing agenda who's goal is not to save lives but to disarm the People and brainwash youth into thinking owning a firearm is a terrible thing.
4- Regulate (Censure) the internet.

Sad that I even have to explain something so obvious.
Of course he's an actor bodes. I've been trying to tell you all this for years.

His own lawyer outed him as an actor/entertainer a couple of years ago. But regardless he still has a HUGE following of conspiracy nuts.

A Jones has flipped flopped on it many times and he even says he believes the people died. So why they are going after him makes no sense.

No actually he hasn't said that. Most recently he's said he thinks it's possible some people actually died. But that he can also still see why its viewed as a complete hoax. Maybe he moderated his position somewhat for the sake of Trump's reputation, being as The Donald thinks Jones has a "great reputation" :facepalm:

What a fucking president we have: a guy who praises another guy who a) believes 9/11 was an inside job and b) believes Sandy Hook was a hoax.
But I'm supposed to respect Trump's wisdom, intelligence and judgment. Jesus :facepalm: :facepalm:
His own lawyer outed him as an actor/entertainer a couple of years ago. But regardless he still has a HUGE following of conspiracy nuts.

A Jones has flipped flopped on it many times and he even says he believes the people died. So why they are going after him makes no sense.

No actually he hasn't said that. Most recently he's said he thinks it's possible some people actually died. But that he can also still see why its viewed as a complete hoax. Maybe he moderated his position somewhat for the sake of Trump's reputation, being as The Donald thinks Jones has a "great reputation" :facepalm:

What a fucking president we have: a guy who praises another guy who a) believes 9/11 was an inside job and b) believes Sandy Hook was a hoax.
But I'm supposed to respect Trump's wisdom, intelligence and judgment. Jesus :facepalm: :facepalm:

He never said that Sandy Hook didn’t happen and he invited families of Sandy Hook on his show. He said that aspects of the reporting were false. The same with 911 where he has claimed that there have been massive coverups and revisions of the actual event to allow for a government power grab of our civil liberties.

Meanwhile, Rachel Maddow puts him to shame nightly with her conspiracy theories and leftist like you eat it up as the gospel.

She did it again Friday night with the Syria bombing. Oh that’s right, she’s a left wing nutjob so she's a serious journalist.
What a fucking president we have: a guy who praises another guy who a) believes 9/11 was an inside job and b) believes Sandy Hook was a hoax.
But I'm supposed to respect Trump's wisdom, intelligence and judgment. Jesus :facepalm: :facepalm:

Way to focus on the important stuff.

Meanwhile, North and South Korea are in the works to formally declare an end to their state of war with a peace treaty ahead of President Trump's meeting with Jong Un.

But yeah, Trump praised Alex Jones or some shit and Stormy Daniels and what not.

Edit: I'm not clicking on that Alex Jones babe link.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Researchers? meester, the difference between Alex Jones and your "researchers" is that Alex Jones can be found. The rest of your "researchers' are unidentified yoobooters.

Have you or any of your researchers ever explored the mountains of publicly available documents verifying the births and deaths of these victims? Of course not. You and your researchers know damned well right there is concrete evidence disputing your claims of fake deaths. Did I disputing? What I meant to say is completely erases any and all doubt that those victims are real.

The worst part about this is that real people are affected. You and yours are a bunch of attention whores who don't care about the truth even though it is readily available.

meester, you say helicopters, I say birth and death records. You say media interviews, I say birth and death records. You say Gofundme and I say birth and death records.

What would you do if I gathered some of these birth and death records and posted them right here on FreeOnes? Would you admit that these victims are real and you are wrong?


Hiliary 2020
You say Birth and Death records. I say Gene Rosen.

And many people who have studied it to many varying degrees are not nameless and faceless at all.
Most of the big names are not shy about it.

So you say birth and death records which I haven't seen and even if I did I wouldn't trust it at this point.

But this isn't a Sandy Hook debate, Its about the bogus publicity stunt ONE MILLION DOLLARS! lawsuit amongst fraudsters and that includes "Ma Ma Mister......Mister Jones. He's got a fraud goin on".
Didn't Bob actually provide information for some funerals down in Florida from the Parkland shooting? Along with funerals from past other shootings?

Will E Worm

Bad idea. They are going to have to prove too much that they can't.

Everyone who has looked into this knows it was a false flag and the school wasn't opened and had been closed for sometime.

Also, they bulldozed the place to hide all the evidence.



Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
But this isn't a Sandy Hook debate.

...birth and death records which I haven't seen and even if I did I wouldn't trust it

You started this thread. Read the words you had written to title this thread. Sandy Hook are the first 2 words.

You don't trust birth, school, and death records. By that logic you must question YOUR OWN EXISTANCE. And that of your family dead and alive.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Oh, but wait, I thought it didn't happen. I guess Jones and Peester Merfect are wrong.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Alex Jones suddenly looks a lot better


Back on topic:

It all comes down to this:

Did Jones say he believes the killings were not real?


Is that a punishable act?

Well, as he does his show for profit, and, as stated above, he does this as an act, he should at least pay that sum.