Ha ha! I just knew the pose and your expression was saying,."I need Mbeal's cock in my pussy"!!! I thought you would like that. Your the sexiest little slut I've ever seen in my life.
I have to be honest Sandee if given the opportunity I would take charge and pretty much pound your pussy really good. I have a challenge though if I fucked you just one you would fall in love with my cock! he he! Girls have told me it's beautiful and you would love the size a little above average size.
Thanks again Sandee for allowing me to post my favorite shots from that set. It is trully wonderful and your a tremendously gracious lady to allow me to do that. Everything aside I have the utmost respect for you, your talent and your work. Please don't ever change your hair back to blond. he he! I love you much better like that with long brown hair.
I have met tons of models from lots of genres and about a dozen or so pornstars and I would trade them all just to meet you once at least.
I have to be honest Sandee if given the opportunity I would take charge and pretty much pound your pussy really good. I have a challenge though if I fucked you just one you would fall in love with my cock! he he! Girls have told me it's beautiful and you would love the size a little above average size.
Thanks again Sandee for allowing me to post my favorite shots from that set. It is trully wonderful and your a tremendously gracious lady to allow me to do that. Everything aside I have the utmost respect for you, your talent and your work. Please don't ever change your hair back to blond. he he! I love you much better like that with long brown hair.
I have met tons of models from lots of genres and about a dozen or so pornstars and I would trade them all just to meet you once at least.