Same-sex marriage now the law of the land in the USA

I can't even imagine how the republicans are dealing with this! LMFAO!!!!!!!!
this is NOT photoshopped by the way. they lit the white house with the gay flag colors!
That is a beautiful thing!
ok, whatever, nothing against really, just told my opinion why i don't support this. you call me full of shit, i'll be waiting to see who is gonna be full of shit, don't really mind your thinking.
so, let the people do whatever they want as long as they don't harm anything...... let's see how long will this last, the part of not harming others.
do you people still consider humans as primary or not? you people from the western countries seem to me like when Buddha was still a prince and still haven't left the castle.
there are bigger issues in the world than this bullshit anyway. I will not comment further, so please don't reply to me or anything, i already know what you think.
...I'm just waiting for Assari's in-depth opinion on this matter as a religious specialist.

Well good on you USA. And to all the haters. Bet you still fap to lesbian porn.

I prefer to think that more as a polygamous form of lewd action to be more accurate... whereas I do not have a huge interest in lesbians itself, but rather that's a compensation for fantasies of being that god-like alpha male with multiple babes worshiping you (or was that the other way around?) and ready to suck your cock at anytime... Men like hot naked women, but that does not really mean that they would support lesbian marriage any more than gay marriage...

Very similar goes here just like being a single mom, single father, homosexual couple, lesbians simply cannot offer same kind of normal and healthy family such as normal couple of man & woman, which can easily affect the child psychologically regardless of how many toys you buy them and claim to be a good daddy... Those then again are none of my problems.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Very similar goes here just like being a single mom, single father, homosexual couple, lesbians simply cannot offer same kind of normal and healthy family such as normal couple of man & woman, which can easily affect the child psychologically regardless of how many toys you buy them and claim to be a good daddy... Those then again are none of my problems.
This is factually incorrect - it's incorrect to lump the single parents with the same-sex couples and also incorrect to say children of same-sex couples suffer adverse effects (other than societal stigmas, which aren't insignificant). Research shows kids fare the same under two parents, regardless of makeup.
What a horrible decision. Nine lawyers are deciding that gay marriage is a right. Perfect. How did this right magically come about? It was hidden in the Constitution all these years? No one ever discovered it until now? And I am sick and tired of people overstating the change in opinion. In the polls that matter - VOTING , gay marriage was not winning.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
darthtexan, please explain why the religious definition of marriage should be the only legally recognized marriage, and how it's not a First Amendment violation of the rights of the non religious.

Will E Worm

What a horrible decision. Nine lawyers are deciding that gay marriage is a right. Perfect. How did this right magically come about? It was hidden in the Constitution all these years? No one ever discovered it until now? And I am sick and tired of people overstating the change in opinion. In the polls that matter - VOTING , gay marriage was not winning.

Napolitano: If Supreme Court Likes a Statute They Will Change the Meanings of Words to Support It

They don't use the Constitution, they are traitors.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
What a horrible decision. Nine lawyers are deciding that gay marriage is a right. Perfect. How did this right magically come about? It was hidden in the Constitution all these years? No one ever discovered it until now? And I am sick and tired of people overstating the change in opinion. In the polls that matter - VOTING , gay marriage was not winning.

I'm not a jurist by any means but I believe the decision is based on the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment. The purpose of the clause is to guarantee the same rights to all American citizens, not exclusively to heterosexuals or any other group for that matter. Since gay and lesbian citizens are qualified according to the amendment and were not allowed to marry while their straight counterparts were, the court deemed this distinction to be unconstitutional and granted them the same rights that all American citizens enjoy as they apply to the institution of marriage. It's the correct decision in my opinion and is is most certainly congruent with the 14th amendment.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
You US americans should be proud right now. Why? For once in your life, you are more up to date than Germany.

Our Chancellor, Angela Merkel is fighting hard with the conservative wing in her party, yet she is one to always go after the change in the country's opinion to make sure she stays #1 in elections.

To any habitant of yesterday:

This is the future. Welcome. Just explain how your personal marriage is affected from two men or two women getting married, too. Aren't the huge numbers of divorced people the real problem? Are you demonstrating against them?

Why not?

people from western countries always have been idiots, too much time on their plates, and they didn't know what to do, so they came up with......


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Dude, if this is your new schtick to become the new village idiot, good luck.
I'm not a jurist by any means but I believe the decision is based on the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment. The purpose of the clause is to guarantee the same rights to all American citizens, not exclusively to heterosexuals or any other group for that matter. Since gay and lesbian citizens are qualified according to the amendment and were not allowed to marry while their straight counterparts were, the court deemed this distinction to be unconstitutional and granted them the same rights that all American citizens enjoy as they apply to the institution of marriage. It's the correct decision in my opinion and is is most certainly congruent with the 14th amendment.

You just nailed it on the nose.
Dude, if this is your new schtick to become the new village idiot, good luck.

yes, you guyes turned a hell war in Iraq and Syria, created a group with a bunch of animals that work as meat grinder for humans, and you don't want the civilians who escaped from their homeland after you ruined it all at your homes, you block the borders, let them die on the seas, let your policeman beat them, in other side, you let the african people have 2 choices, die from hunger and wars, or die sinking on the seas, and you still support the criminals named Syrian freedom army? nope, you guys are worried for the same sex marriage, it's a bigger issue than having someone who lost his 5 year old sister and don't know of her fate, someone who lost his family on the ship, someone who starved waiting on the border while his family is starving back home. Welcome to the new world of rebadged and renamed concentration camps, silent massive executions and genocides, world where someone is human and someone is not..... and you still worry for same sex marriage? because some old maniac is rich, has money and does sexualy abuse younger boys by offering them money? he is rich, he can do everything, poor people are animals. enjoy your good life there, let the poor people die, ignore everything about them.
well this is my FUCK YOU to you all who consider less important the immigrant crisis than same sex marriage. HUMANITY OVER ALL! do you know how police acted to the immigrants who protested in front of french border by italian police? nope, you sick animals are europeans, you are humans, africans, mid east and east europeans are not! understand this or not by your ignorant brain, I'm so sick of you all, and once again, HUMANITY! that's bigger issue.
darthtexan, please explain why the religious definition of marriage should be the only legally recognized marriage, and how it's not a First Amendment violation of the rights of the non religious.

Because marriage is the union recognized by the public. The public has every right to decide the parameters of marriage. Do you really think you should be able to marry ANYBODY you love? Really? Should we now allow polygamy and bigamy? Should we allow people to marry animals now? Legitemizing same sex marriage will only continue to encourage detestable behavior such as sex changes, allowing men to change in a girls bathroom because he "feels" like a woman. Marriages and births will likely further decrease. It will lead to more religious adoption organizations to get out of the business. It will lead to more businesses being persecuted for thier religious beliefs and having thier first amendment rights violated. It will lead to more bisexual behavior, especially among women. Gay people who demand the redefinition of marriage are NARCISSISTS. Get over yourselves. Life isnt fair. Life is tough for everyone. Dont go whining and moaning because you cant marry the person you love. Fairness cannot be legislated. Asking an entire society to change the definition of an institution that is thousands of years old because you dont live a life that 97% of the rest of the population lives is pathetic and detestable.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Because marriage is the union recognized by the public. The public has every right to decide the parameters of marriage. Do you really think you should be able to marry ANYBODY you love? Really? Should we now allow polygamy and bigamy? Should we allow people to marry animals now? Legitemizing same sex marriage will only continue to encourage detestable behavior such as sex changes, allowing men to change in a girls bathroom because he "feels" like a woman. Marriages and births will likely further decrease. It will lead to more religious adoption organizations to get out of the business. It will lead to more businesses being persecuted for thier religious beliefs and having thier first amendment rights violated. It will lead to more bisexual behavior, especially among women. Gay people who demand the redefinition of marriage are NARCISSISTS. Get over yourselves. Life isnt fair. Life is tough for everyone. Dont go whining and moaning because you cant marry the person you love. Fairness cannot be legislated. Asking an entire society to change the definition of an institution that is thousands of years old because you dont live a life that 97% of the rest of the population lives is pathetic and detestable.

That's not an answer, that's a dodge. Marriage is a legal institution and as such any two people of legal age should be allowed to enter into that union. That's not to say that anyone should be forced to participate, but they don't get to discriminate, either. Really fucking simple concept that a lot of people are having extreme difficulty accepting. Too bad, Christianity isn't the only religion practiced in these United States, and the First Amendment extends to all religions, and the non-religious as well.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Because marriage is the union recognized by the public. The public has every right to decide the parameters of marriage. Do you really think you should be able to marry ANYBODY you love? Really? Should we now allow polygamy and bigamy? Should we allow people to marry animals now? Legitemizing same sex marriage will only continue to encourage detestable behavior such as sex changes, allowing men to change in a girls bathroom because he "feels" like a woman. Marriages and births will likely further decrease. It will lead to more religious adoption organizations to get out of the business. It will lead to more businesses being persecuted for thier religious beliefs and having thier first amendment rights violated. It will lead to more bisexual behavior, especially among women. Gay people who demand the redefinition of marriage are NARCISSISTS. Get over yourselves. Life isnt fair. Life is tough for everyone. Dont go whining and moaning because you cant marry the person you love. Fairness cannot be legislated. Asking an entire society to change the definition of an institution that is thousands of years old because you dont live a life that 97% of the rest of the population lives is pathetic and detestable.

You say anyBODY you love. Yes, that implies another person. If they are of legal age, and mentally compatant, then yes, love is the reason people get married...usually, but no one stops young bimbos for marrying for money, and that's far less acceptable then love, don't you think? Why is it wrong to get a sex change? If you feel you should be a different gender, so what. They make you go through untold hours of counseling, and I'm gonna guess most insurance doesn't pay for it, so if a guy wants to have his schlong cut off, and change his name to Suzy, and he's paying out of pocket, who are you, or anyone else to judge? And really, bisexual behavior by woman...can I watch?!?! No, life isn't fair...this time your side lost...maybe next time you'll win. As far as people wanting to marry animals...don't be a fool, there has been plenty of cases of people having their pets as their best man, and maid of honor...usually cops, that consider their dog, their partner, and best friend. I will agree that business my be persecuted, if they refuse to, say bake a cake for a gay wedding, or something like that, but that doesn't seem to be to hard to fix...pass a law protecting them. The government passes laws everyday to benefit anyone, and everyone that fills their pockets, and the religious groups are at the top of the list....right under MADD, and the NRA.


Closed Account
Legitemizing same sex marriage will only continue to encourage detestable behavior such as sex changes, allowing men to change in a girls bathroom because he "feels" like a woman.

Transgendered individuals are now often lumped in with gay folk under the “LGBT” umbrella but there are differences. Gay and Lesbian are variants of sexuality, whereas transgendered individuals have variants of gender. Although a gay person can have tendencies of showing a more male or female part of his individuality, it does not mean this gay person wants to be a man or woman.

Marriages and births will likely further decrease.

Massachusetts endorsed gay marriage in May 2004. That year, the state saw a 16 percent increase in marriage. The reason is, obviously, that gay couples who had been waiting for years to get married were finally able to tie the knot. In the years that followed, the marriage rate normalized but remained higher than it was in the years preceding the legalization. So all in all, there’s no reason to worry that gay marriage is destroying marriage in Massachusetts.

The other four states that have legalized gay marriage—New York, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, and New Hampshire—have done it more recently, somewhere between 2008 and 2011. But from the little data we have, it looks as if the pattern will be more or less the same—a temporary jump in marriage followed by a return to virtually the same marriage rates as before gay marriage became legal. Washington, D.C., which started accepting same-sex marriages in March 2010, saw a huge 61.7 percent increase in marriage that year, though it’s too soon to see where it will settle. Again, no signs of the coming apocalypse.


It will lead to more religious adoption organizations to get out of the business.

Currently gay and lesbian parents are raising four percent of all adopted children in the United States. There's no reason to suggest adoption by gay people might influence the development of the child in any way. Research tells us that the sexual identity (including gender identity, gender-role behavior, and sexual orientation) develop in much the same ways among children of lesbian mothers as they do among children of heterosexual parents. There is no reliable evidence that homosexual orientation impairs psychological functioning. There is no empirical evidence that lesbian and gay adults are not fit parents. There is no evidence that homosexuality is linked to one's environment. In other words, growing up in a gay couple household will not "make" a child gay, or have a negative infuence on the development of the child.

If a religious adoption organisation might want to stop their business because they do not want to have gay couples adopting kids, then you are not making a statement about same-sex marriage, and you are not making a statement about possible negative influences on the child (since there are none), but purely about religious intentions. Meaning: they are prepared to put themselves above the law and discriminate people because of their sexual orientation. If they want to get out, I can only applaud it.

It will lead to more businesses being persecuted for thier religious beliefs and having thier first amendment rights violated.

People still do have their rights to express their religious belief. What you can't do is discriminate.

It will lead to more bisexual behavior, especially among women.

The stupidity is strong with this one. Out of curiosity, please explain the correlation between gay marriage and how this will increase a bisexual behaviour among women?

Gay people who demand the redefinition of marriage are NARCISSISTS.

Marriage isn't a religious institution. Gay people have as much right to say about who they want to live their life with as you have.

Asking an entire society to change the definition of an institution that is thousands of years old because you dont live a life that 97% of the rest of the population lives is pathetic and detestable.

As opposed to demanding an entire society to change the biological institution of evolution that is millions of years old because you want everybody to live according to your religion and your sky daddy?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Because marriage is the union recognized by the public. The public has every right to decide the parameters of marriage. Do you really think you should be able to marry ANYBODY you love? Really? Should we now allow polygamy and bigamy? Should we allow people to marry animals now? Legitemizing same sex marriage will only continue to encourage detestable behavior such as sex changes, allowing men to change in a girls bathroom because he "feels" like a woman. Marriages and births will likely further decrease. It will lead to more religious adoption organizations to get out of the business. It will lead to more businesses being persecuted for thier religious beliefs and having thier first amendment rights violated. It will lead to more bisexual behavior, especially among women. Gay people who demand the redefinition of marriage are NARCISSISTS. Get over yourselves. Life isnt fair. Life is tough for everyone. Dont go whining and moaning because you cant marry the person you love. Fairness cannot be legislated. Asking an entire society to change the definition of an institution that is thousands of years old because you dont live a life that 97% of the rest of the population lives is pathetic and detestable.

You are obviously not paying any heed or giving any consideration to those of us who have already addressed your protestations. If all you want to do is rant (and it appears to me that you do), have at it. Just don't expect anyone to take you seriously unless or until your are willing to have a discourse about the issue. It ain't gonna change anything so, like it or not, you'll simply have to deal with the fact that a majority of the SCOTUS was unbiased enough to recognize that the rights granted to American citizens apply to all of us under equal protection of the law as guaranteed by the 14th amendment. Of course, I've already explained this to you but yet you somehow feel either unable or unwilling to accept or understand it so....nothing I can do about that. If you genuinely want to learn more in an effort to understand the justice involved with the decision, let me or someone like-minded know. Otherwise, rant on to no avail, brother.