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Rush Limbaugh calls Georgetown student a 'slut'

I know you righties like to think that guys like Maher hold considerable clout with the Democratic party but that's simply not the truth. We(the left) don't have a Rush Limbaugh, a sort of grand poobah who we take our cues from. Bill Maher is a comedian who does political commentary. Rush Limbaugh is a political commentator who tries to be funny.

Maher is a comedian, formely a stand up one, on HBO now, he doesnt rely on advertisers, he states his opinion sometimes shamelessly, the democratic party pays very little attention to him. Rush has the ear of the GOP, is not a comedian, he is on regular radio, relies on advertisers for his show.

Sorry for repeating your stance again iceman, but it is spot on!


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I'd like a source on Maher calling Palin a "slut". I googled it and didn't find anything. He did call her a stupid twat and I would be hard pressed to refute that.
Maher is a comedian, formely a stand up one, on HBO now, he doesnt rely on advertisers, he states his opinion sometimes shamelessly, the democratic party pays very little attention to him. Rush has the ear of the GOP, is not a comedian, he is on regular radio, relies on advertisers for his show.

:dito: Anybody who says the Dems take their cues from Maher or any other liberal talk show host/commentator doesn't know what they're talking about. Maher isn't the voice of the Democratic party, Rush Limbaugh is the voice of the Republican party.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
IMO, this is just a further indication of how American politics is sinking to new lows. Whether talking about Limbaugh or Maher, people now seem overly attracted to blowhards and "least common denominator" types. Limbaugh is particularly disturbing because the leadership of the GOP (such as it is) seems afraid of him. Watching Michael Steele step on his own tongue a couple of years ago, concerned that he had offended The Great One, was down right sad to see. When I was in school in the 80's, and "finding myself", I had a roommate who subscribed to The National Review. Every now & again I would read it. I didn't agree with everything in each issue, but at least it was usually well thought out. And whether you agreed with him or not, most (I believe) would agree that one of the primary spokesmen of the GOP and the conservative movement in the 70's and 80's, William F. Buckley, Jr., was very articulate and chose his words carefully. Love him or hate him, agree with him or disagree with him, can anyone here imagine William F. Buckley, Jr. making the sort of simple-minded, gutter level comments that Rush Limbaugh makes on a daily basis?

How do you go from William F. Buckley, Jr. (intellectual), as a point man, to Rush Limbaugh (anti-intellectual) in one short generation? :facepalm:


Torn & Frayed.
How do you go from William F. Buckley, Jr. (intellectual), as a point man, to Rush Limbaugh (anti-intellectual) in one short generation? :facepalm:

Take a failed disc jockey (Rush...using the name "Jeff Christie"); throw in the success of Howard Stern.......add a really big pile of "Jeff Christie" thinking he can be the next Howard Stern - if only he could find a gimmick or "angle".. add a fake blowhard persona and an audience. How the audience got there in the first place is anyone's guess; but I think it's got something to do with the political climate of the time.

Fun Fact: Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh/"Jeff Christie" share a birthday. (Jan 12.)


Will cites a bunch of people who are entertainers, not news sources, and thinks it's the same. Now he'll tell me about my double standard. I'd remind him that Limbaugh calls himself a news and information show, and that has a different level of scrutiny than David Letterman does.

Will E Worm


For someone who supposedly has me on ignore they do an aweful lot of commenting to me. It's an obsession.

Also, it still counts. If he can't call someone a slut neither can any of these other people. :hatsoff:


Will E Worm

Progressive liberal and media hypocrisy over Rush Limbaugh slut Sandra Fluke comment

This faux feminism by far left nuts and their usurper media hacks is quite hilarious. I haven’t really followed the whole Rush Limbaugh / Sandra Fluke “controversy.” While name calling is a left wing tactic, there’s also something in America called freedom of speech. Or at least there used to be. I guess Limbaugh called Sandra Fluke a “slut” or something on one of his radio broadcasts. As usual, the hypocritical leftists have gone batsh*t crazy, taking the media along with them. Calls to boycott Limbaugh’s advertisers from Marxist leftists have so far claimed five Limbaugh sponsors: Quicken Loans, Legal Zoom, Sleep Train, Sleep Number and Carbonite. Limbaugh even apologized for the “slut” remark.These are private companies, they can do what they want, but they better be prepared to suffer the consequences from conservatives who use or used their products. Now I will ask the following question. If Rush Limbaugh calling Sandra Fluke a slut was so terrible, then where was the same outrage against idiots like Bill Maher, David Letterman, Ed Schultz or Montel Williams? These four leftists are just a small sample of leftists who have called conservative woman sluts “or worse.” Yet, there was no media outrage, no advertisers pulling ads, and crickets from leftists who support “women’s rights.” Lets review some examples. Ed Schultz on his radio show called Laura Ingraham a “right wing slut” and a “talk slut.” Not a peep out of the lame stream media, no crowing from so called “feminists,” no advertisers targeted and pulled from his radio or MSNBC show or anything. All Schultz got was a few days “suspension” from MSNBC, which basically turned out to be a little vacation for Schultz. Then you have David Letterman and his lame Late Night show is on CBS. In 2009 he said Sarah Palin had that “slutty flight attendant look.” Letterman then went on to say Sarah Palin got “confused” during the 7th inning stretch, because Willow Palin got “knocked up” by Alex Rodriquez. Willow Palin was fourteen years old at the time. Crickets from leftists, media, no ads pulled, or anything.

Then of course you have pig Bill Maher. He’s a treasure trove of insults at conservative women. Leftists of course don’t seem to care. One of his most “famous” moments was calling Sarah Palin a “cunt.” Maher claims he’s allowed to make comments like that because he doesn’t have any sponsors on HBO. Pig Maher also gave one million dollars to Obama’s Super Pac. Then of course you have Montel Williams. He failed in his daytime TV show, so he tried his hairy palms at left wing radio with Air America. He said in 2009 that Michele Bachmann should just “kill herself.” Of course, there’s no advertisers to boycott with him as Air America is as dead as Osama Bin Laden. And finally, who can forget immy Fallon introducing Michele Bachmann with the song Lyin’ ass Bitch with drummer Ahmir “Questlove” Thompson. Again, silence from leftists, no media outrage, no advertisers targeted, etc.

If I wanted to, I could find hundreds of other examples of leftists spewing their vile crap towards conservative women, but it’s not worth the effort. You can find plenty on Google and Youtube. So to all leftists, feminists and media hacks, spare me your faux outrage over Rush Limbaugh. You’re little game of bullsh*t may have worked before the Internet existed, but not anymore. You are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.



Montel Williams Urges Congresswoman To Kill Herself. Link


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Bachmann said, "Healthcare reform cannot pass what we have to do today is make a covenant to slit our wrists, be blood brothers on this thing, this will not pass, we will do whatever it takes to make sure this does not pass right now we're looking at reaching down the throat and ripping the guts out of freedom. And we may never be able to restore it if we don't man up and take this on."

You really should try to take things in context, Asshat Needledick.

Will E Worm

Bachmann said, "Healthcare reform cannot pass what we have to do today is make a covenant to slit our wrists, be blood brothers on this thing, this will not pass, we will do whatever it takes to make sure this does not pass right now we're looking at reaching down the throat and ripping the guts out of freedom. And we may never be able to restore it if we don't man up and take this on."

You really should try to take things in context, Asshat Needledick.

Nothing was taken out of context. :facepalm:

While name calling is a left wing tactic.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Well, if Montel Williams actually had any sponsors, maybe they would have pulled out once he said that. But last I heard, the guy was doing late night infomercials to generate an income. As for Letterman, he actually did catch a lot of hell for getting the younger Palin kid mixed up with the older one. And he didn't waste any time apologizing, as I recall.

But look, I'm not here to say that there isn't some amount of hypocrisy in the partisan battle between the left and the right. There is... on both sides. There is also a HELL of a lot of whining by both sides. Personally, I don't care for Bill Maher any more than I care for Rush Limbaugh. But again, Maher is not someone the DNC looks to for approval before it takes a stand (or avoids) an issue.

And for the record, the rad feminist crowd did go after Newsweek (or was it Time?) when they had Michele Bachmann on the cover with her "crazy eyes" look several months ago. They demanded that this unstable woman not be portrayed as if she was unstable. You can't really get much more left wing than the Sandalistas that make up N.O.W. So IMO, more than a bit of the whining from the right on this issue falls on deaf ears. I think Maher is quite often over the line and in the wrong. But that doesn't lessen the fact that Rush Limbaugh was in the wrong for what he said. But as is being demonstrated in this thread, people on the right are so afraid of him (or like him so much) that they can't just say, "yeah, that was wrong" and go on about their business. They have to spend hours out of their lives rationalizing and justifying it... seemingly trying to make Limbaugh out to be the victim. Same with Palin and Bachmann. Cry me a river...


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Of course you took it out of context. You whined that Montel Williams said that cunt Bachmann should slit her wrists, but you failed to mention the part where Bachmann said she was going to slit her wrists. Did you even graduate from high school you limp-wristed little fairy?
Here's my position. I will repudiate Maher or any other liberal when they attack a private citizen like Rush did. I don't have a problem with Maher calling Sarah Palin a cunt because Palin isn't a private citizen. Public figures, by putting themselves out there in the public arena, have to accept some nasty comments as long as the comments don't break libel laws. Private citizens responding to congressional requests shouldn't have to endure being called filthy names in the national media. Palin has an outlets with her Facebook page and Fox News where as Sandra Fluke has none of that

Whenever a so called 'liberal' has made a disparaging remark, they've apologized and/or have been reprimanded for them. When Letterman made a joke about Palin's daughter he offered a public apology on his show. When Ed Schultz called Laura Ingraham a 'right-wing slut', he made a public apology on his show and he was suspended by MSNBC.
Here's my position. I will repudiate Maher or any other liberal when they attack a private citizen like Rush did. I don't have a problem with Maher calling Sarah Palin a cunt because Palin isn't a private citizen. Public figures, by putting themselves out there in the public arena, have to accept some nasty comments as long as the comments don't break libel laws. Private citizens responding to congressional requests shouldn't have to endure being called filthy names in the national media. Palin has an outlets with her Facebook page and Fox News where as Sandra Fluke has none of that

Also, this was not just about a word or two. It wasn't about Limbaugh using the word 'slut' or even 'prostitute'. He attacked Sarah Fluke for THREE days and then issued a half-assed apology saying "I am sorry to have used those two words". As for Maher, he goes over the line many times, he was basically forced off the air for his 9/11 comments. He has attacked Obama for instance (saying that he would have preferred a real black man, black does crack, pussy, wimp etc) but that never made the headlines in the same way Limbaugh calling Hillary Clinton a bitch, Chelsea Clinton the 'white house dog' or referring Michelle Obama as Michelle "My Butt" didn't - attacks on public figures are tolerated a lot more than on private citizens especially if you smear all women along the process.

Here is what Limbaugh said among other things.

"Who bought your condoms in sixth grade?"

"all the women at Georgetown University as much aspirin to put between their knees as possible."

"satisfy the sexual habits of female law students at Georgetown."

"I'm going broke having sex. I need government to provide me condoms and contraception. It's not fair."

"Ms. Fluke, have you ever heard of not having sex? Have you ever heard of not having sex so often?"

"So, Ms. Fluke and the rest of you feminazis, here's the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex, we want something for it, and I'll tell you what it is. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch."

"Who bought your condoms in junior high? Who bought your condoms in the sixth grade? Or your contraception. Who bought your contraceptive pills in high school?"

Fluke is "having so much sex, it's amazing she can still walk."

"It's just a new welfare program. And 'welfare' is a bad word, and they can't use it. They can't sell it. So now it's disguised -- welfare disguised as women's health. Or women's reproductive rights."

'Well, did you ever think about maybe backing off the amount of sex that you have?' "

"no different than if somebody knocked on my door that I don't know and said, 'You know what? I'm out of money. I can't afford birth-control pills, and I'm supposed to have sex with three guys tonight.' "

"Oh! Does she have more boyfriends? They're lined up around the block. They would have been in my day."

"sex life is active. She's having sex so frequently that she can't afford all the birth-control pills that she needs. That's what she's saying."

And here is a compilation.
