well this isn't the Miss PornStar Universe... it's Miss Freeones so to me it should be relegated ONLY to freeones.com registered members voting. that would make a HUGE difference and be much more fair to the girls who might not be world famous stars and have 100k followers on twitter but it would make freeones.com a more friendly and enjoyable site for the ones who click the links which actually makes the $$$ to keep Freeones running. That would actually hurt my chances but in all honesty would be the proper thing to do if it were really Miss Freeones. which as it is now it is not.
Anonymous voters (are not logged into myFO) .25 of a vote
Members who have an account, 0 posts x1
Members who have had an account less than 6 months 1-50 posts X1.5
Members who have had an account less than 6 months 50-100 posts X2
Members who have had an account less than 6 months 100+ posts X2.5
Members who have had an account 6-12 months 1-50 posts X2
Members who have had an account 6-12 months 50-100 posts X2.5
Members who have had an account 6-12 months 100+ posts X3
Members who have had an account 1-3 years 1-50 posts x2.5
Members who have had an account 1-3 years 50-100 posts X3
Members who have had an account 1-3 years 100+ posts X3.5
Members who have had an account 3-5 years 1-50 posts X3
Members who have had an account 3-5 years 50-100 posts X 3.5
Members who have had an account 3-5 years 100+ posts X4
Members who have had an account 5+ years 1-50 posts X3.5
Members who have had an account 5+ years 50-100 posts X4
Members who have had an account 5+ years 100+ posts X5
Non-members can actually vot but their votes are 4x less important tha any members (and 20x less than some long-time members like me)