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Right-Wing Says You'll Die If Health Care Passes

We live in a country where healthcare is for profit.

The only way there can be universal healthcare in this country is if only they can make a profit from it at the american citizens expense.
One of the most frequently missed points in this current debate about Health Care is that the "Solve the Health Care crisis NOW or NEVER" argument of the current administration is a false choice.

The current health care system in the United States is seriously flawed. It NEEDS to be amended in one way or the other. With that said, the brink of this crisis is not now--it is a definite problem that must be attended to, but the problem has existed for years and is not worsening to the point that if it is not fixed now it cannot be fixed later.

The economy, however, is a disaster of the utmost proportions. We stand on the precipice of some of the worst financial warning signs since the Great Depression. The brink is now. We must act to preserve the economy. No honest or right minded individual can believe that this trillion dollar Health Care proposal will help the economy--in fact, it will almost certainly place a burden on the economy, and this is unacceptable at the present time.

We need to fix health care, but the economy needs to be attended to first. While poor health care results in a statistically significant number of needless deaths each year, a severe depression to which this country is headed would result in many, many more.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
In my opinion, what they need to come up with, is a way to provide health care for the unemployed, and workers, that are self employed, or employed by smaller companies that do not provide medical benefits. If you're on welfare, you get health care...it's called medicaid, if you're retired you get medicare. Maybe not the greatest, but better then nothing. The main issue I have, is this bill provides beni's for the millions of illegal aliens, and it's coming from my tax dollars. That's not acceptable to me. I have no problem with them coming up with a way to help people that need it, but I will not approve of anything that helps people that will not help themselves, or anyone abusing the system. More importantly, anyone coming her illegally, and taking what belongs to a tax paying citizen, that has earned, or worked for the right to help.
Second, it's not "free healthcare" unless you don't pay taxes. There are no free lunches.

Third, why do so-called "liberals" bash anyoe who disagrees with them? I thought they were supposed to be the last bastion of educated, open-minded people in America? :wtf:

I think you make good point on healthcare anywhere is not "free".I never said the other countries had free healthcare,they just fund it in different way.

But I don't see how you can say my post was unfairly bashing anyone.I let their own words speak for themselves.Republicans in congress are saying these things just about every day.

to be clear, the right wing is not saying that, one republican is.
Friday your title is like a misleading news headline.
but thats ok, no big deal.
it got my attention.

The title was the title of the youtube clip.Really it should have said Right wing says more people will die if the proposed reform passes.But its a lot more than just one republican saying such things.Many in the house and senate have said the same.

One of the most frequently missed points in this current debate about Health Care is that the "Solve the Health Care crisis NOW or NEVER" argument of the current administration is a false choice.

The current health care system in the United States is seriously flawed. It NEEDS to be amended in one way or the other. With that said, the brink of this crisis is not now--it is a definite problem that must be attended to, but the problem has existed for years and is not worsening to the point that if it is not fixed now it cannot be fixed later.

The economy, however, is a disaster of the utmost proportions. We stand on the precipice of some of the worst financial warning signs since the Great Depression. The brink is now. We must act to preserve the economy. No honest or right minded individual can believe that this trillion dollar Health Care proposal will help the economy--in fact, it will almost certainly place a burden on the economy, and this is unacceptable at the present time.

We need to fix health care, but the economy needs to be attended to first. While poor health care results in a statistically significant number of needless deaths each year, a severe depression to which this country is headed would result in many, many more.

You cannot seperate the economic problems the US faces and healthcare.That actually has been my main point in many posts here on the healthcare crisis.That we have to do something about how much we spend on healthcare as it has been double the inflation rate for years and will eat up more than 30% of economy yearly in the coming years.It is a crisis now with how much we spend,it will get much worse yes but is big problem right now.
The longer we wait the more damage it will do to us economically.

The pressure on our economy and upward cost pressures are just going to get much more extreme as population is aging and will be needing more and more healthcare services.
You cannot seperate the economic problems the US faces and healthcare.That actually has been my main point in many posts here on the healthcare crisis.That we have to do something about how much we spend on healthcare as it has been double the inflation rate for years and will eat up more than 30% of economy yearly in the coming years.It is a crisis now with how much we spend,it will get much worse yes but is big problem right now.
The longer we wait the more damage it will do to us economically.

The pressure on our economy and upward cost pressures are just going to get much more extreme as population is aging and will be needing more and more healthcare services.

In a word, no. While health care certainly is a drag on our economy, it is not a major impetus in this most recent economic disaster. (Read: the health care system is continuing its poor trend, but it is not dropping us off the cliff economically). For this reason, not only can we separate economic problems and health care, we absolutely must do so in order to attend to the disastrous economy, which actually will drop us off the metaphorical cliff in the short term.

Bottom Line: Even if an improved health care system could somehow save the United States money in the long run (which is another point that I did not even address; the fact of the matter being that socialized health care will most likely not provide health care at a cheaper cost to the nation due to its wider coverage for all citizens and the establishment of new government agencies to run the intitiatives), it absolutely cannot save money in the short run. Regardless of whether a new health care system could be more economical for the nation, initial costs will be steep, and these are costs that our country simply cannot afford to pay in this time of economic crisis. The brink for the economy is NOW, and these next 1-3 years are critical to preventing a collapse that will end far more lives than the current flawed health care system.
In a word, no. While health care certainly is a drag on our economy, it is not a major impetus in this most recent economic disaster. (Read: the health care system is continuing its poor trend, but it is not dropping us off the cliff economically). For this reason, not only can we separate economic problems and health care, we absolutely must do so in order to attend to the disastrous economy, which actually will drop us off the metaphorical cliff in the short term.

Bottom Line: Even if an improved health care system could somehow save the United States money in the long run (which is another point that I did not even address; the fact of the matter being that socialized health care will most likely not provide health care at a cheaper cost to the nation due to its wider coverage for all citizens and the establishment of new government agencies to run the intitiatives), it absolutely cannot save money in the short run. Regardless of whether a new health care system could be more economical for the nation, initial costs will be steep, and these are costs that our country simply cannot afford to pay in this time of economic crisis. The brink for the economy is NOW, and these next 1-3 years are critical to preventing a collapse that will end far more lives than the current flawed health care system.

Well I guess we will just have to agree to disagree.Unless we are willing to concede we are not as smart and competent as all the other industrial countries in the world who cover everyone and spend 1/2 per capita on health care then we do we certainly can have universal coverage at much less then we spend now.Health care and its costs must be dealt with or we will never long term fix the economy.Just look at the auto industry,Japanease companies have big edge on us because they have govt run universal system while companies like GM are paying the US level of costs.Its a major drag on our economy right now.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
One of the most frequently missed points in this current debate about Health Care is that the "Solve the Health Care crisis NOW or NEVER" argument of the current administration is a false choice.

Valid point. But I would say that the counter question would be, "if not now, when?"

Certainly the economy should be the primary issue. And it seems that is on the front burner. But we all know how Washington operates: crisis mode. Until something turns into a true crisis (banking, for example), little or nothing is done. Why take on a sticky issue if the peasants are NOT YET beginning to gather their pitchforks?

We do need a plan. But it needs to be a well thought out plan, not something rushed through, just to say something was done. A bad plan could certainly be worse than no plan at all... which is pretty much what we have now: no plan.


Re: Right-Wing Says You'll Die If Health Care Passes

Duuhhh !

Explain to me how rationed universal socialized health care could possibly "preserve" my life.

You've got to be kidding me ! :rofl:


So let me get this right.
I work 50 hours a week pay taxes and support my family and given them the best healthcare I can afford.

But someone that is on welfare, no job, does not pay taxes gets the same healthcare that I get fgrom busting my ass at work? Sorry to say this but I for one think that if you want something you have to work hard and earn it not just take a handout, which is why I can't stand the walfare system, to many people are abusing it.
The US government can fuck up a free lunch. I don't want them in charge of my medical choices and what Dr I can or cant see because some government bureaucrat says I don't need a test or mri because of cost. Fuck that.

Can anyone name ONE, just US Government run program that works like it was planned and doesn't run HORRIDLY over budget? Post Office? Fail, VA? Fail....NOTHING they cant run anything right.

Government run health care is a mistake and will take away all individuality the people of this country have left.

I want three things from my Government.

1. Protect our borders...FAIL
2. Protect our Currency...FAIL
3. Leave me the fuck alone...FAIL
So let me get this right.
I work 50 hours a week pay taxes and support my family and given them the best healthcare I can afford.

But someone that is on welfare, no job, does not pay taxes gets the same healthcare that I get fgrom busting my ass at work? Sorry to say this but I for one think that if you want something you have to work hard and earn it not just take a handout, which is why I can't stand the walfare system, to many people are abusing it.

But the rich will pay for it....Sarcasm.
^^ Why is it that some Congress members (and Jason282) are against all Americans having the same health benefits they (and their families) will enjoy for the rest of their lives?
As far as I know [thanks to what Bruce Campbell said in his My Name Is Bruce movie] all Americans will receive medical care free, if in a life or death situation as it is Federal Law. Gun shot wound, ect.

Yes, well, here in the UK, we get medical care free, critical or not. And that means EVERYONE. I will take the health care system here in the UK over the American system where it only allows people critically ill free medical care. How can a smaller country afford free health care to it's citiziens no matter what the case, and yet a larger country only allows it free if a persons life is flashing red.


^^ Why is it that some Congress members (and Jason282) are against all Americans having the same health benefits they (and their families) will enjoy for the rest of their lives?

I think everyone should have healthcare, just pay into like the rest of us working families do. Who do you think will pay for everyone to have healthcare coverage, I smell NEW TAXES for us working families and people on walfare will get the same coverage WITHOUT paying a single tax or dime into it.
By Jason's line of logic if your house is burning but you don't have a job we ain't coming!

Same goes if a thief is breaking into your house,no job ,no police I guess.

Truth is Jason those people on welfare are going to get more then likely medical treatment no matter what.Even if nothing changes when they show up at the emergency ward they get treated.Plus they get insurance now I beleive under medicade.

IMO people really miss the point when they focus on immigrants or people on welfare or tort reform in this debate.

None of those explain why we spend double per capita what any other country does.

We need a system where everyone is part of it,thats how insurance works best.Then we need to restrain the costs and put the screws to the doctors,the drug companies ,the hospitals etc to control costs.

Don't you guys understand the current system is going to ruin us financially? And this has been known for a long time.The Clintons tried to deal with it in the early 90s and we know the shallacking they took for it.

So my question is if you don't favor a system like the other countries have which costs them a lot less then ours what is your solution?

Or are you wiilling to just do nothing and let us spend a third of our GDP on health care in the future?


As far as I know [thanks to what Bruce Campbell said in his My Name Is Bruce movie] all Americans will receive medical care free, if in a life or death situation as it is Federal Law. Gun shot wound, ect.

Yes, well, here in the UK, we get medical care critical or not. And that means EVERYONE. So there.

how much do you get taxed on your paycheck for said madical coverage for everyone?
^^ Why is it that some Congress members (and Jason282) are against all Americans having the same health benefits they (and their families) will enjoy for the rest of their lives?

Because NOWHERE in the US Constitution is health care guaranteed as a right in this country.

Socialized medicine doesn't work ANYWHERE in the world. Fact is even as flawed as the health care is in the country people still get all the care they need. We in the US have the best system in the world. No one is currently EVER turned away for any coverage in this country. Even illegal immigrants get 100% free health care and everyone else paying insurance already pays for them.

The problem is a very very few people in this country have no coverage or cant afford it. I dont believe the govt 50 million number. There are plenty of people who chose to have zero coverage because they are young and think they wont get sick. Other just thinks its not worth it.

But passing a govt plan that will force insurance companies out of business is not the answer.

Where in Obama's bill is the Tort Reform section???

Where is the part that regulates cost like not being able to charge $10 per aspirin?