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Religion - The Other Taboo for Discussion

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Jesus was not a Rabbi. He held absolutely no title whatsoever. His followers called him Rabbi and Teacher, but according to the Sanhedrin and the Pharisees, Jesus was a common man with no job or title. He came from common people with no titles, either. Consequently, there is absolutely no reason to insist that he was married. Nor is there any evidence that he was. Also, what you call Orthodox Judaism is not the same form of Judaism as what Christ would have had. Christ was an observant Jew, that much is plain.

Again, in case that was too many words for you, Jesus was not a Rabbi.

Okay, not believing that Jesus will come back and want to meet you is stupid. You are so naive, and how egotistical do you have to be to believe that humans are the highest form of intelligence in the galaxy, and that your life is the climax of existence?

No Christian that I know would ever deny medical treatment because they were going to pray away a disease. You seem to have encountered the very worst of Christians. I guess you must also judge all Muslims by the type that strap bombs to themselves. Just recently in my town there was a man, a very vocal Atheist. He beat one of his own children to death. There are also several very famous cases of murder and serial murder done by Atheists. As you're an Atheist, I can only assume that you would do the same thing. Why are you a murderer? You horrible, horrible person. Don't you push your Atheistic views on others by murdering them.

See? Not terribly productive to be telling people their fundamental beliefs are stupid. I suggest you stop trying to "argue" this point. You've made your views on Christians known. You've attempted to do some research, and come back with incorrect and irrelevant information. You're not looking good here. Just let it go, and relax. People are going to believe what they want to regardless of your ridiculous "I hate the intolerance of Christians, so I'm going to be intolerant of Christians" perspective.

Greatest piece of ownage since the Louisiana Purchase.


For the record, I have nothing against anyone who believes, or who follows any religion.

I'm simply stating a personal opinion.

I've found myself asking others many questions about religion, and for the most part none have been answered.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Discussing religion is taboo because it leads to heated arguments unless all parties are careful. Just like politics and, in lower IQ households, the X factor.
All I have to say to the nonbelievers; Vaya con Dios, amigos... :angel1:


Official Checked Star Member
You're saying that every religious persons feels and acts the same way. Thats like me saying every pornstar is as narrowminded as yourself yet i know that to not be the case. Not every religous person forces it upon others. Ive found it quite easy to politley inform people trying to do so that I wasnt interested and theyve respected that. I know thats not always the case but its rare.

Heres an article to help with my point:http://www.practikel.com/2012/01/27...o-chicago-gay-pride-holding-apologetic-signs/

please, show me WHERE the fuck I said "EVERY RELIGIOUS PERSON" is anything at all! NEVER said it!


Emotional Thinking refers to a generalized inability to distinguish emotions and thoughts.

Emotional thinkers tend to hold beliefs that are comforting vs. logical.


Official Checked Star Member
there are texts that say Jesus was called a rabbi and a teacher as well. he may not have officially been deemed a rabbi but he was referred to as rabbi.

I NEVER said Jesus wanted to meet ME. I said that more than half of christians polled by FOX fucking news said that they believe JC is coming back in their lifetime and they will meet him personally when he does. Where in that did I say anything about ME? please, show me. You fucking guys take everything out of context and twist it around for your purpose.

I don't judge all of anyone. But far too many muslims sit by and do nothing when the radicals all around them are planning to blow innocent people up and use terror. far too many do nothing to prevent and then they hide them. do you really believe that no one knew bin laden was where he was??? and those who knew surely weren't all terrorists. but Muhammad was very clear that to die in the name of Islam is to be rewarded. To slay the infidels and non-believers is to honor Allah.

And Sam, poor Sam. You Might be too old for the internet pops. You Might be losing it a bit. I said that religion is forced upon ME and others who don't subscribe to those beliefs by LAWS that are implemented by loony politicians who are religious. Once again, show me where I said that non-believers are required to worship or believe or attend services. Please pops, show me where it was said by anyone other than you.

And Dirk there isn't a fundamentalist person here. Fundamentalists live strictly by the teachings and I hardly think that a porn site forum is a place you would find a fundamentalist.

And BC you are so wrong once again. Acts of God are a separate claim altogether. Is your florida vacation home directly on the gulf of Mexico? Mine is and I have to carry additional insurance for flood and wind. If you live in an area that is not a flood zone and your home is damaged by a flood you may not be covered. My friend's house had 5 inches of water last year and she isn't in a flood zone and to this day State Farm hasn't given her a cent calling it a guess what Act of God. So when tornadoes and hurricanes and snow storms happen they are seen by businesses as "Acts of God" so are they not seen by believers as acts of God also?

Now we're going to argue that Noah's ark really happened?????????? 2 of EVERY animal on earth got on one boat???????????? REALLY?????????????? jesus FUCKING christ how gullable can you be??? do you realize how many animals there are? That is the dumbest fucking thing I have ever heard and I'm embarrassed for anyone who believes such horseshit. no pun intended since horses were surely on the boat.


Official Checked Star Member
You're waiting for what? Me to answer your stupid question? No haven't touched drugs since 2003 but I guess the entire point was to throw that at me right? I own it and I lived it down. Oh well.

I don't need to prove there isn't a God. I have the upper hand because you can't prove there is. I don't believe there is because all logic and scientific evidence says there isn't. It's on YOU to prove that something you cannot see is really there. That the invisible man really does keep track of billions of people's every action and thought for thousands of years and then greets us when we die lol that burden is on YOU dickhead.

and the reason for questioning my marital status is??????

And again, another mindless follower who keeps using the word hatred. I don't have hatred toward anything religious until it is forced upon me by laws based on religious morality. When a person tells me the kind of sex I can and can't have, what type of material I can and cannot watch in my own home then I have issue with it. When my friends can't have families or get married because of religious laws then yes, I have issues with it and the fucked up retards who make those laws.

and you can treat me however you wish. For me this is nothing more than what it really is, a website forum I can take or leave anytime I wish. It isn't my social life nor is it that important to me to the point of getting offended by the likes of you.
^ It's ok for you to ask questions to us, while you choose to not and can't validate your own claims? Your continued self indulged response and self righteous answer is you cant prove it as asked, I didn't think you could. Good to know that your chaotic ramblings are not the attribute of you being back on meth however, thanks for clearing that up, although it would have made more sense than you being clean and acting as stupid and ignorant as you are here.
I have said MANY times that if religious people minded their own business and kept to themselves that would be wonderful. But they don't. And how do I "forget about law makers?" They want laws that cater to their beliefs and unfortunately those laws affect many of us who don't subscribe to those same beliefs. I don't have any problem with a woman doing webcam in her home, but religious people do. I don't have any problem with gays adopting and raising a child, but religious people do. I have zero issue with gays being married but again, religious people do. There are laws against all of those things in many states. As well you are not permitted to possess a dildo in several states. You are not permitted to possess a porn movie even in your own home in several states. You are not permitted to mail porn to several counties in more than 30 states. why do you think that is? Isn't that infringing on the rights of the people who live in those states which are supposedly part of a free country? If you don't like it, don't buy it. Why force your morality on everyone else???

please, show me WHERE the fuck I said "EVERY RELIGIOUS PERSON" is anything at all! NEVER said it!

You didn't say exactly "every religious person" but you didnt say some religious person. The way you worded it sounds like you are painting all religious people with the same brush.

Could you give us some real world example of how religion is being FORCED on YOU.

Let me say this again. I believe in science. I dont believe in god. I just think you are being unreasonable and kinda rude.


Official Checked Star Member
Ok religion is being forced upon ME and many like ME by laws written by bible beaters. I live in Florida, which is a southern state and in the heart of the bible belt. I posted examples before but I'll summarize again. My friends cannot adopt a baby because they are lesbians. They have zero rights as a couple because they are lesbians. That is due to religious based law. They cannot marry. A woman 50 miles from me in the next county was arrested for doing webcam in her house. Solo. Webcam. In her house. She has to register as a sex offender. Another woman was arrested for filming a porn scene in her home and posting it online. I can't buy beer on Sundays until 11am and 2 miles from me not until 1pm! it has been a pain when a last minute day on the boat gets planned and there's no way to get beer unless I drive 35 minutes to the next county. its Sunday so that means its based on bible beater point of view.

I had applied for a business account with washington mutual and after 2 weeks they closed my account because of the type of business I was running which were my websites but they had zero affiliation with the bank. banks where I live won't loan money to any adult related businesses even strip clubs.

I cannot mail one of my movies to any fans in 4 different states. I have to be very careful of which counties I mail videos, photos or anything because of religious laws. tommy chong went to prison for 9 months because his company run by his son shipped a glass pipe to a county in PA.

I am sure I could think of many more things as there are many things, but I think that is plenty.


Official Checked Star Member
^ It's ok for you to ask questions to us, while you choose to not and can't validate your own claims? Your continued self indulged response and self righteous answer is you cant prove it as asked, I didn't think you could. Good to know that your chaotic ramblings are not the attribute of you being back on meth however, thanks for clearing that up, although it would have made more sense than you being clean and acting as stupid and ignorant as you are here.

Ok tell me claims I have not validated for you? I don't require to prove ANYTHING because it is YOU that believes in the invisible man. If someone says see that over there and points to nothing is it upon YOU to prove there is nothing or is it upon him to show you to what it is that he is pointing?

You all believe in something you cannot see, cannot explain and makes very little common sense and defies all logic and science. I simply ask YOU to give ONE piece of SOLID evidence that religion isn't just one giant burden on the world, which it absolutely is. SO fuck you dickhead. hows that for validating my point?
^ Have I stated anywhere here my beliefs? I am merely asking you to facilitate an inarguable cohesive basis and response to back your own boisterous self indulged claims. You are asking others to do the opposite all the while all you provide is your self indulged drivel of your own claims backed by nothing. If you cant see the hypocrisy in your own actions and words then you must be stupider than you have made yourself appear in your own thread.
a survey done in 2008 showed that nearly 50% of Christians believe that prayer is a legit form of health care. that's fucking CRAZY

There are multiple cases that have popped up as of late where ultra religious parents decided to pray for their child's respective ailment instead of taking them to the hospital,which ultimately resulted in the child's death.One particular case if I remember correctly involved a child that had Whooping Cough that lasted,and more importantly went untreated for about two weeks,which resulted in the child dying.

The only silver lining of stories like this is that these irresponsible parents are now being brought up on charges and are going to jail.

No reason why these parents can't pray for the child while they are taking them to the hospital.
Reading this thread, I feel like I want to contribute my own two cents, but in all honesty I worry it would get lost in all the hate.

I'm not sure exactly where I fall in regards to labels. I don't believe in a God, but I do believe there is an afterlife, not heaven but an existence beyond this form.

I believe the universe was created in the big bang and that I have more in common with primates at the local zoo than I do some humans.

In my own opinion religion is the greatest evil out there, one of, if not the most destructive forces in modern day. I cannot see what good has ever come from it, the bad is certainly there for anyone to see, it feels like its never ending. It has no place in anything I do and something I haven't ever given a second or credible thought to. Most of you will have observed I am an incredibly cynical person, I gave up believing in such a thing before I stopped believing in Santa Claus.


If you have religion, that's great. I won't belittle you for it, think of you any differently, but I ask you keep it private. Its like the old "Religion is like a penis" quote, I have friends with religion and my lack of is well known and has never been an issue.


Official Checked Star Member
is stupider a word? Again you are just here to be a dickhead and congrats, you succeeded! I am not the one who believes in things that cannot be seen and are believed in based 100% on faith that they exist WITHOUT real proof. I don't need to prove it. Common sense does that for me.
You're just being a dick and a troll and taking a shot at a porn chick you would otherwise be too much of a coward to speak to. Move on douche.

Christian Science religion doesn't believe in ANY medication and ONLY prayer and there are more than 50,000 of those crazy fucks in the US
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