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Religion - The Other Taboo for Discussion

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The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Like the cleaning of a house, this thread never ends.
I was just perusing DinnerwithMariah.com and came across this little gem:


One of the most beautiful poems I have ever read. It is such a shame that so few of us live our lives with these principles. We all think we have the answers and so many of us push our own beliefs and agendas on to others. This of religion and how intrusive it is in the lives of people who have never asked for it. Think of the censorship imposed upon so many millions by so few, and the injustices that go on every day in the world. We are a superior creature in so many ways, yet we are the most destructive in so many others. Hunter Thompson wrote in “Rum Diaries” that ” humans are the only creatures on earth that claim a God, and the only living thing that live like it hasn’t got one.” That pretty much sums up our existence and when you see the direction that we are headed it is very clear that we aren’t going to be around for much longer in the grand scheme of things. I have hope, but the cynic in me thinks we’re fucked.
The Most Famous of the Writings of Chief Tecumseh

“So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.

Always give a word or a sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, even a stranger, when in a lonely place. Show respect to all people and grovel to none.

When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself. Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision.

When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home.”

Tecumseh was a Native American leader of the Shawnee."


Anyone that would get on an airplane and fly to a destination to settle an internet fight is crazier than a shithouse rat.

I prefer the train


Official Checked Star Member
I made that offer to meet because I KNEW that this piece of shit was exactly who I thought he was and needed to prove it, which I did. He is also known as joint smoker and a few other screen names and I have him on ignore, so when he linked to another thread his messages show "this user is on your ignore list" which means him since there is only one on my ignore list.

He has a troll site which he said is "just for fun" and he comes to freeones to take a break from it. He has been told to leave me alone hence the difference screen name.

I simply needed to get him to reply but he did me one better.

and Eric the human will is far different than Gods will. because people do amazing things does not mean they are doing it because of God. Come on dude you are really reaching.

and so because pebbles dont become bigger rocks that means there's a God? If there were a reason that they would need to become bigger to survive they would. Giraffe were once not much different than zebras but as the trees got taller their necks grew longer to reach their food. that is evolution. same goes with thumbs on humans and so on. body hair on humans is another.
I agree with Mariah, religions are rotten, medieval time the chrstians terrorised the mid east, today muslims terrorise, and the non stop violence from the jews against palestinians.
religions are rotten, let's accept it, try being good humans, not good believers.


Official Checked Star Member
I stand corrected. It isnt the same guy, just a very similar asshole.

and yes I love that writing of Tecumseh's and I don't trouble anyone over their religion if they don't trouble me with it. I live near Clearwater which is the spiritual center for Scientology and my hair salon is in downtown Clearwater. all the stylists are scientologists and a few are my close friends. I have never once discussed religion with them nor they with me. I think that's a fucking insane religion but they don't push it with me, so I respect their beliefs. As I said I have family who are Jehovah's Witnesses and they on the other push it on everyone. But I love them and leave them to have their own craziness.

If it takes believing in something invisible for you to be a better person then ok. Just keep it to yourself. dont make laws over it. dont tell me Im wrong because I believe differently. Dont wage war over it and for fuck's sake dont ignore logic and common sense and experience to listen to the voice in your head if it affects other people! But we all know those are impossible for religious people.
I stand corrected. It isnt the same guy, just a very similar asshole.

and yes I love that writing of Tecumseh's and I don't trouble anyone over their religion if they don't trouble me with it. I live near Clearwater which is the spiritual center for Scientology and my hair salon is in downtown Clearwater. all the stylists are scientologists and a few are my close friends. I have never once discussed religion with them nor they with me. I think that's a fucking insane religion but they don't push it with me, so I respect their beliefs. As I said I have family who are Jehovah's Witnesses and they on the other push it on everyone. But I love them and leave them to have their own craziness.

If it takes believing in something invisible for you to be a better person then ok. Just keep it to yourself. dont make laws over it. dont tell me Im wrong because I believe differently. Dont wage war over it and for fuck's sake dont ignore logic and common sense and experience to listen to the voice in your head if it affects other people! But we all know those are impossible for religious people.

The Shawnee worshiped "The Creator" A goddess, the feminine version of a supreme being that for the most part was a lot like Christianity.

I stand corrected. It isnt the same guy, just a very similar asshole.

and yes I love that writing of Tecumseh's and I don't trouble anyone over their religion if they don't trouble me with it. I live near Clearwater which is the spiritual center for Scientology and my hair salon is in downtown Clearwater. all the stylists are scientologists and a few are my close friends. I have never once discussed religion with them nor they with me. I think that's a fucking insane religion but they don't push it with me, so I respect their beliefs. As I said I have family who are Jehovah's Witnesses and they on the other push it on everyone. But I love them and leave them to have their own craziness.

If it takes believing in something invisible for you to be a better person then ok. Just keep it to yourself. dont make laws over it. dont tell me Im wrong because I believe differently. Dont wage war over it and for fuck's sake dont ignore logic and common sense and experience to listen to the voice in your head if it affects other people! But we all know those are impossible for religious people.

But thats what your doing in this thread and you dont seem to grasp that.
I believe in Petra and for the most part she is invisible. But I see her hand at work around here everyday.

She is HUGE on the smiting.


Official Checked Star Member
well when religion stops being used to write laws, stops being used to commit atrocity, war, murder, molestation then yes, Ill shut my mouth and leave you alone to believe whatever craziness you wish to believe. believe in talking snowmen and flying reindeer and bigfoot or anything you want. just keep religion out of law and government, make churches pay taxes and dont allow churches to hide and protect child molesters. that will be a nice start then you can have your beliefs without people talking shit.

the fastest growing minority in the US is atheism. so Im not the only one who is pissed off at all of the religion being slipped into our government.
well when religion stops being used to write laws, stops being used to commit atrocity, war, murder, molestation then yes, Ill shut my mouth and leave you alone to believe whatever craziness you wish to believe. believe in talking snowmen and flying reindeer and bigfoot or anything you want. just keep religion out of law and government, make churches pay taxes and dont allow churches to hide and protect child molesters. that will be a nice start then you can have your beliefs without people talking shit.

the fastest growing minority in the US is atheism. so Im not the only one who is pissed off at all of the religion being slipped into our government.

You have a problem with Christianity first and foremost. You could give a good cotdam about Islam, or any other religion.

Tell us, how will religion personally affect you in an adverse way today?


Official Checked Star Member
nice of you tell me what I do and don't have problems with. I have a seriously big problem with islam. but fortunately I dont live in a Muslim country where islamic law is in place. I live in a christian majority nation so yes, first and foremost my issues are with christianity because christians are the ones imposing their beliefs which infect our government and our laws. surely a person who believes government should stay out of our lives agrees with me here???? well, let me correct that, you think government should stay out of our lives EXCEPT our bedrooms and who we marry and who we love and if we can be parents or not and lets not forget corporate welfare. then government has a purpose.

but you are right, i dont give a fuck about ANY religion because they are all the same man-made myths dreamed up by people who needed something to help them grasp the things that frightened and confused them thousands of years ago.

and here's how it has affected me today: my friends cannot get married. my friends cannot adopt a baby. there are people in a war being waged because of religion. almost 3,000 people were murdered on 911 because of religion. people go to prison for mailing an autographed magazine to someone living in some backward ass hicktown in west virginia or alabama or mississippi. I can't buy beer before 11am on Sundays.

that is a lot of ways just off the top of my head. if this were the politics thread I'd counter and ask you to name how your life is different today with Obama than it was 6 years ago. but we'll save that for the other thread


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
I believe in Petra and for the most part she is invisible. But I see her hand at work around here everyday.

She is HUGE on the smiting.

You know what they say about saying the Devil's name right...
nice of you tell me what I do and don't have problems with. I have a seriously big problem with islam. but fortunately I dont live in a Muslim country where islamic law is in place. I live in a christian majority nation so yes, first and foremost my issues are with christianity because christians are the ones imposing their beliefs which infect our government and our laws. surely a person who believes government should stay out of our lives agrees with me here???? well, let me correct that, you think government should stay out of our lives EXCEPT our bedrooms and who we marry and who we love and if we can be parents or not and lets not forget corporate welfare. then government has a purpose.

but you are right, i dont give a fuck about ANY religion because they are all the same man-made myths dreamed up by people who needed something to help them grasp the things that frightened and confused them thousands of years ago.

and here's how it has affected me today: my friends cannot get married. my friends cannot adopt a baby. there are people in a war being waged because of religion. almost 3,000 people were murdered on 911 because of religion. people go to prison for mailing an autographed magazine to someone living in some backward ass hicktown in west virginia or alabama or mississippi. I can't buy beer before 11am on Sundays.

that is a lot of ways just off the top of my head. if this were the politics thread I'd counter and ask you to name how your life is different today with Obama than it was 6 years ago. but we'll save that for the other thread

Just as I thought, gay marriage is the real issue here. How are your friends not being able to marry or adopt in Florida affecting you personally? Other than it gives you the red ass.

I notice that you have your name and likeness airbrushed on your boat from the photos. You do more self promoting than Donald Trump. Are the Pinellas County anti porno squad shaking you down everyday on your way out to your favorite sandbar?

Were the Vietnam, Gulf Wars or War in Afghanistan waged on a proclamation that "Jesus is our ninja"?

Buy your beer on Saturday. Drink it on Sunday .Problem solved.


Official Checked Star Member
just as you thought???? lol gay marriage is but a small part of my beef with religion, but if you feel better about claiming to have "known all along" then so be it. I think that my friends being denied the same rights as me and everyone else is fucked up and it very much affects me that I have rights that they don't. If hetero marriages were successful more than 50% of the time (only 1/3 of the time in California!) then I think you bigots would have more ground to stand on. But that isn't the case. Marriage is being denied to good people because of religious zealots who think somehow god loves and accepts some of us more than others.

and the motor cowling was a gift from a friend. My motor cowling doesn't have nude images on it or they would require me to cover it. We have been told many times we aren't allowed to wear thongs on the beach and even at the sandbar which is 3 miles offshore.

The war in Afghanistan was waged based on a religion called Islam, remember 9/11 dipshit? You are denying that the gulf war had nothing to do religion in Kuwait? Iraq invaded Kuwait because it had borrowed 80 billion to fight the Iran Iraq war which was waged over what??????? RELIGION! Sunni and Shia to be specific

and why should religion dictate when I can and can't buy beer? why should I have to make a trip to the store a day before? I do, and I can, but why should I have to because some tobacco chewing hill billy has a stick in his ass and thinks the lords day shouldnt have beer til 11am? its stupid and its once again religion being forced into laws.
just as you thought???? lol gay marriage is but a small part of my beef with religion, but if you feel better about claiming to have "known all along" then so be it. I think that my friends being denied the same rights as me and everyone else is fucked up and it very much affects me that I have rights that they don't. If hetero marriages were successful more than 50% of the time (only 1/3 of the time in California!) then I think you bigots would have more ground to stand on. But that isn't the case. Marriage is being denied to good people because of religious zealots who think somehow god loves and accepts some of us more than others.

and the motor cowling was a gift from a friend. My motor cowling doesn't have nude images on it or they would require me to cover it. We have been told many times we aren't allowed to wear thongs on the beach and even at the sandbar which is 3 miles offshore.

The war in Afghanistan was waged based on a religion called Islam, remember 9/11 dipshit? You are denying that the gulf war had nothing to do religion in Kuwait? Iraq invaded Kuwait because it had borrowed 80 billion to fight the Iran Iraq war which was waged over what??????? RELIGION! Sunni and Shia to be specific

and why should religion dictate when I can and can't buy beer? why should I have to make a trip to the store a day before? I do, and I can, but why should I have to because some tobacco chewing hill billy has a stick in his ass and thinks the lords day shouldnt have beer til 11am? its stupid and its once again religion being forced into laws.

Do you have any clue why marriages aren't as successful in California? Do you? In 1970 California passed the first no fault divorce law and it became cheaper for married couples to live together after the divorce than it was to remain married. People will live together as a divorced couple and forget about the piece of paper that calls them legally married if it affects the bottom line favorably. More liberal intelligentsia at work.

The war in Kuwait and the response on Iraq was the result of Iraq's wanton invasion of Kuwait. It was for oil not in the name of religion and Saddam's claim that Kuwait was Iraqi domain.

Basically you seek a hedonist society. Sorry to tell you this, but that Atheist utopia that you seek is many years away. Until then, you should probably not hold out hope that Florida is going to tilt your way. If you want to be around people that are more like minded you should probably sell the house and move to Marin County California or King County Washington. I know the weather isn't as nice or as warm but you could fill the time at the restaurants and fish markets.
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