Relax. Our firearms are still safe from being seized.


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
The fact of the matter is people demonize guns, rather than teaching their children about guns and what they can do.
I was taught at a young age that guns were not toys, I was never made to feel scared about guns rather to respect the damage one could do if not used properly. Because of this I never would of thought about taking mydads guns or any one elses and playing with it.
I do the same with my daughter, she has been shooting with me since she was small and I have never had a problem with her.
We need more education not bans. Any one who has or wants a gun should take a firearms safety course, it is well worth it.
I have taken it a few times when my friends have gone for their permits just as a refresher. The laws on the books should enforced to the fullest with people who have illegal weapons, rather than allowing their lawyers to plea bargain a lighter sentence. Anyways just my :2 cents:
iv been hunting with my dad since i was about four years old and i know what happens when that gun goes off, but this does not mean that guns cant be a safe and fun thing to have around, iv been around guns this long as well as my dad his hole life and hih dad hih hole life and there has bee no acedents as far a know of
Obama isn't going to ban guns or do anything that stupid even though some far lefties in his cabal might want to do just that. The President realizes that to seriously go after guns = losing the next election.
I collect rifles myself, mostly infantry light weapons from the Cold War days. I have a L1A1, East German Ak-47, Mauser 98K, AR-15, and G3.

Couldn't it just be Obama believes as he says that the 2nd Amendent confers an individual right to ownership of firearms?

If you just listen to the man instead of airheads who haven't heard two words he's said in proper wouldn't be a surprise that firearms ownership will be in no way banned under Obama.


To be honest, I was never afraid of anyone trying to seize my firearms.

I have no time for baseless fear.

Assuming that you reside in Mass. this is a total joke because this state has the most oppressive laws as far as firearms ownership goes, so ...:dunno:.
Also, ammunition may not legally be shipped to Mass from another out of state vendor, if this is fine with you, you are a first ! Congratulations ! :party:
Couldn't it just be Obama believes as he says that the 2nd Amendent confers an individual right to ownership of firearms?

If you just listen to the man instead of airheads who haven't heard two words he's said in proper wouldn't be a surprise that firearms ownership will be in no way banned under Obama.

That's why I believe that Obama isn't going to ban firearms. However like I said there are I'm sure some far leftist kooks who want them gone but that's never going to happen.
Going after law abiding owners is the best way for a future candidate to lose a Presidential race.
here in Canada going after the law abiding gun ouners is how they seem to get votes, there is to many gun hating city idiots living here that have never even seen a gun but they know that they are bad and are only used to kill people, and unfortunitly the government is on there side
they will find that at the border they would stop a gun from getting in the country before they would try to stop a bunch of criminals from Haiti
oh weight they invited those criminals to come live here i forgot
Pork pie?

No. That would be Iraq. Nearly a trillion dollars to save us from what...Saddam trying to reclaim the other two thirds of Iraq he had no control over?
they will find that at the border they would stop a gun from getting in the country before they would try to stop a bunch of criminals from Haiti
oh weight they invited those criminals to come live here i forgot

Yup. Zoe Pound Gang for example. These guys will move past Little Haiti along with all the other major gangs that will be the only groups with an extreme arsenal of weaponry.

It would be a gang war off for control and territory, civilians be caught up in middle of it, no way to defend ourselves. Police? They will be too busy scattered abroad taking care of shootings and crime scenes to make house calls.

As long as criminals know the innocent civilians are armed, know how to use their firearms, and, most importantly, do not know who is armed and who is not will less likely act upon a criminal act for fear of getting shot and/or killed.

Therefore, they scout, get a pattern, understand if their target is defenseless, among other details, and then will strike.

However, concealed weapon, if unsure, will move on.

I would hate to see what would happen if we are rendered defenseless and have to rely on the local police department, and other law enforcement agencies, for our sole protection. Sure some places might have a mighty fine PD. While other areas have a rather lackluster PD and can take their good old time arriving at a call of distress.
That's why I believe that Obama isn't going to ban firearms. However like I said there are I'm sure some far leftist kooks who want them gone but that's never going to happen.
Going after law abiding owners is the best way for a future candidate to lose a Presidential race.


Can't blame elected officials for what far left or far right kooks want them to do...unless they actually do it and invade some unarmed country on the whims of fringe extremists (for example).
in switserland wen you turn 18 you have to get a gun and join the malisha, they also have the loes crime rate in the world,and yet guns are still bad
i dont get it
they will find that at the border they would stop a gun from getting in the country before they would try to stop a bunch of criminals from Haiti
oh weight they invited those criminals to come live here i forgot

I'm surprised no one in the US gov. has invited the entire Dafur refugees to come here. No, they wouldn't be a burden. :rolleyes:
I think we should go back to one shot, powder firearms. To hell with these hand guns and rifles. I want my derringer and blunderbuss back!

And when some 300lb three time felon (loser) enters your home under the influence of PCP, that would do what? Nothing, that's what. Best for home defense: buckshot loaded shotgun. I dream of owning a sawed off shotgun, but my pops said there are laws to as far as how short you can make the barrel.


The fact of the matter is people demonize guns, rather than teaching their children about guns and what they can do.
I was taught at a young age that guns were not toys, I was never made to feel scared about guns rather to respect the damage one could do if not used properly. Because of this I never would of thought about taking mydads guns or any one elses and playing with it.
I do the same with my daughter, she has been shooting with me since she was small and I have never had a problem with her.
We need more education not bans. Any one who has or wants a gun should take a firearms safety course, it is well worth it.
I have taken it a few times when my friends have gone for their permits just as a refresher. The laws on the books should enforced to the fullest with people who have illegal weapons, rather than allowing their lawyers to plea bargain a lighter sentence. Anyways just my :2 cents:

While others are using spin and casting out false accusations of paranoia against those whom they disagree with, you have presented a most logical and reasoned approach in your defense of the Second Amendment and thanks, I couldn't disagree with a word of it !
It sounds like you're a great dad and it is unfortunate that fathers such as yourself have become the minority as opposed to the rule in these particular times.
And when some 300lb three time felon (loser) enters your home under the influence of PCP, that would do what? Nothing, that's what. Best for home defense: buckshot loaded shotgun. I dream of owning a sawed off shotgun, but my pops said there are laws to as far as how short you can make the barrel.

Two in the chest, followed by a head shot.....or send two rounds into the hip bone.

If you saw a double barreled shotgun be prepared for some nasty recoil.
Two in the chest, followed by a head shot.....or send two rounds into the hip bone.

If you saw a double barreled shotgun be prepared for some nasty recoil.

LOL. I've seen shotguns, I've owned shotguns, and knew some real sleazes that tried to sell me hot shotguns as well. I grew up...well, don't worry about where I grew up, but trust me, the crooks all have guns. I've seen it up close. That's what these yuppie fucking Beverly Hills asswipes will never understand; they can't understand it because they have never been through it...lived through it. All they have to do is go ask their local cop what goes on. They'll tell 'em. Or just buy a police scanner - perfectly legal. Can't believe some of the shit you hear on a police scanner in a big city.