The fact of the matter is people demonize guns, rather than teaching their children about guns and what they can do.
I was taught at a young age that guns were not toys, I was never made to feel scared about guns rather to respect the damage one could do if not used properly. Because of this I never would of thought about taking mydads guns or any one elses and playing with it.
I do the same with my daughter, she has been shooting with me since she was small and I have never had a problem with her.
We need more education not bans. Any one who has or wants a gun should take a firearms safety course, it is well worth it.
I have taken it a few times when my friends have gone for their permits just as a refresher. The laws on the books should enforced to the fullest with people who have illegal weapons, rather than allowing their lawyers to plea bargain a lighter sentence. Anyways just my :2 cents:
I was taught at a young age that guns were not toys, I was never made to feel scared about guns rather to respect the damage one could do if not used properly. Because of this I never would of thought about taking mydads guns or any one elses and playing with it.
I do the same with my daughter, she has been shooting with me since she was small and I have never had a problem with her.
We need more education not bans. Any one who has or wants a gun should take a firearms safety course, it is well worth it.
I have taken it a few times when my friends have gone for their permits just as a refresher. The laws on the books should enforced to the fullest with people who have illegal weapons, rather than allowing their lawyers to plea bargain a lighter sentence. Anyways just my :2 cents: