Rap "Music" Sucks

I really don't undersand rap music... so don't have an opinion about, but could anyone explain me a few things?
how comes all the lyrics are about "beeing bulletproof" "wasting and having loads of money" and "how great fuckers they are"?
And btw... anyone else finds funny white guys pretending to be black gangsters from Compton?

Well I guess I'm not prepared for that much fun... I'll keep my Dire Straits CD's on the Iphone :p


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
You, sir, are an idiot. Your judging an entire genre of music which millions upon millions of people are a part of from one experience. you don't know rap. you don't listen to rap, therefore DO NOT FUCKING JUDGE IT. moron.

I never said it was my only experience, shaftmeister, so don't go making stupid suppositions based on threadbare evidence that you cannot substantiate....especially if you want label me with demeaning monikers like you just did.

We have a word for that type of thing here....:flame:
Rap any more is just silly really.


They should just put a C at the start of it and give it its real name back...................Crap
They should just put a C at the start of it and give it its real name back...................Crap

Say what?! Hey habo9, I'm really surprised to see this coming from you LOL

Because besides me being a Hardcore House and Terror fan, I'm also a big time Hip-Hop fan !
But it's all cool fella , I respect your opinion because you're a raver who comes through with those classic House tracks we can all vibe to untill the next morning !

But to the threadstarter I fucking agree about the crapness level of nowadays "Hip-Hop" , but I highly doubt that the rap you've heard in that club sounded like this :

And check out the insane and sick lyricism on this one :



I dont mind the older stuff , its just that 50 pence guy and guys like him I dont like , I cant mind the last time I heard a new rap tune that I liked , its all been kind of the same since the late 90s


Closed Account
I made a couple of comments about rap being just a bunch of idiots with no musical talent and lack of a work ethic just yesterday. I can't stand how everyone thinks that rap actually takes talent. It doesn't, get over it. Edsel Dope is a workaholic, and Marilyn Manson is one of the most intelligent men in the country. Those guys are musicians. Snoop Dogg and Jay-Z? Sit down boys, you've got nothing to say that we haven't heard before.
I made a couple of comments about rap being just a bunch of idiots with no musical talent and lack of a work ethic just yesterday. I can't stand how everyone thinks that rap actually takes talent. It doesn't, get over it. Edsel Dope is a workaholic, and Marilyn Manson is one of the most intelligent men in the country. Those guys are musicians. Snoop Dogg and Jay-Z? Sit down boys, you've got nothing to say that we haven't heard before.

It doesn't take more tallent to use an ASR or an MPXL than to play the guitar like Prince, no way. But some of the stuff I just need to roll to once in a while. I mean, listen to Wyte's Acid song and tell me this isnt just...the shit. If you don't laugh to that song either you're a sap or you never dropped acid before.


That's classic! :D
I made a couple of comments about rap being just a bunch of idiots with no musical talent and lack of a work ethic just yesterday. I can't stand how everyone thinks that rap actually takes talent. It doesn't, get over it. Edsel Dope is a workaholic, and Marilyn Manson is one of the most intelligent men in the country. Those guys are musicians. Snoop Dogg and Jay-Z? Sit down boys, you've got nothing to say that we haven't heard before.

Some rap is pretty good. I was driving from D.C. to NYC and the Philadelphia stations played a ton of rap. One of the more interesting songs was by a guy I think named Papoose, where he is telling the listener their rights, police procedures, and the interests of the court and making it into a 5 minute rap song. I can't stand Jay Z though, all he does is rap about how cool he is.


Some rap is pretty good. I was driving from D.C. to NYC and the Philadelphia stations played a ton of rap. One of the more interesting songs was by a guy I think named Papoose, where he is telling the listener their rights, police procedures, and the interests of the court and making it into a 5 minute rap song. I can't stand Jay Z though, all he does is rap about how cool he is.

If you have to tell people how cool you are , then you are not cool :thumbsup:


It's good to be the king...
Folks, Rap is going nowhere...so I suggest you buy some earmuffs.