Random Statement Thread II

Maul didn't seem like that great of a Sith. He didn't speak that much and did not having much personality. Besides the occasional high jump all he ever did was pick up a small object once with the force to fling it at a button to open a door in the movie. You would think somebody that's reached to level of Sith Lord would be more able than that. As far as the movies showed he also didn't seem that great in saber skills and that's supposed to be one of the areas he was said to excelled at, but that could also of been because the choreography wasn't as good in it as it was in the two moves of the prequels that came after it. Some of the novels and comic books with him did make him a little better, but in all he's one of the worst Siths to ever have the Darth title in the Star Wars universe in my opinion.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
It's not like he was a Malak or Revan.
I guess I need to go comic book shopping. I don't even know of one here anymore. D-rock give me a good one in Detroit. It's not far I can get there.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Who's it for?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I should, but I ain't.

P.S look at my post count :tongue:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Oooh! It's Lungz!
:1orglaugh I guess not.

Although, even taking my last statement out of context, besides a significantly lower crime rate, a good argument could be made that where I live is even worse.

As long as it's less than a few hrs I am willing to make the drive. Seriously nothing is here anymore.
As long as it's less than a few hrs I am willing to make the drive. Seriously nothing is here anymore.

You're more dedicated than I am anymore. It doesn't help I have a car I wouldn't even trust to take me more than about 20 miles in one trip for fear it might break down. Of course I haven't collected or bought comics in a long time. I think the last time I went to a place that specialized in comics was sometime around 1996. Most things I learn from them are now are from wikis on the Internet about a subject or genre dedicated to that, from people that still are interested in them and buy the books that review them on the Internet or talk about them on forums, or from the occasional free sample they might give out online once in a while.
You're more dedicated than I am anymore. It doesn't help I have a car I wouldn't even trust to take me more than about 20 miles in one trip for fear it might break down. Of course I haven't collected or bought comics in a long time. I think the last time I went to a place that specialized in comics was sometime around 1996. Most things I learn from them are now are from wikis on the Internet about a subject or genre dedicated to that, from people that still are interested in them and buy the books that review them on the Internet or talk about them on forums, or from the occasional free sample they might give out online once in a while.

Sadly when I was still young I lost almost all my comics in a flood at my parents house. I want to replace a great many of them but sadly I do know some of the X-man comics I did have are now collectors things so I am screwed as they will caught way too much anymore. Reading online is cool but I just love the smell and the whole I can touch it factor.
Sadly when I was still young I lost almost all my comics in a flood at my parents house. I want to replace a great many of them but sadly I do know some of the X-man comics I did have are now collectors things so I am screwed as they will caught way too much anymore. Reading online is cool but I just love the smell and the whole I can touch it factor.

I have all my comics in a big box that has hardly been opened in the last ten years. I know I probably couldn't buy them all over again even if I could somehow find some of the rarer ones. One of these days I hope the people that make comics put out a lot of their comic lines on disc that you could read on computer. That way it would be cheap and you could get decades of comics people otherwise wouldn't be able to read and will never buy any other way on a few disc. True, it will never be close to having the real thing in your hands, but for a lot of people it's the only way they will be able to enjoy all the old classics or just the ones they missed when they were younger. Still it's hard to beat that old comic book smell or seeing the pictures and artwork in your hand. Walking into an old bookstore is usually easily recognizable by the old book smell they have.
I have all my comics in a big box that has hardly been opened in the last ten years. I know I probably couldn't buy them all over again even if I could somehow find some of the rarer ones. One of these days I hope the people that make comics put out a lot of their comic lines on disc that you could read on computer. That way it would be cheap and you could get decades of comics people otherwise wouldn't be able to read and will never buy any other way on a few disc. True, it will never be close to having the real thing in your hands, but for a lot of people it's the only way they will be able to enjoy all the old classics or just the ones they missed when they were younger. Still it's hard to beat that old comic book smell or seeing the pictures and artwork in your hand. Walking into an old bookstore is usually easily recognizable by the old book smell they have.

That it is and I love it. That would be cool but if I afford it I would buy them all again. I so hate reading stories and such online. I so need the feel and smell.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I'm also going, Fare thee well.