Random Statement Thread II


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
1133 unread emails....


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Captain Kirk ftw :D


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Pff! Picard is nothing compared to Kirk. Great actor though.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
For some reason the toilet wants me to sit on "her" the whole night. :( Maybe the eggs I ate weren't too good anymore.

Aaaaaanyway....From monday on you can buy Star Wars stuff at my local grocerie store. There is a keyboard with either Darth Vader or this little green guy...Yoda I think. Then there is a mouspad and a MP4 player with the same...either Darth or Yoda. It's all completely painted. Looks pretty cool actually, but I'm no fan. :dunno:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Yoda is so cool.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
I'm a huge Star Wars and StarTrek fan but sshh don't tell anyone.

Wow! Like no one noticed before! :D

I'm absolutely not into anything like that, but to each his/her own. (I couldn't even tell the colors of the different laser swords. :o) But it's not like I hate it or anything. I'm just not into it. :dunno:

The Yoda keyboard looks cool. ;)

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
I'd buy it and send it to you, but...well you know...money isn't my friend currently.. :o Maybe they will have it again in a few months (or I'll find it somewhere else) then I can make it. :)

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Btw who is your favorite SW charater?

And I just see I made a mistake: There is a Yoda keyboard, mousepad and mp4 player. Also a vader keyboard and mp4 player, but NO mousepad. That's the other Darth guy, Darth Maul (?).
I liked Obi Wan but yoda for buying stuff as there is tons of it. Yes it was Darth Maul. I hated his character kinda. He was missing something.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I think Craig Parker did a great job as Maul, I want a Sith cloak :o
The acting wasn't bad I don't know what it was I just didn't feel it you know. If I find one I'll pick it up for you. No one would worry about me wasting money on Star wars stuff. Now sending it way. They might put me in the hospital thinking something was wrong with me. :rofl2:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Maley and I would save you :D