Random Statement Thread II


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Nîn o Chithaeglir

lasto beth daer;

Rimmo nîn Bruinen

dan in Ulaer!

Translation: 'Waters of the Misty Mountains

listen to the great word;

flow waters of Loudwater

against the Ringwraiths!'
Anybody know what's happened to Prophecy?

He was so prolific when I first joined and his many "collections" threads are so specific and well organised, I thought he was a FO old hand.

Anyone know him well?


Closed Account
Afternoon to everyone. :wave:

I have the rest of the week off wooooohooooooo. :nanner:


Closed Account
Well Got to run and get something to eat and watch some TV. :wave2:

Had a blast don't drink to much and the last person out make sure to lock up. :hatsoff: