You must be talking about Spring Thomas.
Her site is controlled by other people who are cashing in on a specific market. There are people out there (Black and White) that get off on the things on her site.
is that alan keyes? WTF?
You must be talking about Spring Thomas.
Her site is controlled by other people who are cashing in on a specific market. There are people out there (Black and White) that get off on the things on her site.
A girl Im good friends with used to call me whitey she was black but not really that dark , it never bothered me it was just a joke me and her had
I take a good tan & betted her come the summer I would be darker than her , which came true so I started calling her whitey , my point is none of us took offence and we still call each other it sometimes , would you call that racist?
I don't think you can really call it racism if some girl refuses to have sex with people of another skin color. There was a rumor going around that Ashlynn Brooke didn't want to have sex with black guys. Does that make her racist? No. I'm not interested in dating black or asian girls, yet I'm not a racist.
A girl Im good friends with used to call me whitey she was black but not really that dark , it never bothered me it was just a joke me and her had
I take a good tan & betted her come the summer I would be darker than her , which came true so I started calling her whitey , my point is none of us took offence and we still call each other it sometimes , would you call that racist?
Perhaps pr0n might be the deathknell for political correctness, in real life too, lol*****.html?sn=263
Racism can be funny, but people like to deny that.
On a side note. I watch part of an HBO special which dealt with the prospect of some Mississippi High School having separate proms based on race.
In an interview with a white set of parents, the mother stated she believed God didn't intend for races to mix because if He did He would have made us all one race.
First of all, I thought logically to myself that you can't mix anything that is the same. Secondly if someone as all knowing as God never intended it he would have made it anatomically impractical if not impossible....not so anatomically similar. Lastly holding that position would almost require that you hold a similar position on food and nutrients. In other words, if God wanted us to get certain nutrients in order to maintain good health, what would be the purpose of putting them all in different food sources.
This is not a detraction or advocation of one position over the other by me, merely an analysis.
To each his own. But why decry the actresses who prefer not to perform with black guys? So by saying an actress is racist for having standards you are unwittingly ushering in totalitarianism. Nice going.
But if the boot was on the other foot I would have never called her blackie for fear of offending her , I dont think she would have bothered but I wouldnt have done it anyway
Like I say I wasnt offended when she called me whitey and she wasnt offended when I called her it either
That's because monikers like "Whitey" and "Cracker" have no meaning to contemporary white society. It's not particularly offensive and I could care less if some ignoramus chooses to use it as a slur.
On a side note. I watch part of an HBO special which dealt with the prospect of some Mississippi High School having separate proms based on race.
In an interview with a white set of parents, the mother stated she believed God didn't intend for races to mix because if He did He would have made us all one race.
First of all, I thought logically to myself that you can't mix anything that is the same. Secondly if someone as all knowing as God never intended it he would have made it anatomically impractical if not impossible....not so anatomically similar. Lastly holding that position would almost require that you hold a similar position on food and nutrients. In other words, if God wanted us to get certain nutrients in order to maintain good health, what would be the purpose of putting them all in different food sources.
This is not a detraction or advocation of one position over the other by me, merely an analysis.