I know plenty of non-elite people, like the vast majority of them, of every background that have always been pissed off that the Bushs, Kenedeys...ect of the world always have an unfair advantage so I don't know what your talking about. The rich will get ahead no matter what. The problem (or biggest problem because it has several) with affirmative action is that it totally screws over POOR white males, the group that are really the most screwed over group anymore, for no other reason than they just happen to be the same race as either the majority, or the same race as people that did bad things in the past that they had absolutely nothing to do with. As a poor white man, please tell me of all these so called advantages I have had my entire life, because quite frankly, I have never seen them. I do however constantly get beat out in jobs around here by places that support affirmative action and have a 20% black employment when they only make up around 2% of the population where I live, while I have been struggling to find a job for YEARS. Or how about all those years I had to spend paying off my one year of college because I couldn't really pay to continue. If I was a minority I would not only of had a lot better chance at a free ride scholarship (or a lot closer to it) but I probably would have automatically beat out countless people who were my equals or betters without having to worry about if I was even going to get excepted. Why can't we have a system that is needs based. If that helps a bigger percentage of minorities because more of them are poor than I can reasonably see that. What I don't like is just pushing people ahead because they are a certain race, gender, or whatever. At the very best affirmative action is an incredibly half-assed solution that doesn’t really fix the problem and at worse is just as discriminatory, unconstitutional, and damaging as what it's trying to fix.