Quayle’s son: Obama is the ‘worst president in history’

Dan Quayle was to HW Bush as Palin was to McCain.

I remember that debate slam by Lloyd Bentson, but I didn't remember Quayle's bitchy little, "That was uncalled for Senator!" ....:facepalm: Geesh. Next time you get clowned, Quayle, just stare down at your notes.
says the son of the worst vice president in history. what a douchebag

lol, you need to read more history books. Maybe your second sentence is correct. You're first sentence seems to lack some perspective.
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Dan Quayle was to HW Bush as Palin was to McCain.

I remember that debate slam by Lloyd Bentson, but I didn't remember Quayle's bitchy little, "That was uncalled for Senator!" ....:facepalm: Geesh. Next time you get clowned, Quayle, just stare down at your notes.

No argument!

Now, who is our VP today? I've always thought he was an empty suit. :D


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
This is what we have come to. The plan of attack these days is just that - Attack. Discredit everyone. I guess this is easier than taking a firm stand for what you believe and support.

Here is what I believe; I believe I will have another glass of pinot noir.

Partly because he's not all that far from the middle to begin with, despite all the insane rantings about him being a marxist/communist.

In the past he had an excellent reputation as a negotiator/mediator.
As President of the Harvard Law review he was reknown for being able to bring opposing sides together.

I think he genuinely believed that in the midst of the multiple crises he inherited there was a very real possibility of increased bipartisanship. I mean logically thinking who in their right mind would put power politics over the well being of a nation in crisis? As he came to find out, many in the GOP would.

He also has to deal with a force that's even more powerful than the presidency, or congress: the money lobby is going to fight any major changes to their protected financial system, so any financial reform is going to be forced to steer a very middling, milquetoast course - no matter the risk of another similar meltdown.

He is also a student of Lincoln, and Lincoln, at least at the outset of his presidency, had the same goal of bringing disparate factions together in a time of crisis. Lincoln even named a couple of very powerful men who opposed him politically to his cabinet, which as I recall was all but unheard of up until that time. Obama also named opposition party members to his cabinet.

Thanks for the points guys, mentation material.
Generic Conservatives know full well that they can be elected into office by making statements that are either false, hypocritical and inconsistent:

Obama is a socialist

a Muslim

an illegal alien

a communist

the worst president

they're pro-life & pro-death penalty (which is an oxymoron)

anti-Big Government


anti-Affirmative Action

anti-gay rights


anti-illegal immigration

Yet, when one takes the time to research and study factual history one will see that the GOP has been taken over by generic Conservatives who have contradicted themselves to no end and have done far more harm than good for this country and the world abroad

One could say the same about the liberals. Aint politics great?

I want to belong to a camp. I really do, but I also want to believe in that camp.

I don't do drugs, other than the fermented/distilled liquid kind, but I'm looking for the party of fiscal conservatives, social liberals, and honesty. I may be a liertarian, but do they fit my thir crieria?