...Romney? Gingrich? Palin? Bachman? Cain? Huntsman? Paul? Pawlenty?...
I have to agree with Andronicus on this one. None of the current GOP candidates are electable, or even remotely interesting. Certainly not enough so to unseat Obama.
Romney - Mormon. We are still a more bigoted than racist country, fact.
Gingrich - 69+ years old at time of potential Presidential election. McCain anyone? Only one person has been older at the time of inauguration, and I doubt voters will go from electing the 3rd youngest Pres. ever, to electing the 2nd oldest Pres. ever.:2 cents:
Palin - Woman. We are still a more sexist than racist country, fact.
Bachmann - Woman. (See above)
Cain - Black Republican. Will never be seen as being as "cool" as a black Democratic President, fact. Blacks won't vote for him, and neither will conservative whites.
Huntsman - Mormon. (See Romney)
Paul - Either Rand or Ron, they're both "Pauls" and society at large has a hard time stomaching the Pauls for some reason. Not a chance.
Pawlenty - Evangelical Protestant. Nearly worse than being a Mormon.
The GOP needs a candidate that I'm 99% sure doesn't even exist at this point. They need a Republican Obama-rock-star-type, which I don't think is even remotely possible for the GOP.
Politics... :troll: