President Barack Obama is likely to be defeated in 2012

Rove is more of a doer than someone who says anything of worth.

There are very few people who could make a case for something and against something using near identical circumstances like Rove.

Rove when he thought Obama would pick Tim Kaine but before McCain picked Palin;

THENNNN Rove after Obama picked Biden and after McCain picked Palin (note the love-in by the Faux (pas) 'News' talking heads...classic Faux:1orglaugh:rofl2:);
50% chance he is right 50% chance he is wrong. Not that much of a gamble to make the prediction. Right now I cant see any of the 9 republican nominees even winning the nomination let alone beating obama. Most americans already regret the midterm elections so its not like they got a lot of supporters from then till now.
Obama needs another term....The problems aren't small plus he is trying to pull you out of costly wars....Republicans are war hawks they will engage in more micro militarism while their empire crumbles down around their ears.....China will happily bank roll more ventures I'm sure, It'd do more than polarised extreme policy would ever do against america.
...Romney? Gingrich? Palin? Bachman? Cain? Huntsman? Paul? Pawlenty?...

I have to agree with Andronicus on this one. None of the current GOP candidates are electable, or even remotely interesting. Certainly not enough so to unseat Obama.

Romney - Mormon. We are still a more bigoted than racist country, fact.

Gingrich - 69+ years old at time of potential Presidential election. McCain anyone? Only one person has been older at the time of inauguration, and I doubt voters will go from electing the 3rd youngest Pres. ever, to electing the 2nd oldest Pres. ever.:2 cents:

Palin - Woman. We are still a more sexist than racist country, fact.

Bachmann - Woman. (See above)

Cain - Black Republican. Will never be seen as being as "cool" as a black Democratic President, fact. Blacks won't vote for him, and neither will conservative whites.

Huntsman - Mormon. (See Romney)

Paul - Either Rand or Ron, they're both "Pauls" and society at large has a hard time stomaching the Pauls for some reason. Not a chance.

Pawlenty - Evangelical Protestant. Nearly worse than being a Mormon.

The GOP needs a candidate that I'm 99% sure doesn't even exist at this point. They need a Republican Obama-rock-star-type, which I don't think is even remotely possible for the GOP.

Politics... :troll:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
The GOP needs a candidate that I'm 99% sure doesn't even exist at this point. They need a Republican Obama-rock-star-type, which I don't think is even remotely possible for the GOP.

I agree with that. Would you say one reason for that is because the GOP has established such a stringent litmus test for who is allowed to be a "real Republican" now, as opposed to a RINO? * "RINO"... I think that has to be one of the dumbest, most self-destructive terms in modern American politics*

Anyway, I think that's one of the reasons that the ranks of Independents is continuing to grow. A lot of these people are Republican leaning, and may be fiscal conservatives. But they have no desire to associate themselves with the likes of Palin, Bachmann, Perry, et al: social conservatives, who spend more time engaging in hyperbole and trying to figure out how to regulate the lives of Americans, rather than being rational and focusing on economic issues.

Neither party seems all that popular right now. But the GOP, under Reagan, was a big tent party. Now it seems to be working to become a small tent party... an exclusive club, where you have to say an oath to things outside the mainstream to really get to the inside/top of that party.