President Barack Obama is likely to be defeated in 2012

I don't always agree with Karl Rove but he's right -- Ob. is finished.

It's a one page short article -- a quick read.

President Barack Obama is likely to be defeated in 2012. The reason is that he faces four serious threats. The economy is very weak and unlikely to experience a robust recovery by Election Day. Key voter groups have soured on him. He's defending unpopular policies. And he's made bad strategic decisions.

Let's start with the economy. Unemployment is at 9.1%, with almost 14 million Americans out of work. Nearly half the jobless have been without work for more than six months. Mr. Obama promised much better, declaring that his February 2009 stimulus would cause unemployment to peak at 8% by the end of summer 2009 and drop to roughly 6.8% today.
So? You think some Republican candidate is going to come in and make everything alright? Your just swapping one turd in the punch bowl for another. Obama made promises and claims to get elected and the new guy will make promises and claims to get elected and both at the end of the day will have the same results.
I can't just wait to see some republican knocking the socks off of Obama and beating him in the next presidential elections as well as cancelling the whole Obama care and all the other useless programs Obama wanted to implement.
I guess. Don't forget how we had an idiot Republican in office forever. Bush fucked this country up far worse than Obama has. My fellow soldiers and I have been on back to back deployments for years. I think the only reason people continue to point out Obama's faults here and there in most cases is just cause he's black. We are finally pulling out of the middle east, I think that's the smartest think we've done in years.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Yeah, I'm all for unseating Obama, but who's going to do it? Romney? Gingrich? Palin? Bachman? Cain? Huntsman? Paul? Pawlenty? Those aren't viable options. I'm not voting for any of those candidates. Unless someone steps up to the plate, we're going to see another four years of Obama. I may not like it, but it's the truth.
I think the only reason people continue to point out Obama's faults here and there in most cases is just cause he's black.
:facepalm: When it doubt, throw the race card. What a fucking cop out.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
As many here have said in other threads, it all comes down to who the GOP nominee is. And right now, Romney is only leading Michele Bachmann by 1% point among likely Republican voters. Now, Bachmann is clearly a favorite of the religious right, neo-Confedrates, neo-con Zionists and Tea Party types. But does anyone think that in a general election that Michele Bachmann could beat Obama, Donald Duck or anyone else? I don't.

If the GOP wants to win in 2012, they need to stop worrying about Obama and start worrying about having a viable candidate. And neither Bachmann nor Palin are viable candidates. The right wing extremists insistence on running one of their kooks for POTUS might just cost the GOP a win, even with Obama weakened by a down economy. Unlike in most of Europe, we don't do "no confidence" votes here.
That's funny, but I know it has to be the reason when people get this look on their face like someone just finger banged their mom when discussing Obama.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Mitt Romney for President. :thumbsup:

Say, if he becomes President, will we have a First Lady... a Second Lady and a Third Lady? And will they switch positions every other month? :D

BTW, (bad) jokes aside, it seems that might be an issue for the Mittster. I think it was a poll from Bloomberg News that found that roughly 20% of Americans say they will not vote for a Mormon. My guess is the figure is even higher among likely GOP voters cause that's where the religious right Evangelicals hang out.

I don't always agree with Karl Rove but he's right -- Ob. is finished.

It's a one page short article -- a quick read.

LOL!! KARL ROVE... :tinhat:
Despite being subpoenaed in 2008 by the House Judiciary Committee to testify on his role in politicizing the Justice Department Rove was thumbing his nose at Congress, legal precedent, it's the public's right to know the truth about, among other things, he was involved with the firing of 9 U.S. attorneys and the blackballing of Justice Department hires along with the Constitution... Who the fuck does he think he is...?? :mad:

In 1776, Thomas Paine -- America's first blogger -- wrote in Common Sense: "in America the law is King. For as in absolute governments the King is law, so in free countries the law ought to be King; and there ought to be no other."

Rove's refusal was of course, in part and in whole parcel of the Bush White House's ongoing efforts to keep its actions cloaked in secrecy.....:elaugh: their lies won't last for long.. someone who used TO work closely under the BUSH/CHENEY fiasco even w/a concussion is going to open up one day and talk a lot about the Bush/Cheney years.. And POTUS OBAMA will not lose to current crop of GOP nutbags... :D
Some of you people are stupid. Any one of the new candidates can (and will) beat Obama. I'm going to love seeing the look on your faces when Obama is defeated in a year. :)
eh....I'm not sure how, though.
I've heard this since 2009 from the same people "Obama is a one-termer" and repeated over and over again

just keep repeating it over and again so it will come true

meanwhile, the "party of opposition" has provided no alternative solutions, no answers that would remedy any of the situations, and anything they HAVE suggested is either completely batshit crazy and/or would be MORE of a victimization of those who have it worse off now.

If a politician from "the other party" defeats Obama, I'm really failing to see how things would be any bit different.

However, consider the souce. Karl Rove is about as trustworthy as Baghdad Bob, though Bob wasn't as slimy


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lol, Karl Rove aka Nostradamus has spoken everyone.

Blah blah blah bad economy blah blah unemployment. That's the GOP platform and they're stickin' to it.

Like any of the current candidates have a clue on how to fix the economy. Wait sorry, I forgot about the whole corporate tax cuts idea. Brilliant!