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Poll: GOP gets the blame in shutdown


Staff member
WASHINGTON (AP) — Americans are holding Republicans primarily responsible for the partial government shutdown as public esteem sinks for all players in the impasse, President Barack Obama among them, according to a new poll. It's a struggle with no heroes.

The Associated Press-GfK survey, out Wednesday, affirms expectations by many in Washington — Republicans among them — that the GOP may end up taking the biggest hit in public opinion from the fiscal paralysis, just as that party did when much of the government closed 17 years ago. But the situation is fluid nine days into the shutdown and there's plenty of disdain to go around.

Overall, 62 percent mainly blamed Republicans for the shutdown. About half said Obama or the Democrats in Congress bear much responsibility.

Asked if she blamed Obama, House Republicans, Senate Democrats or the tea party for the shutdown, Martha Blair, 71, of Kerrville, Texas, said, yes, you bet. All of them.

"Somebody needs to jerk those guys together to get a solution, instead of just saying 'no,'" said Blair, an independent. "It's just so frustrating." It's also costly: She's paid to fly with a group to four national parks in Arizona and California next month and says she can't get her money back or reschedule if the parks remain closed.
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The poll found that the tea party is more than a gang of malcontents in the political landscape, as its supporters in Congress have been portrayed by Democrats. Rather, it's a sizable — and divisive — force among Republicans. More than 4 in 10 Republicans identified with the tea party and were more apt than other Republicans to insist that their leaders hold firm in the standoff over reopening government and avoiding a default of the nation's debt in coming weeks.

Most Americans disapprove of the way Obama is handling his job, the poll suggests, with 53 percent unhappy with his performance and 37 percent approving of it. Congress is scraping rock bottom, with a ghastly approval rating of 5 percent.

Indeed, anyone making headlines in the dispute has earned poor marks for his or her trouble, whether it's Democrat Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, or Republican John Boehner, the House speaker, both with a favorability rating of 18 percent.

And much of the country draws a blank on Republican Ted Cruz of Texas despite his 21-hour Senate speech before the shutdown. Only half in the poll were familiar enough with him to register an opinion. Among those who did, 32 percent viewed him unfavorably, 16 percent favorably.

Comparisons could not be drawn conclusively with how people viewed leaders before the shutdown because the poll was conducted online, while previous AP-GfK surveys were done by telephone. Some changes may be due to the new methodology, not shifts in opinion. The poll provides a snapshot of public opinion starting in the third day of the shutdown.
AP-GfK Poll: GOP Gets the Blame in ShutdownPlay video."
AP-GfK Poll: GOP Gets the Blame in Shutdown

The poll comes with both sides dug in and trading blame incessantly. On Tuesday, a proposal by House Republicans to create a working group of 20 lawmakers to tackle deficit issues prompted a White House veto threat, and a plan by Senate Democrats to raise the debt limit by $1 trillion to avoid a default drew a frosty reception from the GOP. Obama is insisting Republicans reopen government and avert default before any negotiations on deficit reduction or his 2010 health care law are held.

Among the survey's findings:

— Sixty-eight percent said the shutdown is a major problem for the country, including majorities of Republicans (58 percent), Democrats (82 percent) and independents (57 percent).

— Fifty-two percent said Obama is not doing enough to cooperate with Republicans to end the shutdown; 63 percent say Republicans aren't doing enough to cooperate with him.

— Republicans are split on just how much cooperation they want. Among those who do not back the tea party, fully 48 percent say their party should be doing more with Obama to find a solution. But only 15 percent of tea-party Republicans want that outreach. The vast majority of them say GOP leaders are doing what they should with the president, or should do even less with him.
Harry Reid's Shutdown Anger in 90 SecondsPlay video."
Harry Reid's Shutdown Anger in 90 Seconds

— People seem conflicted or confused about the showdown over the debt limit. Six in 10 predict an economic crisis if the government's ability to borrow isn't renewed later this month with an increase in the debt limit — an expectation widely shared by economists. Yet only 30 percent say they support raising the limit; 46 percent were neutral on the question.

— More than 4 in 5 respondents felt no personal impact from the shutdown. For those who did, thwarted vacations to national parks, difficulty getting work done without federal contacts at their desks and hitches in government benefits were among the complaints.

Blair's nine-day trip to national parks with a tour group won't happen if the parks are still closed next month. "I'm concerned," she said, "but it seems kind of trivial to people who are being shut out of work."

In Mount Prospect, Ill., Barbara Olpinski, 51, a Republican who blames Obama and both parties for the shutdown, said her family is already seeing an impact and that will worsen if the impasse goes on. She's an in-home elderly care director, her daughter is a physician's assistant at a rural clinic that treats patients who rely on government coverage, and her husband is a doctor who can't get flu vaccines for patients on public assistance because deliveries have stopped.

"People don't know how they are going to pay for things, and what will be covered," she said. "Everybody is kind of like holding their wallets."
Cruz cast as hero, highwayman over role in shutdow …Play video."
Cruz cast as hero, highwayman over role in shutdow …

The AP-GfK Poll was conducted Oct. 3-7 and involved online interviews with 1,227 adults. The survey has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.4 percentage points for all respondents.

The survey used GfK's KnowledgePanel, a probability-based Internet panel designed to be representative of the U.S. population. Respondents to the survey were first selected randomly using phone or mail survey methods, and were later interviewed for this survey online. People selected for KnowledgePanel who didn't have online access were given that access at no cost to them.


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I have tried to give Obama every bit of the doubt. I am getting a lot of flack with my conservative friends by doing so and they are starting up with the I told you so's. The final straw was yesterday with that campaign speech that he gave disguised as a press conference. He did nothing but cast blame instead of offer alternatives. He only seeks to make points for the mid term elections. This motherfucker did not but lie yesterday saying that it all lays at the feet of Republicans. No president platitudes YOU sit in the Oval Office YOU were elected to the most powerful office on the planet. If the Repubs won't bend then look after the interests of the country first and tell us no matter what we won't default because those are the kind of decisions that you were elected to make. No he would rather us default so he can blame Republicans.. Then he starts using words like hostage ransom and extortion. and the low information voters that put him in office fall for it. I am done with him and giving him any benefit of the doubt. He was supposed to be a post racial president and he is as big of a race baiter as Sharpton and Jackson. And so sick of him talking and getting hung up and saying AAANND or IIISSS His approval rating is at 37 percent now so we are getting into the emperor has no clothes territory. Can't wait for him to pack his shit and leave even if Hillary replaces him. At least Bill will have a 3rd term.
I disapprove with a lot about Obama and his administration but this country has a rule about dealing with terrorists and the minute the Republican Party said they would not negotiate, it's their way or they will shut down the government, they became terrorists
Holy fuck! Why don't you just question their patriotism while you are at it? Every liberal wants this shutdown to continue in hopes that if they use terms like extortion and terrorism they can demonize them out of the majority. If they are terrorists start impeachment proceedings immediately. If they are holding hostages then storm the place with Delta Force and SEALS. No they are ideologues that don't agree with Obama and this wreckless path we are on. And not a one of you that support Dem policy give a rat's ass about what kind of debt you are going to leave future generations. 25 yearr from now they will be cursing us.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
it all lays at the feet of Republicans. No president platitudes YOU sit in the Oval Office YOU were elected to the most powerful office on the planet.

Obama doesn't have the power to shut down the government, only Congress can do that.

Holy fuck! Why don't you just question their patriotism while you are at it?

That's best left to the Tea Party birthers, who have questioned this president's patriotism, academic achievements, religion, and place of birth.

And not a one of you that support Dem policy give a rat's ass about what kind of debt you are going to leave future generations. 25 yearr from now they will be cursing us.

The deficit is coming down faster than at any point in the last sixty years, and the three previous republican administrations are responsible for 92% of the National Debt, what you're claiming isn't true.
if the Democrats were shutting down government to push through their ideas that even the majority of their party didn't agree with I'd be saying the same thing when you take your ball and go home because you lost election your a pathetic little bitch end of story
I said that he has the power to make sure we don't default by agreeing to cuts. But he will never tell the Anerican people that there alternatiues. Just paint a doomsday scenario and walk amay. Hoping that it will explode at Republcans feet. What's bad for America is good for Democrat election prospects.
First of all the deficit and debt are 2 different things. The debt is a culmination of deficits. The debt has increased by damn near 7 trillion dollars since this fucker took office. 2/3 of what all presidents before him ran up. We have enough receipts to cover the outlays. Which is what the deficit is all about. The Repubs responsible for this shutdown are the small government lawmakers and are fighting against this massive spending spree. I may disagree with a lot of theis stances on social issues but in this fiscal standoff they are fucking heroes.
no your republican, you chew the middle classes cabbage and say they owe it to you
that's what all Republicans say and then they go into the voting booth pull straight ticket and walked out, call it like it is
You want to call me a Republican, don't be surprised when I piss on your leg.

Take it back a notch BC. You get too worked up in these threads. It gets worse and worse with every post, I'm just looking out for you, I saw what went on with you and Mayhem in that other thread


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
The Tea Party pulled the pin out of a grenade, dropped it at the Republicans feet, and now they want Obama to throw himself on it.

I think you described this perfectly.

I don't like Obama. I don't agree with the Affordable Care Act in its current state, but as much as I dislike it I can't deny that the law went through the democratic process. At the time it was passed, negotiations were made and BOTH parties agreed upon them. Now, the GOP (especially tea party) wants to renege on the act (that they agreed to in the end) and is blaming the democrats and Obama for standing their ground on a LAW THAT WAS ALREADY FUCKING PASSED.

Neither party is blameless in this situation, but what the tea party is doing is kind of like where you get a promotion and you negotiate your new salary with your boss. The price is agreed upon, the contract signed, and your new salary goes into effect. A few weeks later your boss realizes it was a bad mistake or he wasn't happy with what was negotiated, wants to renegotiate and is going to now hold your salary until you agree on his new terms.

Really, from sitting on the outside and looking in, it's like a bunch of pissed off little children because mommy won't give them a cookie before dinner.


Official Checked Star Member
BC the fact is that your party is holding everyone hostage. They are grandstanding to try and get what they want, at ANY cost. They have shown that the american people are not a concern. they are worried about party first and as of now, they are fucking themselves into a guaranteed huge loss come next elections. you can say all you want about what the president can and cant do, but when one side that has power refuses to play ball, what's he supposed to do? be like bush and say "fuck you and what you want Im doing it!" ??? and have everyone throw it in his face and point the finger at him? bush used a giant lie to get the war he wanted and look at how that worked out for him.
A law that was passed by Democrats and 6 months later they and their dingbat speaker were thrown out of office. They ran on repealing the ACA and are trying to live up to that campaign promise. Like it or not, shutting down the government is a tactic at their disposal. It is not extortion. It is not illegal it is simply them doing what they feel they were elected to do. They can vote a hundred times to repeal and even if they controlled the senate and they voted to repeal Obama wouldn't sign it. They asked for a 1 year delay and more cuts. There is also misinformation being thrown out there that it is only the Tea Party doing this when even moderate Republicans are wanting these cuts and delay also. The way I see it if this thing is going to go forward anyway they should put up a fight. If Americans are so angry that they will throw them out of the majority over this in 2014 then at least they attempted to make a change while they were there. This thing would not be law if they had the numbers in 2010 that they do now. There really is no difference in what they are doing as when the Dems ramrodded this thing through with no bipartisan support. Ultimately they have nothing to lose. The 80 or so will keep their seats. It's the other 2/3 that will lose. I would rather them fight for this and be defeated than to roll over and let it go forward if the end result will still be the same.