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Poll for men

1. Do you own a car? Nope. Man power gets me where I need to go.

2. Who pays the restaurant bill: you or your female friend? Me. Urr day.

3. How did you find the Freeones page? Probably looking for fake nudes of celebs.

4. Are you jealous? No.

5. Which one is the best role model for men;

Clint Eastwood, Barac Obama, Keith Richards, Justin Bieber, yourself? Me.

6. What do women think about you? They love me.

7. Have you ever managed to come into sexually molested? No.

8. What do you think when you see a man cry? His life probably sucks at that moment.

9. Do you look people straight in the eye when you talk with them? Sometimes.

10. Do you belive in horoscopes? No.

11. Have you ever hit a woman? No. I throw them.

12. Which party would you vote for? Toga.

13. Which one you take of first: a shirt or pants? Pants. I need to let my junk breath.

14. Do you belive in life after death? No.

15. What languages do you speak? Too many.

16. Are you homophobic? Nope. I'll fuck anybody.

17. What do you think of Valentine's day? Scam.

18. How often do you think about sex? Frequently.

19. Have you read The Old Man And The Sea-book? No.

20. Do you belive that there's no such thing as a stupid question? No.
Remember also that the moderator may read this thread. :sheep:

Moderators are reading this thread.

I came into this thread ready to focus my attention on Mayhem for the surprising outburst from him but its not always the same when you actually read a thread.

Brodkill, it was a kinda stupid question to ask, lets be fair - This forum is struggling for good topics of conversation, this one might entertain for 20 minutes or two weeks, either way its here.

Mayhem, Really?I hate seeing good members post dumb things. Stick Brodkill on ignore, if his posts elicit this kind of outburst you don't need to be reading what the does post. (This is not a request)

Brodkill, if Mayhem quotes you or posts in response to something you say directly in any other part of the board, PM me and Mayhem gets a tasty infraction point or three.

Get it Mayhem? Brodkill go ignore then you no get infraction points!

Look at that, harmony on the board is restored!

In the time it took me to type that one out, I see Johan has joined the party, when did this become a threesome?

Johan, I mean this in the politest way when I say, don't. Put the thread back on topic guys or the thread goes bye bye.
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You're going to put infractions on Mayhem just for responding to shitstain in the future, in different threads? He told brodkill exactly what he needed to be told. We all know none of the mods would have said anything to brodkill for his bs. Street justice.

Also, brodkills name endorses and promotes violence towards women and he should be banned.


You're right....I am a good member. And brodkill is not. He posted once, then he posted again. What definition of trolling did he not bring into this thread, started by another good member?

You're right again. This board is struggling for good topics. This is one. It is and you know it. Why are you allowing brodkill to bring down to his level?

I will never put anyone on ignore. The two testicles I was born with are still functional, thanx for asking.

I seriously have to ask again, why are you warning me about a possible infraction, when I posted a respectful reply to the OP, was going to read the other replies with interest and (I'm sure) amusement? The unfortunate turn this has taken was not of my choosing and not by my actions.
I'm looking at this thread as I see it, I don't care about post histories or how you feel about each other, I'm looking at this thread as I see it right now with the posts that were made.

But in hindsight, I'll tell you what - Ignore everything I said before.

Flame, troll, spout off the usual bullshit about "You're a troll" "Die Troll Die" "I'm a better member" Etc Etc Etc til the cows come home and you can all derail this thread so far that another mod can close it up and listen to all the bullshit excuses about why someone on the board deserves banning.

As many a mod has said before we don't actually get paid to listen to everyone's bullshit, so I'm not gonna on this occasion.


I'm looking at this thread as I see it, I don't care about post histories or how you feel about each other, I'm looking at this thread as I see it right now with the posts that were made.

But in hindsight, I'll tell you what - Ignore everything I said before.

Flame, troll, spout off the usual bullshit about "You're a troll" "Die Troll Die" "I'm a better member" Etc Etc Etc til the cows come home and you can all derail this thread so far that another mod can close it up and listen to all the bullshit excuses about why someone on the board deserves banning.

As many a mod has said before we don't actually get paid to listen to everyone's bullshit, so I'm not gonna on this occasion.

I asked you a couple of direct questions. I did so respectfully and without anger. I asked them with regards to the rules of the board and the policies that Petra herself has directly told us to observe, on numerous occasions.

I would like the courtesy of my questions being answered, please.
This -

and the point of this is?

Does not deserve this -

Yes. The purpose of online discussion is to seek out pathetic, sackless losers like brodkill and convince him to take a hike in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey without a compass. Why? Because when aforementioned sad and lame excuse of humanity dies and his body feeds the wild dogs that roam this particular area, he will have finally found the his purpose for infecting my planet with his pointless existence.

No brodkill, I'm not joking. Die you worthless fuck, die.

Rather then hand out infraction points that would lead to a banning, following the same policies that mods have to follow, I gave a solution of putting another member on ignore. But your response

"I will never put anyone on ignore. The two testicles I was born with are still functional, thanx for asking."

made that redundant. So, as I have said I'm looking at whats in front of me, I don't care what Brodkills history on the forum is, I have to remain neutral when dealing with situations like this which I tried to do. I see there is fault on both sides but no way in hell does the two questions brodkill asked deserve the response you threw at him. You may have replied to the OP respectfully but I'm struggling to comprehend what makes the post you made even party acceptable.


I don't care what Brodkills history on the forum is,

This is a mistake and you (the mods) should immediately rectify it. A members posting history should very much be a part of the equation. I don't get why it wouldn't be.

"Neutrality" is also a mistake. You're a mod. You've been here for a while. As you said in your first post, you know who the good members are, and who aren't. Do you hammer nails with a screwdriver? No. You use the appropriate tools to do the job correctly. You have the correct tools, and so do the other mods. Use them please.

The above were generic responses. In the case of this thread, brodkills presence is trolling and flaming. He not only has not contributed, he has ruined what could have been a pretty good read. And as a seven year member (with his own sometimes unfortunate history) I'm sick and tired of good threads being brought down by worthless shit like this. Placing someone on ignore helps nothing. BTW, the two testicles crack is how I feel about the Ignore feature, not a swipe at you, in case it needs to be said. Anyway, a thread still suffers through shit like this, regardless of any individuals' choice to ignore.

Enough is enough. I'm sick of assari getting picked on. I'm sick of the people who do it. I'm sick of the fact that they think they are somehow amusing when they do it. And I'm sick of people like brodkill bringing a good board down.

It needed to be said.
1. Do you own a car? Does my pickup count?

2. Who pays the restaurant bill: you or your female friend? I do.

3. How did you find the Freeones page? Google search for Amanda Addams.

4. Are you jealous? No.

5. Which one is the best role model for men;

Clint Eastwood, Barac Obama, Keith Richards, Justin Bieber, yourself? Clint or I will suffice.

6. What do women think about you? That I am too picky.

7. Have you ever managed to come into sexually molested? Are you drunk?

8. What do you think when you see a man cry? Depends on the man. A real man, I empathize with the tragic loss. Some metro pansy, I want to smack him.

9. Do you look people straight in the eye when you talk with them? Yes, I can stare at boobs in the peripherals.

10. Do you belive in horoscopes? I believe that they exist.

11. Have you ever hit a woman? No, but I am not morally opposed if she truly deserves it.

12. Which party would you vote for? The one at my house.

13. Which one you take of first: a shirt or pants? Shirt, pants don't get past the shoes very well.

14. Do you belive in life after death? What time is it?

15. What languages do you speak? Apparently not the same one as you.

16. Are you homophobic? No, I just don't like them touching me. But they can accessorize.

17. What do you think of Valentine's day? It's a good excuse to get her liquored up, and ask for something extra kinky.

18. How often do you think about sex? Are you suggesting that there are times when people don't?

19. Have you read The Old Man And The Sea-book? No.

20. Do you belive that there's no such thing as a stupid question? No, it's usually the person asking it that is stupid.
1. Do you own a car? No.

2. Who pays the restaurant bill: you or your female friend? I'll pay for it.

3. How did you find the Freeones page? I discovered it it when searching google for "fake tit cleavage." :1orglaugh

4. Are you jealous? You bet.

5. Which one is the best role model for men;

Clint Eastwood, Barac Obama, Keith Richards, Justin Bieber, yourself? Keith Richards

6. What do women think about you? They think I'm one desperate little bastard. At least, that is my guess.

7. Have you ever managed to come into sexually molested? Can't say that I have.

8. What do you think when you see a man cry? I wonder what happened to him, and if I could help.

9. Do you look people straight in the eye when you talk with them? I do this a lot with women, but not so much with men.

10. Do you belive in horoscopes? Not really.

11. Have you ever hit a woman? I hit a girl with a folder back in 2006. Does that count?

12. Which party would you vote for? No specific one.

13. Which one you take of first: a shirt or pants? Pants

14. Do you belive in life after death? Yeah.

15. What languages do you speak? English and nothing else.

16. Are you homophobic? No, I respect gays.

17. What do you think of Valentine's day? It's a good time of year for lesbian porn sites.

18. How often do you think about sex? Pretty much everyday.

19. Have you read The Old Man And The Sea-book? I haven't read it, but I heard from many people that it's really good.

20. Do you belive that there's no such thing as a stupid question? Yeah, I can agree with that.
1. Do you own a car? yes several

2. Who pays the restaurant bill: you or your female friend? if it's a special friend i usually pay otherwise it's split.

3. How did you find the Freeones page? i don't remember

4. Are you jealous? no

5. Which one is the best role model for men;

Clint Eastwood, Barac Obama, Keith Richards, Justin Bieber, yourself?

6. What do women think about you? i don't know any of them well enough to answer that so i'll go with myself

7. Have you ever managed to come into sexually molested? i don't understand the wording of this question...

8. What do you think when you see a man cry? i feel bad that he's in such a bad place

9. Do you look people straight in the eye when you talk with them? yeah mostly, i look away sometimes though

10. Do you belive in horoscopes? not really

11. Have you ever hit a woman? not intentionally

12. Which party would you vote for? whichever party i feel will hinder my life less

13. Which one you take of first: a shirt or pants? shirt

14. Do you belive in life after death? sort of.

15. What languages do you speak? english and some spanish

16. Are you homophobic? no

17. What do you think of Valentine's day? it's a bullshit holiday

18. How often do you think about sex? frequently

19. Have you read The Old Man And The Sea-book? yes

20. Do you belive that there's no such thing as a stupid question? no. if someone should already know the answer then i consider it a stupid question
1. Do you own a car? No, I own a truck.

2. Who pays the restaurant bill: you or your female friend? Usually me but it depends on the situation.

3. How did you find the Freeones page? I can barely remember last week so :dunno:.

4. Are you jealous? No.

5. Which one is the best role model for men;

Clint Eastwood, Barac Obama, Keith Richards, Justin Bieber, yourself? Wrong, the correct answer is Chuck Norris. Although he does come to me for tips on occasion.

6. What do women think about you? Damn, what a sexy beast.

7. Have you ever managed to come into sexually molested? What the fuck did you just say?

8. What do you think when you see a man cry? I don't think anything of it, I'm not in his shoes.

9. Do you look people straight in the eye when you talk with them? Mostly.

10. Do you belive in horoscopes? Not really.

11. Have you ever hit a woman? There have been a few asses slapped.

12. Which party would you vote for? Kegger.

13. Which one you take of first: a shirt or pants? Shirt.

14. Do you belive in life after death? Death is a part of life and life is a part of death, so yes.

15. What languages do you speak? American English and Drunkenese.

16. Are you homophobic? No. Why should I be?

17. What do you think of Valentine's day? Hallmark holiday.

18. How often do you think about sex? Every moment that I'm not thinking about something else.

19. Have you read The Old Man And The Sea-book? Several times.

20. Do you belive that there's no such thing as a stupid question? Stupid questions? No. Stupid people? Yes.
1. Do you own a car? Since I was 15, yes. Half my life now I've been driving. (Jeeze that sucks when I think about it that way).

2. Who pays the restaurant bill: you or your female friend? Both.

3. How did you find the Freeones page? Probably searching for Lydia Schone.

4. Are you jealous? Of what?

5. Which one is the best role model for men;

Clint Eastwood, Barac Obama, Keith Richards, Justin Bieber, yourself? Clint.

6. What do women think about you? Varies.

7. Have you ever managed to come into sexually molested? What?

8. What do you think when you see a man cry? That's a real man.

9. Do you look people straight in the eye when you talk with them? Yes.

10. Do you belive in horoscopes? No.

11. Have you ever hit a woman? No.

12. Which party would you vote for? Anyone but democrap or republicon.

13. Which one you take of first: a shirt or pants? Shirt.

14. Do you belive in life after death? Yes.

15. What languages do you speak? English.

16. Are you homophobic? No.

17. What do you think of Valentine's day? It's bullshit.

18. How often do you think about sex? Once a day, probably.

19. Have you read The Old Man And The Sea-book? No.

20. Do you belive that there's no such thing as a stupid question? No.