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I enjoy your posts Milf Man and Mega's too.

I do find Mega's thinking in his posts to be single minded (not quite "fair and balanced" ;) ), but I would say he is rather well informed and I'm guessing well read.

Just my opinion. I do tend to look for and read both of your posts.

LOL Funny you mention Mega's posts as not fair and balanced!
Most the people he argues with are the most narrow minded, one sided people on here.
And this response from you doesn't surprise me at all. Your post are the best and most prime examples of gross, ill-informed, full of hatred, single minded views by anyone else in this entire forum.
'Hatred'? Where? Ever?? From you no less. The guy who makes personal dislike the primary point of disagreement.
And what do you mean off-base?
The simplest and most obvious example is GWB could have killed or captured OBL in Dec. '01 without having tortured a single person. He failed. I could go on....
Did you completely overlook the person who I was having the conversation with and their post? I assume not.

I needed to?? What you claimed in your posts didn't require me to glean some background for their context. I dealt with the on point ignorance you conveyed in them. I wasn't trying to nor did I need to referee your discussion with the other poster.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Here's another interesting angle to the story:

Read more: http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/142...es-victims-state-department.htm#ixzz1Lqg5RFM7

That's really a nice sum... I think that the Navy Seal Team should at least get 1 million each.
Don't you know? The peons who serve in the us military are mere pawns to be expended in an economic game.
That is why the M16, Stryker, M60, AH64 and M1 were illegally procured.
Of course the soldiers who do the job will get no money; an american soldiers job is to get shot. That's why gunshields dissapeared after Vietnam and why the M1 had no infantry telephone.
You wait until M1s go to peace again; all those TUSK kits will dissapear in the blink of an eye.

So who will get the money? The bankers.
I figured your parents were brother and sister cause why else would you ask? Sorry, mine parents are not brother and sister.

On how to gather intelligence with the CIA George W. Bush was finally able to get OBL. If it were not for the techniques used to get the intelligence OBL would probably still be hiding out in Pakistan. Techniques that the ignorant B.O. gang refuse to use.
The use of torture has been disproved as effective time and again.
I can see that I can't change your mind because your more concerned with believing what you want to and not "being beaten" in an argument than being right.

So your parents weren't brother and sister? Interesting, then how to explain your... lets be polite and call it a condition? What happened?
A: Were you dropped on your head as a child?
B: Did your mother smoke while pregnant with you?
C: Did your mother partake of harmfull narcotics while pregnant with you?
D: Did your mother drink while pregnant with you?
E: Was you father the family dog?
F: After you were born, did your mother not love you? Did she swing you around the delivery room by the umbilical cord, bouncing your head off the walls?
G: Did your father work in a nuclear power plant? Were his sperm damaged by radiation?
H: Do you originate from a small rural area with an extremely limited gene pool?
I: How old was your mother when she fell pregnant with you? I've heard that at an older age, a woman may produce chromosomally damaged children.
J: When you were born, was the umbilical cord wrapped around your throat? Was your brain starved of oxygen?

Abbottabad feeling about this.
Very good
And this response from you doesn't surprise me at all. Your post are the best and most prime examples of gross, ill-informed, full of hatred, single minded views by anyone else in this entire forum.

And what do you mean off-base? Did you completely overlook the person who I was having the conversation with and their post? I assume not. Attacking someone by the comment they made doesn't get anymore off base. But obviously you completely overlooked their post. But again, anything you say on this board isn't surprising to me because of your single-minded way of thought.
How dare you call him ill informed, you who thinks torture is effective? You who seems to approve of GWB?
I'm beginning to suspect that you're just trolling...
Well, back on the board cause I changed location.

This is definately the BEST NEWS I ever heard since more but 10 years.
CONGRATULATIONS to the lucky shooter , whoever it was !! :hatsoff::hatsoff::hatsoff:

1 spraakwater, ober ijskoud spraakwater
met kans op een Nederlandstalige kater
door m’n spraakwater
eh yo is ijs-, ijs- ijskoud
brrr, consumptie verplicht hè
en je weet ‘t, spraakwater
is ijskoud spraakwater
je hebt gewoon een Nederlandstalige kater
door m’n spraakwater
nou allemaal uit volle borst
spraakwater lest de dorst


Closed Account
The simplest and most obvious example is GWB could have killed or captured OBL in Dec. '01 without having tortured a single person. He failed. I could go on....

These are close minded people who REFUSE to believe that torture does not work despite all evidence it doesn't and testimony from interrogators (and former POW's like John McCain). Most of the information the torturing got was actually misinformation and that's why the Bush administration was fustrated and absolutely clueless about the whereabouts of Osama.:facepalm:

Those Right wing nuts will listen to Repubs who dodged military service like Bush or Cheney ,but they refuse to listen to a man(McCain) who was ACTUALLY TORTURED. Under torture people will say or do anything they THINK the Torture wants to hear and if they have no information they lie/mislead to get the TORTURERS to stop. Following up on Misleading information wastes soooo much time and that's no dobt what the idiots in the Bush administration were doing. Following up on misinformation and wasting valuable time.

And to think some of these Far Right nuts who favor torture call the terrorists primitive.:facepalm:

Despite the Bush administrations torture techniques the USA could not capture, locate nor even confirm that Bin Laden was dead or alive. Now his supporters come along after 8 years of Bush futility and want to give him credit:1orglaugh

If they weren't so funny it would be sad.

And response to an earlier post I only pointed out that this mission wasn't started from scratch during the Obama administration(just like the terrible economy and wars Obama inherited) ,but had Bush not invaded Iraq and concentrated on Bin
Laden he would have been caught years earlier.

It hurts these Repubs who always like to throw out the fearmongering 'whose gonna protect you from Terrorists' and "Dems are soft on Terror/Defemse" nonsense since Obama did what Bush failed miserably to do.


Closed Account
The use of torture has been disproved as effective time and again.
I can see that I can't change your mind because your more concerned with believing what you want to and not "being beaten" in an argument than being right.

Just wanted to reiterate how much I agree that torture has been proven NOT to work and can even be damaging to Intelligence because they get soooo many false leads and flat out misinformation during torture. Had someone like McCain been ok with the use of torture the Right would be daring us to question a patriot who lived through torture at at POW camp. They basically dismiss or ignore him since he has tried to explain to them futilely that torture does NOT work.

The preemptive actions killed hundereds of thousands of civilians, if not up to a million depends on what source you want to use. Half of whom are due to the direct action of the US military, while the other half due to terrorists who have been provocated by US actions. The Taliban killed only 3,000 people in 9/11.

Unless you believe that all those brown non-American people killed by the preemptive action to be somewhat less important and their lives less valuable than American citizens, I think the maths is very obvious.

And unpatriotic? I'll trade humanity for patriotism anyday, the truely disgusting thing here is your willingness to blindly support your country's military and anything done in it's name regardless of the ethical and moral implications.

I do think killing Oama is a great thing, though it might have been better to capture him, and make him face the humiliation of a criminal trial and exectution. Now supporters can easily spin this to make him into somesort of martyr.

As good a thing it is to capture Bin Laden, I wont quite go out celebrating on the streets - what I saw people doing in NYC and Washington was truely sickining. Remember, it was that very same desire for vengence which was the official reason of the US going into those two wars, and which costthe lives of so many more times as much innocent civilians. Celebrating like that implies those scumbags think a good thing like finding Bin Laden justifies all that was previously done in it's name, or that justice has been done on any sort of concievable moral scale.
It is that behaivious which disgusts me much more than the happiness I gained from finding out the world is one asshole short.

Great post.

Another thing that has got me a bit uneasy besides the murder of an unarmed man in front of his children/wives is the propaganda coming from the administration( Though I shed no tear for Osama),

I thought most of the propaganda had ended after Bush left office ,but it continues.:facepalm:

1)Initially they claimed Bin Laden and other men were using 'women shields' before he was shot which turns out to be a bald face lie. To cover up the fact they accidently shot/killed an unarmed woman.

2) They claimed there was a hellish 40 minute firefight:facepalm: when in actuality only one person was armed during the assault and four others killed. They stormed an unguarded Villa with only 4 adult unarmed men(2 couriers and 1 son of Osama) and the rest women and children(several Wives, 13 children and a couple servants)

I wouldn't be shocked if our Intelligence is taking credit for gathering information yet someone finally called and wanted to collect that $50 million dollar reward.

Reminded me of all of the Bush era propanganda about Jessica Lynch, Pat Tillman and the British journalist accidently killed by the Seals on a similiar failed mission that they lied about.

After all of that and the bullshit propaganda about Iraq and 'wmd's and potential nuclear 'mushroom clouds' I am a bit tired of it all. Just tell me what happened without all the bs and leve the propaganda to Kim Jong-Il/N Korea.

We entered Pakistan, stormed an unguarded Villa, murdered 4 unarmed people including Osama in front of his wife and kids and then let us digest it on our own.
I suspect that neither the Afghans or the Pakistanis wanted to be the ones to take OBL out, not necessarily because they supported him (he brought them trouble no end) but because their public would turn against them if they did and there would be civil war. This is why it suits the Pakistanis to say that the US came in and took out OBL without consulting them and then appear to be outraged, it stops the Pakistani Taliban launching a full scale campaign against them for their collusion, do we really believe that Pakistan with all its military hardware didn't notice US helicopters entering its airspace? I think the Americans have agreed to take the fall for this one and the Pakistani govt had no part in it in the eyes of the huge numbers of OBL supporters in Pakistan.

Yeah, I thought it was bullshit that the Americans could go in, land next door to a Pakistani military base, stay there for 40 minutes, and those Pakistani F-16's that were scrambled couldn't get there in time.
LOL Funny you mention Mega's posts as not fair and balanced!
Most the people he argues with are the most narrow minded, one sided people on here.

I guess you didn't get he reference.

I was referring to his views not being aligned with Fox News, which uses the slogan "fair and balanced". I wasn't throwing a stone at him.

I'll counter your generalization with one of my own, which is one of the reasons I do more reading of the posts and I post less. I find it annoying that postings that seem to either come from the right or the left tend to only see the good in their "side". I don't see many postings that weight the positives and negatives of both sides or even just one side. :2 cents:


milf n' cookies
'Hatred'? Where? Ever?? From you no less. The guy who makes personal dislike the primary point of disagreement.

You and vodkazvictim are prime examples of not knowing how to hold a conversation without implementing some type of hate and personal attacks to another member who simply disagree with you. By your post, you come across that you are always right and whoever disagrees with you is ignorant and misinformed. That thought process is a great way to go thru life. So yes, I think your post are full of hate and attacks towards other members.

The use of torture has been disproved as effective time and again.
I can see that I can't change your mind because your more concerned with believing what you want to and not "being beaten" in an argument than being right.

So your parents weren't brother and sister? Interesting, then how to explain your... lets be polite and call it a condition? What happened?
A: Were you dropped on your head as a child?
B: Did your mother smoke while pregnant with you?
C: Did your mother partake of harmfull narcotics while pregnant with you?
D: Did your mother drink while pregnant with you?
E: Was you father the family dog?
F: After you were born, did your mother not love you? Did she swing you around the delivery room by the umbilical cord, bouncing your head off the walls?
G: Did your father work in a nuclear power plant? Were his sperm damaged by radiation?
H: Do you originate from a small rural area with an extremely limited gene pool?
I: How old was your mother when she fell pregnant with you? I've heard that at an older age, a woman may produce chromosomally damaged children.
J: When you were born, was the umbilical cord wrapped around your throat? Was your brain starved of oxygen?

Very good

How dare you call him ill informed, you who thinks torture is effective? You who seems to approve of GWB?
I'm beginning to suspect that you're just trolling...

Your obviously "trolling" just to personally attack me. You can't even hold a conversation without your hatred. Just because I or someone disagrees with you doesn't mean you have act like your in elementary school. When you start personally attacking someone as you have, interest is lost in what you have to say because your arguments are simply made up of hate to make your points.


Closed Account
You and vodkazvictim are prime examples of not knowing how to hold a conversation without implementing some type of hate and personal attacks to another member who simply disagree with you. By your post, you come across that you are always right and whoever disagrees with you is ignorant and misinformed. That thought process is a great way to go thru life. So yes, I think your post are full of hate and attacks towards other members.

The thoughtful way to respond to those posts that you 'claim' are 'personal attacks'(although nowhere have I seen Mega personally attack you:dunno:) is to give us evidence that torture works. I think had torture worked that the Bush Administartion would have at least had a clue to Bin Laden's whereabouts or if were even dead or alive:dunno: But over 8 years and nothing?

History has proven for the most part that torture doesn not work and the person tortured only tells you what he thinks you want to hear or gives misleading information to make the suffering stop. I bet the Bush administration was following up on misleads/ misinformation and wasting time and money.

John McCain is a very partisan politician(especially at election time) who actually suffered at the hands of torturers and has steadfastly refused to follow the GOP party line on this issue like you blindly have. McCain can give you first hand knowledge of how torturing only demeans and abuses ,but rarely gets you any pertinent information.

After 8 years of basically not nowing whether Bin Laden was alive or not Bush supporters and former administartion officials are embarassed and coming out the woodworks to take the credit. Yet they refused to take credit for the awful economy he left behind.:facepalm:
People, this is an emotional issue, but let's not make personal attacks or make general comments on members actions on the board.

I realise I'm not a mod; I know that I'm just a jackass, but there is no reason to get defensive/offensive with anyone here. Let's acknowledge a couple things:

1. Osama Bin Laden was a bad guy. Anyone care to dispute this?
2. He is now dead. We all have opinions on how this happened, but let's remember that my opinion is as valid as yours, but yours is also as valid as mine.

If we fight and bitch and moan, this thread gets closed. I think it's a good thread. Everyone play nice.
That's really a nice sum... I think that the Navy Seal Team should at least get 1 million each.

These guys are underpaid IMO. However, reward money usually goes to some witness that provides the information that leads to the raid. Detectives don't get reward money for tracking down fugitives nor does the S.W.A.T. team get reward money for taking down fugitives in cases they're assigned.

As deftly, bravely and heroically these men performed their mission, they likely weren't the individuals who created the lead on OBL but the ones who responded to the lead.

You and vodkazvictim are prime examples of not knowing how to hold a conversation without implementing some type of hate and personal attacks to another member who simply disagree with you. By your post, you come across that you are always right and whoever disagrees with you is ignorant and misinformed. That thought process is a great way to go thru life. So yes, I think your post are full of hate and attacks towards other members.

Firstly I didn't attack you at all. Based on the facts, I characterized your posts as 'absurdly ill-informed' and 'patently off-base'. Strong rebukes of your statements but not personal attacks.

Again, based on the facts I said of you, "there is only 3 ways someone can intentionally create two posts stating this; sickness, gross ignorance or jokingly".

First of all, if GWB would have done in Dec '01 what Obama did on May 1, 2011, send OUR guys in to get him in Tora Bora OBL would have never made it to Pakistan to hide out for the next 10 years in the first place and he would have BEEN dead already.
^Now if this...

1. al Libi and KSM were captured years ago. KSM in 03 and al Libi prior to that.

2. According to interrogators KSM gave up the alias for OBL's courier under traditional interrogation.

3. al Libi did too to the FBI. The C.I.A. then took custody of al Libi and tortured him into saying Iraq was connected to 9/11 (basically made him say what Bush needed in order to invade Iraq). That claim was later debunked in the '06 Senate report on Iraq pre-war intel and recanted by al Libi before his death.

4. In spite of torture, Bush still never captured or killed OBL.
^And this are true and you state what you state in your previous two posts with knowing these are true...then what else is that but gross ignorance on your part?

If the same are true and you know them to be true but state what you stated just as a ruse to to rile others...then I accept it's being stated jokingly.

But if the same are true and you state what you state seriously just because you have a problem with the politics and knowing they are true, what else is that but some psychological sickness??

LOL Funny you mention Mega's posts as not fair and balanced!
Most the people he argues with are the most narrow minded, one sided people on here.

I've said two things on more than one occasion in the past; I generally give GOPers a more difficult time mainly because they tend to be more strident in a facts be damned point of view and I acknowledge being condescending to people who try to seriously articulate a political point of view without even bothering with the facts.

There are times when I use the Socratic method and there are also times when I jokingly or sarcastically poke fun at some political points of view using the facts. Some just might not be able to tell the difference.:dunno:

These are close minded people who REFUSE to believe that torture does not work despite all evidence it doesn't and testimony from interrogators (and former POW's like John McCain). Most of the information the torturing got was actually misinformation and that's why the Bush administration was fustrated and absolutely clueless about the whereabouts of Osama.:facepalm:

The only place in all this where I've seen clear and convincing evidence torture works is in the logic some are flailing around to detract from Obama and offer generously misplaced credit to Bush.

Didn't click it but a url with 'totallycrap' in it, I'll assume they're being honest about the 'crap' part.:o