Ok Mega
Stop jumping my ass!!!!!!!!
Stop jumping my ass!!!!!!!!
Ok Mega
Stop jumping my ass!!!!!!!!
Everyone wants a perfect solution in a world where none are available. IMHO opinion polls on issues like this are meaningless. It will all come down to whether it works or not. And for that, we will all have to wait and see.
Well said.
I dont put to much into these polls because there is alot of misinformation out there about the bill, a majority of people don't even know what is in the bill and yet they say they are against it.
Well a lot of people don't even know what is in the bill and say they are for it. Frankly, our POLITICIANS don't know what is in the bill. The Dems voted for it because Obama and Pelosi told them to. The the Reps voted against it because Obama and Pelosi told them to vote for it. Most of them have no clue what they are voting on. It is the biggest thing I hate about American Politics people just stand on the party lines.
Just so you know, I am against Government getting involved in anything being one of those "crazy" Libertarian types.
Nonsense. The damn thing didn't write itself.Somebody wrote the thing.
Your picking up on a talking point.:nono:
Actually how these bills get done is they go through committee after committee. And each step it gets changed just a little bit. Someone add an earmark, someone edits a line. It is entirely possible that no one has read the whole thing.
It is unlikely though. But I guarantee that MOST of the people who voted for it did not read the whole thing. I guarantee my congressmen didn't.
What else is there to say about the bill. I don't like the fact it was done with reconciliation, something that was not meant to pass bills. How about how I am no convinced even after your "answer" we can pay for this? How about I don't think the Government has the right to tell me what to do or buy? Or how about all the earmarks in the bill? All the pork? Should we talk about those?