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One Porn Star's Political Opinions...


let's see...what do all of those places have in common???? would that be dictatorships? communism?? how about hostile governments?

OK, well you actually listed three different entities and assumed that I would join you in classifying them as one. And what makes you think that our government wouldn't become a "hostile dictatorship" if given the chance. The Civil War and WWII are two occasions where this could have very easily happened. Then there's the McCarthy era. That's three. And then came Vietnam.

What do you think has been protecting you all this time? The National Enquirer?
awesome quote: "Bill Maher ‏@billmaher 6 May
So...44% of Rep.s think an ARMED REBELLION might be necessary in the next few years. So if u say most Rep.s r fucking nuts u'd be off by 7%"

@billmaher: April was the deadliest month in Iraq in 6 years. On the bright side, the Bush museum has a lovely Oscar de la Renta dress that Laura wore.
Christ..now she's quoting Bill Maher
OK, well you actually listed three different entities and assumed that I would join you in classifying them as one. And what makes you think that our government wouldn't become a "hostile dictatorship" if given the chance. The Civil War and WWII are two occasions where this could have very easily happened. Then there's the McCarthy era. That's three. And then came Vietnam.

What do you think has been protecting you all this time? The National Enquirer?

You have now hit nonsensical batshit crazy
Last edited:
If everyone of you that have participated on this thread don't go over and vote for Mariah as OCSM of the week something is terribly wrong. This thread is 11 pages and she didn't have to post one nude photo.
If everyone of you that have participated on this thread don't go over and vote for Mariah as OCSM of the week something is terribly wrong. This thread is 11 pages and she didn't have to post one nude photo.

Too true, sorry it won't let me rep you on it lol


I'm watching some specialist videos
2nd Amendment.

No, it would not be easy for anybody to see future weapons development. Look at computer development - one of the greatest minds in Science Fiction, Isaac Asimov, saw computers growing, not shrinking. He got a lot right, but not that. Why would a bunch of politicians see the development in arms that did a job that was required of them at the time and even develop into the mass killing machines that is possible now?
To enable to a people's militia to overthrow a tyrannical government? Don't be so dense. This WILL NOT HAPPEN. Why? Because to become a tyrannical government you will have to have the backing of the military. A military made up of citizens of a free regime. A Regime that has had the freedom of it's people at the heart of its constitution for over 200 years. Can you really believe that your own army would turn against its citizens - turn against their family and friends? Only someone truly paranoid could imagine this.
Would you really give arms to someone who is that paranoid? I wouldn't.


Official Checked Star Member
whats wrong with Bill Maher? He provokes thought and I dont agree with everything he says, he at least calls his own side out and presents issues and points of view. more than retards like Hannity who would take sides with an abortion clinic bomber if he said he was a fan of his show
whats wrong with Bill Maher?

I was a fan of Maher when he used to be on a SNL rip-off show called Fridays (You are too young to remember that).

He makes me laugh, but I don't think the comparison to Hannity is a good one. Greg Gutfield would be a better comparison. They are basically both satirists.


Official Checked Star Member
I simply meant that he at least isn't a tunnel vision person like Hannity who doesn't take issue with his party on any matter unless he says they aren't being extreme enough.

I know all about Fridays. Michael Richards was on there also ;) I have Netflix dude :)
and I appreciate the suggestion for me to be OCSM of the week. that's very nice even though I'm a pinko and you're a nazi lol

One of the benefits of my Nazi leanings is that I can make a mean Jagerschnitzel with bacon mushroom gravy.
The chinese and the russians are developping their fifth generation stealthy planes if that is not a threat then there is a problem. They are also developping and building their last generation of submarines and ICBMs which outperform the latest version of the minuteman III. The f15 isn't stealthy and hasn't got thrust vectoring like the latest generation of mig 29 and su 27 and it hasn't got as well as a passive area scanned array radar. The f22 is stealthy, has trust vectoring and a passive area scanned array radar. The best pilots in the world are in the Israeli Air Force, they are the ones who have the highest kills scores on f15s and f16s.
List of Obama's administration defense canceled programs:
If you want more I will give you more

The F22 entered service prematurely before the bugs were fixed. The F22 has an active area scanned radar (AESA). The Russians have had better missiles then the minuteman III for decades. Ground-Based Midcourse Defense has far more range then SM-3 based system. But both are basically trying to hit a bullet (kill vehicle) with a bullet (nuclear warhead). The U. S. missile shield is no threat to Russia. The U. S. would have to build tens of thousands of missiles to even try to stop Russian ICBMs with their penetration aids. ABM systems are more expensive to construct then ICBMs


Torn & Frayed.
If everyone of you that have participated on this thread don't go over and vote for Mariah as OCSM of the week something is terribly wrong. This thread is 11 pages and she didn't have to post one nude photo.

Shit, I did that, and I've just been reading...


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I just voted for Mariah for OCSM of the Week. Good suggestion, BC, now let's get the rest of these political junkies to go vote.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Yes he is a socialist bordering on Marxist.
He has associated with socialists all of his life.QUOTE]
You need to reread the definitions of "Socialist and Marxist".
Also, guilt by association? I associate with you cunts remotely, does that make me a disgusting perv? :tongue:
"Everybody pays their fair share.. everybody gets a fair shot= socialism
"fundamentally transform America" is socialist speak.
Life is not fair and it never will be. And it damned sure isn't government's job to even the playing field.
Obamacare=re-examine Obamacare and Socialism. Last I heard Obamacare was a boon for insurance companies.
So, just because it's "Socialism", everbody paying their fair share and getting a fair chance is bad?
Socialist speak... So everything Einstein said can be dismissed as Geek speak?
I agree that vets should get health care. but what about the fact that wages are behind inflation and people aren't able to live while working full time, many 2 full time jobs?
call it socialist speak all you want, america needs transforming and if you deny that you are crazy and naive which I don't think you are...yet :)
I agree that people should pay their fair share. No one making millions should be paying less than those making thousands. you don't agree with that??????????
and the right wants to get rid of the EPA which polices companies from dumping toxic waste in water. and let's face it, if no one was watching EVERY chemical company in the US would be dumping in rivers, landfills and the ocean.
Good point; if we won't (not can't) care for the workforce should we be surprised that we're in economic trouble?
I agree with those who make more paying more.
Companies in some places have repeatedly polluted and simply paid fines when it's proven cheaper than waste disposal.
Bush signed Medicare Part D, a huge "socialist" prescription drug benefit, but you don't hear people screaming "socialist/marxist" at Bush.
You said you are a republican? You sure don't sound like one to me. :1orglaugh
The American health care system as it is presently administered is deplorable.
Doesn't sound like one to me either.
Strange, that the world's richest country "couldn't afford" to care for her people...
until they make punishment in prison harsher, Im all for letting some piece of shit watch the clock tick on his life.
She's right; they're way too soft on prisoners.
One issue with the death penalty is that once you let it in for mass murderers, next thing you know peaceful protesters demonstrating about their rights being removed/taxes being used to line someone's pocket rather than do a job.
The point is that you're trying to speak for Obama in setting his legislative agenda. That's horseshit, it's your own fabrication, and you can't provide a link that backs up the bullshit assertions you're making. Once again I find myself having to tell you that when you make an accusation it's on you to prove it. You seem to be in the habit of making shit up, pretending it's fact, then getting butthurt when you're called on it. I suppose I would be foolish to expect better form.
pwnage :thumbsup:
Don't worry I will provide it for you since you haven't been paying attention for 6 years. There are enough speeches, meetings , audio and written indications of his agenda to bring this thread up to 10 pages before the day is over. I do have work to do in between posting here but I will do my best. Are you sure that degree you hold shouldn't be attributed to a tutor that helped you along the way also?
I wonder if blue cunt sincerely believes that if no money was provided to care for the poor, then his taxes would be reduced?
I initially dismissed this thread because I've experienced tension with Mariah (no offence, Mariah), but now, re-reading this thread, I see you continually posting the same excuse, yet continuing to post.
If I were to meet the President I would treat him with the respect that he and the office deserves.
Why does his office deserve respect? What has he really done that deserves respect? Should he not have done more?
(yeah yeah, I know the reps are blocking him, but still, you get picked for that job, you make shit hapen.
I haven't seen any evidence of wealth redistribution. The rich keep getting richer and the gap between rich and poor keeps getting wider. Obamacare wasn't my first choice for healthcare reform, seems to me that it's nothing but a big windfall for the insurance companies. No surprise seeing as how the idea originated with the Heritage Foundation. As with everything else the Obama Administration has tried to do the main priority of the Republicans was to make Obama a one-term president, not work together to make a better healthcare law.

Bottom line is this, I'm tired of hearing the "socialist" label. It's nothing more than gutter politics, not rooted in reality, and really, has run it's fucking course.
awesome :thumbsup:
Labour is the party the represents the left.
Is Labour the party of the Left? Really?
Medicare for the elderly is socialism more commonly referred to as an entitlement. But they have paid into that system whereas insurance for those that do not work is a handout. You want insurance companies to no longer exist? lol You want to replace companies that offer a product because they are driven by profit? Instead you want the government to run all aspects of the health care industry? In a nutshell you would like to see private profit driven companies replaced by a government system of power driven politicians that want to keep their cushy jobs and make the masses more reliant on government..
Because profit provides the best products right? WRONG! Profit only makes profit. How many people have paid insurance only to be screwed over by their insurer? Mariah herself gives an later.
Are you saying there is nothing power driven about companies?
When arguing that Obamacare is economically unsustainable one would do well to remember all the economic benefits of a healthy workforce.
I have a question.
Do prisoners in the USA have to pay for healthcare?
They don't. This has resulted in at least one guy robbing a post office so that he could get his cancer treated.
So private medicine encourages crime.
And i FUCKING HATE when people say "giving health care to those who don't work" why is it that you continue to assume that the only ones who can't afford health care are those who don't work? I know many people who work who cannot afford to pay premiums that are more than their car payment for insurance. Any idea what it costs to insure children? a handicapped child? My friend has an autistic son with epilepsy and her premium for herself her husband and her son was over $1100 a month until she was finally able to get approved for social security and medicare for him, which took 4 years by the way. She couldn't even buy coverage for him until 2 years ago because of the preexisting condition issue.
Look! People working can't afford health! How is that right?
companies were more aware of the American way of life and being a part of it. Now they are paying CEOs $20 million bonuses even if the company is losing money and laying people off. He also said that the gap in income between the worker and the executive was not nearly as enormous as it is today.
There you go: no wonder the economy is a fuck up when you reward failure and punish those doing the work.
Why indeed? Because he can't.
Incidentally, the economy would do much better without corporations paying negative tax. Don't see many individuals accorded that right, do you?
Then after a couple more days of this I will probably take one of my 6 month sabbaticals from this board like I do from time to time, lol
Same BS, again :horse:
again with the "he who doesn't work" bullshit.

unemployment is roughly 10% of the population yet more than 50% of americans live at or near the poverty line. that means THOSE WHO WORK CANNOT AFFORD TO LIVE!!!!!!!!!!! INCLUDING BUYING OUTRAGEOUSLY PRICED HEALTH CARE.
:thumbsup: I love the way people always get disgusted at the mass outbreaks of laziness that always coincidentally occur in recessions.
I would like to ask since you have thrown the word socialism around freely since the inception of this thread and shit on the "people who don't work getting a hand out" well how about those enormous bloated banks and companies that got a big fat fucking check from the government under a republican president? you okay with corporate welfare I assume? the "too big to fail" position? I think too big to exist is a better term. And the best part is the slap in the face those businesses gave when they handed out enormous bonus checks to their executives while they wiped out pensions for their employees. but hey, government shouldn't interfere because corporations will police themselves right? lol
the banks don't loan money unless you have a perfect credit score yet they took tax payer money that was given to them to keep them in business.
Awesome :thumbsup:
I would like to just pull you up on this quote.

Note that it says "that if any would not work". i.e. They choose not to work, not that they are unable to work or unable to find work.
There is a huge difference.
I agree with Larrs.
First time for everything.
You cunt ;)
I have no qualms with people that cannot work through no fault of their own.
I'll lay bets you'd never believe anyone to be one and label them all parasites.
sounds like someone has some SERIOUS mommy issues lol

how am I anti-capitalist??????? i own my own business and have since 2004.
I also think that putting companies interests before those of the people is fucked up and unconstitutional. I simply dont like the concept that business should be free to fuck over anyone and everyone to make a profit at the expense of anyone and everyone they please. I think there needs to be regulations on things like companies in bankruptcy or getting government money paying CEOs millions of dollars in bonuses for doing nothing more than running the company into the ground.

I had an 11 year old girl on my street die from asthma because she had no medicine because of money, and not a lot of money either.


and you continue to ignore my question.
Pwnage. Carnage. Awesomeness.
You're still playing this tune? You need to find something else to harp on about.
Maybe he should harp on elsewhere...
Actually the courts have decided that they hold limited constitutional rights since they represent actual living human beings.
I find that questionable.

A girl I went to school with is married to an executive at LexisNexis and we had a deep discussion about the services they offer, and the actual data that they collect. Even he says it's frightening when you think of the access they are legally issued. They can legally sell EVERY American's past 10 years of residence, medical history, credit card and bank statements, banking information, names and contact information of neighbors, employers, family to ANYONE who pays for their service. That is what they sell, but they never purge their information and it is archived forever. So there is a file compiling on EVERY American citizen that is for sale to ANYONE who pays for their service. The Patriot act wiped out the last shreds of our right to privacy. And by the way, the government is the biggest client of Lexis Nexis. As long as they aren't the ones collecting the information or selling it, they aren't violating our right to privacy under the new laws.

And how about the patriot act allowing people arrested for USING drugs to be detained without rights under the terrism statutes as "contributors to funding terror?"
Oh look, labelling innocents as terrorists. What if we had the death penalty for terrorism?
I guess the republicans having a blank checkbook they used like drunken sailors had zero to do with it? Again, -780,000 jobs a month in the last month of Bush presidency, + jobs today. a -7000 market then, a 15,000 market today. housing prices down 50%, housing rising today.
Oh look! Facts and figures!
Obama isn't a Muslim, let's not open that bullshit accusation. He sat in a black baptists church for 20 years which everyone bitched about, but then suddenly he's a Muslim?
Quite hilarious, that accusation.
I am willing to vote against my interest in order to make the country I live in a better place for everyone. I make good money and I am willing to pay more because of it. Not sure how that is so wrong, but okay, whatever. These retards are voting against the people who are willing to help them and who are concerned about them. They can't afford to be forgotten any more than they already are.

A huge part of why poor white America doesn't vote democrat is due to racism and bigotry. I am dying to hear someone argue with me on this one!!!
I did that when I voted Lib Dem 'cos I thought they were a stepping stone to a multi-party democracy.
I'll argue with you on that one, but only for a joke.
dude, you wanna read some Bush quotes? How about some Palin quotes?
Don't knock Palin, at least she's loyal; when asked about the Korean situation she was all for "Standing by our North Korean allies..."
My health insurance premium has jumped from 4300 dollars a year to 6700 dollars a year. My tax rate has increased form 35 percent to 39.5 percent. No I am not better off.
Who cares about you though?
Better to care for the population as a whole rather than a man who can apparently afford an aged Lambo yet whinges about paying a bit more tax.
well the right has decimated the middle class so not sure how anything they are offering is going to be any better.
Some say that the attacks on the middle class are to stop them threatening the position of the rich.
Others say that the rich want to stop the poor breeding.
Do you really believe that he is a christian because I don't. The first names Barack and Hussein aren't American and same comment for the Obama family name. A lot of questions arise about his birth certificate being fake. Accusations should always be opened especially when someone falsificated official documents.
Does his religion matter?
Do you think he should have a genuine american name like little wing perhaps? :rofl:
he attended a baptists christian church for 20 years. his father was muslim and is from Kenya, so he has a Kenyan name.
his birth certificate has been settled and that is a bunch of conspiracy shit that is Donald Trump's game to play.
Trump. Such a good businessman, he's on TV instead of doing business.
What budget cuts to what army programs?
Good point.
The F22 is a complete waste of money. There are persistent flaws in the oxygen system, it's too damn expensive and there is not an Air Force in the world that can compete with our F15, F16, and F/A18s, which are proven performers with proven training programs for the pilots. The money we waste on F22 and F35s is money that we can continue to refine the existing warplanes, give the pilots more simulator and flight time and still have billions left over. Swing and a miss.

And you said programs - plural. What else?
While I agree on the F22, an american air force general himself proclaimed the Su27 to be better than the F15.
I'm not convinced by the F18 either.
You're right about the money being better spent refining the teen series.
Also, by producing the f22 and propogandising it, you cause competitors to be created (see Pak Fa and all the upcoming Gen. 5 aircraft projects), had they not created f22 then competitors capable of outperforming the teen series would likely not have been started on 'til much later.
You are so grossly misinformed about everything you post, this comment being no exception, that I ain't even mad.
Those same arguments were used against the B-1. The F-22 can cruise supersonic which none of the other platforms you mentioned are capable of.
The B1 is a fucking mess. At least the Soviet Union kept with the program and the Tu160 Blackjack can do everything the B1 was originally meant to do before america found out they weren't up to the job.
So the f22 supercruises? So what? Many aircraft do, some did, before the f22 existed.
The f22s supercruise is unique only in the price that it charges for that capability.
First of all, there are subtle differences between a fighter and a bomber. One's a fighter and one's a bomber.

Secondly, you would have us pay $150 million per plane, when it has no enemies? I say again, there is nothing anywhere that can compete with an F15 at a third of the cost. And more importantly, no one can compete with our pilots (something that armchair commandos never seem to factor in).

I have no idea what importance you are giving to cruising speed. The F15 actually has a better top speed than an F22, and "cruising" faster means using more fuel.
As an armchair commando I'd like to say that I always factor pilot training & experience in :tongue:
For the record I believe F15SE can supercruise, but check that out and don't take my word on it.

The chinese and the russians are developping their fifth generation stealthy planes if that is not a threat then there is a problem. They are also developping and building their last generation of submarines and ICBMs which outperform the latest version of the minuteman III. The f15 isn't stealthy and hasn't got thrust vectoring like the latest generation of mig 29 and su 27 and it hasn't got as well as a passive area scanned array radar. The f22 is stealthy, has trust vectoring and a passive area scanned array radar. The best pilots in the world are in the Israeli Air Force, they are the ones who have the highest kills scores on f15s and f16s.
List of Obama's administration defense canceled programs:
If you want more I will give you more
1: F15SE is LO. Not that it matters very much because they have radars that can detect stealth.
2: F15s can and have been upgraded to take thrust vectoring. Much cheaper than f22.
3: The radar can EASILY be upgraded. F15 is a BIG bird.
You do realize that the Raptor is designed to also carry a nuclear payload don't you? Supercruising stealth with a low radar signature has so many benefits especially considering the threat that N. Korea and Iran pose if they become a nuclear country it really is a no-brainer as to why it would be a valuable military asset. We aren't talking dog fighting here.
Talking of no brainers, if you want to fly a stealthy penetration nuclear strike mission then you use stand off launched stealth cruise missiles (assuming you're not Russia or India who can use Brahmos). Not expensive and vulnerable pilots and planes.
Incidentally, both F15 and 16 can take nuclear weapons.
And if Iran becomes a nuclear threat, stealth will be of little, if any aid.
Also supercruising means that they are maintaining supersonic speed without the use of afterburner. Single crystalline turbine blades are able to rotate faster than normal turbine blades. It is technology developed especially for the F-22. Supersonic speed on the F-15 is achieved only with the thrust of afterburner. Basically the turbine blades on the F-22 can rotate at a higher RPM than conventional turbine blades which would melt on other jet engines.
Other aircraft can supercruise.
there are more whites on welfare and food stamps than blacks or Hispanics. did you know that georges????????????
He doesn't know anything.
Your post and your sources are for shit. You also choose to ignore the tactic of blowing up the enemys airfields if you're worried about his planes. And the extensive use of drone warfare. And the F15 Silent Eagle. And the B2. And.......
I don't see the advantage of drones, please educate me?
And the B2... That hangar queen?
Pardon me if I'm not as enthused about nuclear payloads as you are.

If NK and/or Iran gain nukes, it won't be the F22 that beats them. And if we're not talking about dogfighting then wtf are we paying $150million on a fighter plane for?
If we are talking about dogfighting, there's nothing wrong with the jets you already have for that.
so you believe that Americans could stand up in a fight against the military in today's world? REALLY?????????????? You believe they foresaw nuclear weapons? chemical weapons? assault rifles?? magazines with 30 rounds in them? automatic guns??? come on now. be better than these other kool aid drinkers

So do you also believe that universal background checks shouldn't be required? How about registering a gun???
Why not? Middle Eastern civilians stand up to the american army.
I disagree. A response to a nuclear attack (terrorist for instance) would require a response that only an aircraft could deliver. ICBMs would not be as precise.
What formed this opinion? 1970?
If you want to throw nukes around (why?), accuracy isn't really that important.
Could Americans win in a fight against our own military? Yes. Who says the military would fight Americans? What kind of mindset do you attribute to servicemembers? I was in the Army for 8 years. I can tell you that at least half would join the "rebels" (and bring their weapons with them) and maybe 10% of the rest at maximum would be willing to fire on their own countrymen. Where would the military get supplied from? Where would they evacuate their wounded too? How could the military hope to subdue a country the size of America?

The Syrian rebels continue fighting. Whatever specifics you care to attribute their survival to, there's plenty of specifics that would apply here. Yes, Americans are more than capable of standing up to their own military.
I think it is terribly sad that people living in this country base their views on whether or not they need to protect themselves from a hostile government. The level of paranoia of that line of thought is overwhelming to me.

I own a gun to protect myself and my home from people.

you can live your life believing that but that makes me feel sorry for you. That is tin foil on your head kind of thinking.
If it's any help, many people around the world feel under attack from a hostile government.
I have a son and I am a home owner.

If we continue to put only the interest of the wealthy Americans first, no one but them will own homes by the time I'm 62 anyway.
If you continue that way, all homes will be rented from the rich and you'll turn into a shithole like the Middle East.
Tell that to the people in Bosnia. Tell it to the Iranians. And the Cambodians. And as a matter of fact, look up Eritrea while you're at it. And Myanmar. Tell it to the Russians living under Stalin. But no, just because it's happened everywhere else, there's just no way it could ever happen here. We're so much better than everyone else.
let's see...what do all of those places have in common???? would that be dictatorships? communism?? how about hostile governments?
What makes you think Nixon was so far from that? What makes you think the rich won't take that chance if you let them?
2nd Amendment.

No, it would not be easy for anybody to see future weapons development. Look at computer development - one of the greatest minds in Science Fiction, Isaac Asimov, saw computers growing, not shrinking. He got a lot right, but not that. Why would a bunch of politicians see the development in arms that did a job that was required of them at the time and even develop into the mass killing machines that is possible now?
To enable to a people's militia to overthrow a tyrannical government? Don't be so dense. This WILL NOT HAPPEN. Why? Because to become a tyrannical government you will have to have the backing of the military. A military made up of citizens of a free regime. A Regime that has had the freedom of it's people at the heart of its constitution for over 200 years. Can you really believe that your own army would turn against its citizens - turn against their family and friends? Only someone truly paranoid could imagine this.
Would you really give arms to someone who is that paranoid? I wouldn't.
Check your history - plenty of armies have tyranised their populaces.
The F22 entered service prematurely before the bugs were fixed. The F22 has an active area scanned radar (AESA). The Russians have had better missiles then the minuteman III for decades. Ground-Based Midcourse Defense has far more range then SM-3 based system. But both are basically trying to hit a bullet (kill vehicle) with a bullet (nuclear warhead). The U. S. missile shield is no threat to Russia. The U. S. would have to build tens of thousands of missiles to even try to stop Russian ICBMs with their penetration aids. ABM systems are more expensive to construct then ICBMs
Entered service prematurely? Are you fucking kidding me? It has one of the longest and most protracted development histories ever known!
The f22 has AESA. So what? I think the Russkis may have had it earlier in the MiG31.
The missile shield is a threat to Russia.
If you and I are in a room with 9mm pistols and I start strapping on full body armour, your choice is fire first before I finish putting it on or essentially become unarmed and vulnerable.

End of essay.
Yes he is a socialist bordering on Marxist.
He has associated with socialists all of his life.
You need to reread the definitions of "Socialist and Marxist".
Also, guilt by association? I associate with you cunts remotely, does that make me a disgusting perv? :tongue:

No it makes you a disgusting perverted drunk probably with anal warts from all the time and the last bit of wages you can muster up to spend on prostitutes.

Obama shifts from socialist to Marxist whenever the mood hits him. He's flexible like that.

Obamacare=re-examine Obamacare and Socialism. Last I heard Obamacare was a boon for insurance companies.
So, just because it's "Socialism", everbody paying their fair share and getting a fair chance is bad?
Socialist speak... So everything Einstein said can be dismissed as Geek speak?

Good point; if we won't (not can't) care for the workforce should we be surprised that we're in economic trouble?
I agree with those who make more paying more.
Companies in some places have repeatedly polluted and simply paid fines when it's proven cheaper than waste disposal.


Doesn't sound like one to me either.
Strange, that the world's richest country "couldn't afford" to care for her people...

You live in the UK, I could care less about what you hear. We actually live it, ok Piers? Actually I am glad you brought that up. Obamacare is a subsidy for insurance companies much to Mariah's dismay. Einstein did engage in geek speak for the most part except when he was drinking. The recently discovered audio of a drunken Albert wanting to test the atomic bomb on Stonehenge first was a real hoot. What a kidder!

She's right; they're way too soft on prisoners.

Well, if anybody would know about being soft with prisoners it would be you.

One issue with the death penalty is that once you let it in for mass murderers, next thing you know peaceful protesters demonstrating about their rights being removed/taxes being used to line someone's pocket rather than do a job.

pwnage :thumbsup:

On the cheap vodka again?

I wonder if blue cunt sincerely believes that if no money was provided to care for the poor, then his taxes would be reduced?

I am an eternal optimist. Oh that's right optimism left your neck of the woods in 1957.
I initially dismissed this thread because I've experienced tension with Mariah (no offence, Mariah), but now, re-reading this thread, I see you continually posting the same excuse, yet continuing to post.

Her photos essays are phenom. As well as her youtube bombs.

Why does his office deserve respect? What has he really done that deserves respect? Should he not have done more?
(yeah yeah, I know the reps are blocking him, but still, you get picked for that job, you make shit hapen.

awesome :thumbsup:

I would expect that from you, if our president had to yell in front of his political adversaries like your prime ministers have to do during your prime minister's show and tell sessions I would lose a little respect for the office too. Diminished even.

Is Labour the party of the Left? Really?

Because profit provides the best products right? WRONG! Profit only makes profit. How many people have paid insurance only to be screwed over by their insurer? Mariah herself gives an later.
Are you saying there is nothing power driven about companies?

You poor thing. Competition drives the manufature of the best products not profit. Send the engineers from your British car companies over to Germany and let then teach you how to make a vehicle that doesn't drop oil all over our driveways. Then you will see first hand.
When arguing that Obamacare is economically unsustainable one would do well to remember all the economic benefits of a healthy workforce.

Great Idea. All those part time workers will have extra time to spend at the gym.

They don't. This has resulted in at least one guy robbing a post office so that he could get his cancer treated.
So private medicine encourages crime.

You have been watching too many Denzel Washington movies.

Look! People working can't afford health! How is that right?

There you go: no wonder the economy is a fuck up when you reward failure and punish those doing the work.

LMAO. That is what the U.S. welfare system does is reward failure or lack of ambition. And your economy is doing so well.. people in glass houses....

Incidentally, the economy would do much better without corporations paying negative tax. Don't see many individuals accorded that right, do you?

When you fuckers over there start making electrical outlets that fit the same way ours do maybe the companies that make your computers will have to spend less in making a product for you assholes. Fuck you and your class C Euro plug! You are costing our government valuable corporate tax revenue.

:thumbsup: I love the way people always get disgusted at the mass outbreaks of laziness that always coincidentally occur in recessions.

Which came first? The chicken or the egg?

Don't knock Palin, at least she's loyal; when asked about the Korean situation she was all for "Standing by our North Korean allies..."

Why not? The North Koreans are still better behaved than the patrons at one of your local football matches.

Who cares about you though?

Luke Skywalker
Better to care for the population as a whole rather than a man who can apparently afford an aged Lambo yet whinges about paying a bit more tax.
You ought to see my other cars. It looks like a Gone With The Wnd version of MTV cribs over at my house.

Some say that the attacks on the middle class are to stop them threatening the position of the rich.
Others say that the rich want to stop the poor breeding.
I'd settle for a promise from you that you'd never procreate and a pinky swear. And call it even. Deal?

Does his religion matter?

Next time one of your royals get hitched, have the ceremony at a wedding chapel in Edinburgh and see how it goes over.

Do you think he should have a genuine american name like little wing perhaps? :rofl:
it does have a certain Native American flair to it, now that you mention it.

Trump. Such a good businessman, he's on TV instead of doing business.

But have you seen the hair care commercials during his show?

While I agree on the F22, an american air force general himself proclaimed the Su27 to be better than the F15.
I'm not convinced by the F18 either.
You're right about the money being better spent refining the teen series.
Also, by producing the f22 and propogandising it, you cause competitors to be created (see Pak Fa and all the upcoming Gen. 5 aircraft projects), had they not created f22 then competitors capable of outperforming the teen series would likely not have been started on 'til much later.

Just you wait. Once they mass produce them and they start selling them at Walmart the price is going to be dirt cheap.

The B1 is a fucking mess. At least the Soviet Union kept with the program and the Tu160 Blackjack can do everything the B1 was originally meant to do before america found out they weren't up to the job.

That smarts. Boy are you gonna be pissed once we start selling our old ones to the French.

So the f22 supercruises? So what? Many aircraft do, some did, before the f22 existed.
The f22s supercruise is unique only in the price that it charges for that capability.

No it is unique because not only does it supercruise, but it superpicksupchicks too.

As an armchair commando I'd like to say that I always factor pilot training & experience in :tongue:
For the record I believe F15SE can supercruise, but check that out and don't take my word on it.

I'll call my uncle Chuckie Yeager and verify that.

1: F15SE is LO. Not that it matters very much because they have radars that can detect stealth.
2: F15s can and have been upgraded to take thrust vectoring. Much cheaper than f22.
3: The radar can EASILY be upgraded. F15 is a BIG bird.

We decided to keep Big Bird in the budget

Talking of no brainers, if you want to fly a stealthy penetration nuclear strike mission then you use stand off launched stealth cruise missiles (assuming you're not Russia or India who can use Brahmos). Not expensive and vulnerable pilots and planes.

Those worked out so well in the Sudan. I stand corrected.

Incidentally, both F15 and 16 can take nuclear weapons.

Damn if I am going to fly in a jet I damn sure want to be in one that can take a nuclear weapon.

And if Iran becomes a nuclear threat, stealth will be of little, if any aid.

I have changed my mind about this as well. They should cover the planes in bacon. Far more effective.

Other aircraft can supercruise.

All you are doing is fishing for compliments. Yes the British Lightning was the first supercruiser. But it had that hideous wood burl heads up display.

I don't see the advantage of drones, please educate me?

They make the queen bee happy.
And the B2... That hangar queen?

See above post.

If we are talking about dogfighting, there's nothing wrong with the jets you already have for that.

Yeah but they aren't worth a damn in a cockfight.

What formed this opinion? 1970?

1942 actually. John Belushi was awesome in that.

If you want to throw nukes around (why?), accuracy isn't really that important.

You're right. I hope you will pardon us if we hit Piccadilly Square by accident.