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One Porn Star's Political Opinions...


You do realize that the Raptor is designed to also carry a nuclear payload don't you? Supercruising stealth with a low radar signature has so many benefits especially considering the threat that N. Korea and Iran pose if they become a nuclear country it really is a no-brainer as to why it would be a valuable military asset. We aren't talking dog fighting here.

Pardon me if I'm not as enthused about nuclear payloads as you are.

If NK and/or Iran gain nukes, it won't be the F22 that beats them. And if we're not talking about dogfighting then wtf are we paying $150million on a fighter plane for?


and the 2nd amendment was written when there were ONLY muskets! when they wrote the 2nd amendment they had zero idea that there would be assault rifles and automatic guns.

While I agree with most of what you post, this part is absolute bullshit. You cannot credibly suggest that the Founding Fathers, of whom Benjamin Franklin (Americas DaVinci) played a starring role, had no notion that weapons technology would evolve. And from the smoothbore flintlocks of the time, there weren't too many other directions to go than up. They may not have had a visual, but they knew that arms would develop over time. They knew that the military was going to be equipped with the latest. And they realized that the people would always need to be comparibly equipped.


Official Checked Star Member
so you believe that Americans could stand up in a fight against the military in today's world? REALLY?????????????? You believe they foresaw nuclear weapons? chemical weapons? assault rifles?? magazines with 30 rounds in them? automatic guns??? come on now. be better than these other kool aid drinkers

So do you also believe that universal background checks shouldn't be required? How about registering a gun???
Pardon me if I'm not as enthused about nuclear payloads as you are.

If NK and/or Iran gain nukes, it won't be the F22 that beats them. And if we're not talking about dogfighting then wtf are we paying $150million on a fighter plane for?

I disagree. A response to a nuclear attack (terrorist for instance) would require a response that only an aircraft could deliver. ICBMs would not be as precise.
Um, we are talking nuclear weapons...... No real need to be precise


Official Checked Star Member
I honestly think that when I hear someone say "health care shouldn't be required, it should be a charitable issue" but then have no issue with tax money going to pay for wars and nation building I think they need to get that pine on skull that Mitt Romney and Karl Rove and the rest of you guys got last November. How can you justify a blank check for that, yet turn your back on people who are literally dying because they can't afford health care???

And I just read this incredible statistic last night about insurance companies and premium increases. You wanna talk about socialism??????? insurance companies build into EVERYONE'S premium prices the cost of paying out OTHER claims....that means that YOU are paying for other people's care!!!!!!!!! it's just built right into the premium you are paying.

and another thing, people bitch about the cost of health care, me being one of them, how about bitching about how many people die every year due to doctor and hospital error? There was just a news report about how a brain surgery patient who had the wrong side of his brain operated on!

Preventable Medical Error is the 6th largest cause of death in the US which costs us $29 BILLION that is more than Diabetes!!!!!!!!
Um, we are talking nuclear weapons...... No real need to be precise

In that region, yes there is. Ever heard of tactical nukes? if put in the position we would have to respond with a nuclear device. A weapon that would inflict damage but not to a whole region.
I honestly think that when I hear someone say "health care shouldn't be required, it should be a charitable issue" but then have no issue with tax money going to pay for wars and nation building I think they need to get that pine on skull that Mitt Romney and Karl Rove and the rest of you guys got last November. How can you justify a blank check for that, yet turn your back on people who are literally dying because they can't afford health care???

And I just read this incredible statistic last night about insurance companies and premium increases. You wanna talk about socialism??????? insurance companies build into EVERYONE'S premium prices the cost of paying out OTHER claims....that means that YOU are paying for other people's care!!!!!!!!! it's just built right into the premium you are paying.

and another thing, people bitch about the cost of health care, me being one of them, how about bitching about how many people die every year due to doctor and hospital error? There was just a news report about how a brain surgery patient who had the wrong side of his brain operated on!

Preventable Medical Error is the 6th largest cause of death in the US which costs us $29 BILLION that is more than Diabetes!!!!!!!!

Everything you have railed against was policy articulated by GWB, yet you say you voted for him twice.He advocated tax cuts while a candidate. He advocated more military spending as a candidate. He chose Dick Cheney as his running mate and his ties to Haliburton were well known at the time. You have nothing but praise for Bill Clinton and Al Gore would have continued his policies. Something doesn't add up.


Official Checked Star Member

Preventable medical errors kill and seriously injure hundreds of thousands of Americans every year. Any discussion of medical negligence that does not involve preventable medical errors ignores this fundamental problem. And while some interested parties would prefer to focus on doctors’ insurance premiums, health care costs, or alternative compensation systems—anything other than the negligence itself—reducing medical errors is the best way to address all the related problems. Preventing medical errors will lower health care costs, reduce doctors’ insurance premiums, and protect the health and well-being of patients.

The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) seminal study of preventable medical errors estimated as many as 98,000 people die every year at a cost of $29 billion. If the Centers for Disease Control were to include preventable medical errors as a category, these conclusions would make it the sixth leading cause of death in America.

Further research has confirmed the extent of medical errors. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) found that there were 181,000 severe injuries attributable to medical negligence. The Institute for Healthcare Improvement estimates there are 15 million incidents of medical harm each year. HealthGrades, the nation’s leading healthcare rating organization, found that Medicare patients who experienced a patient-safety incident had a one-in-five chance of dying as a result.

In the decade since the IOM first shined a light on the dismal state of patient safety in American hospitals, many proposals for improvement have been discussed and implemented. But recent research indicates that there is still much that needs to be done. Researchers at the Harvard School of Medicine have found that even today, about 18 percent of patients in hospitals are injured during the course of their care and that many of those injuries are life-threatening, or even fatal. The Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services found that one in seven Medicare patients are injured during hospital stays and that adverse events during the course of care contribute to the deaths of 180,000 patients every year.

Even errors that the government and private health insurers have classified as “never events,” events that should never happen in a hospital, are occurring at alarming rates. Recently the Joint Commission Center on Transforming Healthcare reported that as many as 40 wrong site, wrong side and wrong patient procedures happen every week in the U.S. Similarly, researchers in Colorado recently found that surgical “never” events, such as operating on the wrong patient or wrong site or performing the wrong procedure, are occurring all too frequently.

Yet despite these numbers, the American public remains unaware of just how pervasive the problem is. Even though one in three Americans say that they or a family member has experienced a medical error, and one in five say that a medical error has caused either themselves or a family member serious health problems or death, surveys show that Americans vastly underestimate the extent of medical errors. About half of respondents believe the annual death total from medical errors to be 5,000 or less—nearly 20 times lower than the IOM’s estimate.

People have been led to believe that there are hundreds of thousands of medical negligence lawsuits every year and only a handful of genuine medical errors. In reality, the reverse is true. There are very few medical negligence lawsuits, and hundreds of thousands dying from preventable medical errors. As University of Pennsylvania law professor Tom Baker puts it, “We have an epidemic of medical malpractice, not of malpractice lawsuits.

Much of the discussion surrounding medical negligence revolves around costs, whether it be the cost of physicians’ insurance or the cost to health care. While these are the subject of much debate and acrimony, the potential savings from the elimination of medical errors are undeniable


so you believe that Americans could stand up in a fight against the military in today's world? REALLY?????????????? You believe they foresaw nuclear weapons? chemical weapons? assault rifles?? magazines with 30 rounds in them? automatic guns??? come on now. be better than these other kool aid drinkers

So do you also believe that universal background checks shouldn't be required? How about registering a gun???

Please reread my post. I said nothing about background checks and my thoughts on the subject are covered elsewhere. And no, registering a gun should be illegal and anyone trying to create a registry would have been commiting a felony under the provisions of the Manchin-Toomey Amendment.

Nuclear weapons - probably not.
Chemical weapons - probably not.
Semiauto rifles - absolutely
30 round magazines - absolutely
Full automatic - absolutely and beyond any shadow of a doubt. None of this is beyond the stretch of imagination. Keep in mind that, ironically, full automatic was achieved long before semiautomatic was, and it happened in the Civil War. Past the time of the Founding Fathers, but not that far past. Again, you cannot suggest to me that the guy that invented bifocals and the Franklin stove and the odometer, had no earthly clue that weapons were going to keep getting more advanced.

Could Americans win in a fight against our own military? Yes. Who says the military would fight Americans? What kind of mindset do you attribute to servicemembers? I was in the Army for 8 years. I can tell you that at least half would join the "rebels" (and bring their weapons with them) and maybe 10% of the rest at maximum would be willing to fire on their own countrymen. Where would the military get supplied from? Where would they evacuate their wounded too? How could the military hope to subdue a country the size of America?

The Syrian rebels continue fighting. Whatever specifics you care to attribute their survival to, there's plenty of specifics that would apply here. Yes, Americans are more than capable of standing up to their own military.
Please reread my post. I said nothing about background checks and my thoughts on the subject are covered elsewhere. And no, registering a gun should be illegal and anyone trying to create a registry would have been commiting a felony under the provisions of the Manchin-Toomey Amendment.

Nuclear weapons - probably not.
Chemical weapons - probably not.
Semiauto rifles - absolutely
30 round magazines - absolutely
Full automatic - absolutely and beyond any shadow of a doubt. None of this is beyond the stretch of imagination. Keep in mind that, ironically, full automatic was achieved long before semiautomatic was, and it happened in the Civil War. Past the time of the Founding Fathers, but not that far past. Again, you cannot suggest to me that the guy that invented bifocals and the Franklin stove and the odometer, had no earthly clue that weapons were going to keep getting more advanced.

Could Americans win in a fight against our own military? Yes. Who says the military would fight Americans? What kind of mindset do you attribute to servicemembers? I was in the Army for 8 years. I can tell you that at least half would join the "rebels" (and bring their weapons with them) and maybe 10% of the rest at maximum would be willing to fire on their own countrymen. Where would the military get supplied from? Where would they evacuate their wounded too? How could the military hope to subdue a country the size of America?

The Syrian rebels continue fighting. Whatever specifics you care to attribute their survival to, there's plenty of specifics that would apply here. Yes, Americans are more than capable of standing up to their own military.

All one has to do is look back at how the Afghans kicked the Soviet Union's ass to know that this is spot on.


Official Checked Star Member
I voted for him the first time because I can't stand AL Gore. he is NOT Bill Clinton, who I liked and did a good job as President. He was lucky to have had the tech boom that he did, but he worked well with the republican house and he got things done and handed over a surplus.

I was 20 years old at the time and knew very little about any of it. I didn't care about it and I thought none of it affected me. I was young and naive, I'm the first to admit that. I just knew i didn't like Al Gore. in 2004 I had spent 2 years watching only Fox news, and had not done much reading into anything and when the election came around I didn't like John Kerry at all. I didn't like the Iraq war, but I like so many others bought into the lies that were told to us and continued my support for Bush.

I think it was around early 2006 when I started to spend some time reading and came across the Pat Tillman story. It made me sick. I then read the Jessica Lynch story and started to educate myself so I could have a more informed opinion rather than relying on a very one sided news station.

I had no knowledge of the Halliburton / Cheney thing, and when I started reading I was blown away. I actually got interest because I had a member of my site in Iraq and then Afghanistan who wrote me every week for 4 years. He started out gung ho and by the time he was done he was saying that the entire thing was a huge cluster fuck that was going to make those people hate us.

I could easily be a liberal because I own porn sites and buy into the belief that liberals are better for the porn business climate, which they are. But oppression is a great sales tool. They also protect the thieves who allow content to be traded and that makes me sick. I could also be a Republican because of my income, which had zero to do with why I was a Republican to begin with. I liked the Republican 'Business model" more smaller government, lower taxes, tough on crime etc but then I realized that is all bullshit. I saw the atrocities that I have mentioned before and it made me sick. Then I started reading some stuff written by Barry Goldwater and realized that these Republicans today, or those who claim to be, are NOT the Republicans that defined the party. These are religiously driven people who claim to want government out of our lives yet want government to dictate your life based on religious beliefs I don't share, to dictate your morality, to censor and mandate things in the personal lives of Americans that goes beyond government in your life, but government dictating how you live your life.

Say what you want about liberals, but there is no group of people more determined to control the way Americans live than the Republicans of today.


Official Checked Star Member
I think it is terribly sad that people living in this country base their views on whether or not they need to protect themselves from a hostile government. The level of paranoia of that line of thought is overwhelming to me.

I own a gun to protect myself and my home from people.

you can live your life believing that but that makes me feel sorry for you. That is tin foil on your head kind of thinking.
Well said, I left the GOP when I served in the Corps and witnessed first hand how they only care about the rich and we are just pawns
I voted for him the first time because I can't stand AL Gore. he is NOT Bill Clinton, who I liked and did a good job as President. He was lucky to have had the tech boom that he did, but he worked well with the republican house and he got things done and handed over a surplus.

I was 20 years old at the time and knew very little about any of it. I didn't care about it and I thought none of it affected me. I was young and naive, I'm the first to admit that. I just knew i didn't like Al Gore. in 2004 I had spent 2 years watching only Fox news, and had not done much reading into anything and when the election came around I didn't like John Kerry at all. I didn't like the Iraq war, but I like so many others bought into the lies that were told to us and continued my support for Bush.

I think it was around early 2006 when I started to spend some time reading and came across the Pat Tillman story. It made me sick. I then read the Jessica Lynch story and started to educate myself so I could have a more informed opinion rather than relying on a very one sided news station.

I had no knowledge of the Halliburton / Cheney thing, and when I started reading I was blown away. I actually got interest because I had a member of my site in Iraq and then Afghanistan who wrote me every week for 4 years. He started out gung ho and by the time he was done he was saying that the entire thing was a huge cluster fuck that was going to make those people hate us.

I could easily be a liberal because I own porn sites and buy into the belief that liberals are better for the porn business climate, which they are. But oppression is a great sales tool. They also protect the thieves who allow content to be traded and that makes me sick. I could also be a Republican because of my income, which had zero to do with why I was a Republican to begin with. I liked the Republican 'Business model" more smaller government, lower taxes, tough on crime etc but then I realized that is all bullshit. I saw the atrocities that I have mentioned before and it made me sick. Then I started reading some stuff written by Barry Goldwater and realized that these Republicans today, or those who claim to be, are NOT the Republicans that defined the party. These are religiously driven people who claim to want government out of our lives yet want government to dictate your life based on religious beliefs I don't share, to dictate your morality, to censor and mandate things in the personal lives of Americans that goes beyond government in your life, but government dictating how you live your life.

Say what you want about liberals, but there is no group of people more determined to control the way Americans live than the Republicans of today.

Do you have children or do you plan on having any? Here is a little tip for you. You are a homeowner correct? When you turn 62 go out and borrow against your home through a reverse mortgage. Spend the money on anything you want. Buy the kids new cars, take a trip around the world for 90 days. Because by that time, any government healthcare benefits you receive will be offset by a lien on your home. Your children won't inherit shit.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Ah, this old cherry.
While I agree with most of what you post, this part is absolute bullshit. You cannot credibly suggest that the Founding Fathers, of whom Benjamin Franklin (Americas DaVinci) played a starring role, had no notion that weapons technology would evolve. And from the smoothbore flintlocks of the time, there weren't too many other directions to go than up. They may not have had a visual, but they knew that arms would develop over time. They knew that the military was going to be equipped with the latest. And they realized that the people would always need to be comparibly equipped.
I reckon they probably could imagine the future of gun technology. I never liked the argument that the 2nd Amendment was written in the time of muskets and therefore doesn't apply to today (one of the more amusing counters I've seen to that is something along the lines of: "So the 1st Amendment applies to e-mail, text messages, and other modern communication, but the 2nd only applies to 200-year-old technology?").

That said, I also don't believe in this idea that the writers of these amendments were supernaturally wise or infallible. I know that goes against the grain that we Americans are virtually propagandized into in school (and I grew up in one of the least patriotic parts of the country), but there you have it. Though one shouldn't take this to mean I have a problem with the 2nd Amendment, as I really don't; it's the (mostly) Right's interpretation of it I have issue with.

so you believe that Americans could stand up in a fight against the military in today's world? REALLY?????????????? You believe they foresaw nuclear weapons? chemical weapons? assault rifles?? magazines with 30 rounds in them? automatic guns??? come on now. be better than these other kool aid drinkers

So do you also believe that universal background checks shouldn't be required? How about registering a gun???
Edit: it seems the US public VS military argument has run a whole new course in the time it took me to write this post. So skipping to the end of my point: the argument is moot, because it's well within our power to avoid the hypothetical tyranny situation entirely, without any weapons at all: don't vote in a tyrannical government.

In the meantime, to borrow the phrase from the Daily Show, we're creating a dystopian present because of this fear of a dystopian future.

Misinformed? Certainly not, you are the one who voted for Obama by naively believing in his campaign like millions of Americans. Are you happy with that choice, are you?
I wouldn't say you're the most uninformed regular posted in the Politics forum, but you're definitely in the top five. Pardon me if you've made this clear before and I've simply missed it, but: who would you have voted for in the last two elections, had you had the option to?
Last edited:


Official Checked Star Member
I have a son and I am a home owner.

If we continue to put only the interest of the wealthy Americans first, no one but them will own homes by the time I'm 62 anyway. The right has obliterated the middle class. the gap grew more 2000 - 2008 than anytime in history between the income of the wealthy and the average American. You can say all you want, but without a middle class this country is doomed. We may be only permitted to have 1 child by the time I'm 62 and be required to learn Chinese if things don't improve and a consuming middle class isn't restored.


I think it is terribly sad that people living in this country base their views on whether or not they need to protect themselves from a hostile government. The level of paranoia of that line of thought is overwhelming to me.

I own a gun to protect myself and my home from people.

you can live your life believing that but that makes me feel sorry for you. That is tin foil on your head kind of thinking.

Tell that to the people in Bosnia. Tell it to the Iranians. And the Cambodians. And as a matter of fact, look up Eritrea while you're at it. And Myanmar. Tell it to the Russians living under Stalin. But no, just because it's happened everywhere else, there's just no way it could ever happen here. We're so much better than everyone else.


Official Checked Star Member
awesome quote: "Bill Maher ‏@billmaher 6 May
So...44% of Rep.s think an ARMED REBELLION might be necessary in the next few years. So if u say most Rep.s r fucking nuts u'd be off by 7%"

@billmaher: April was the deadliest month in Iraq in 6 years. On the bright side, the Bush museum has a lovely Oscar de la Renta dress that Laura wore.