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One Porn Star's Political Opinions...


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Man, this thread is moving too fast. I come home after a day's work and 3 pages pass. Lots of stuff I want to jump into. If for anything, 10 pages on a Freeones political board is kind of rockin'.
The F22 is a complete waste of money. There are persistent flaws in the oxygen system, it's too damn expensive and there is not an Air Force in the world that can compete with our F15, F16, and F/A18s, which are proven performers with proven training programs for the pilots. The money we waste on F22 and F35s is money that we can continue to refine the existing warplanes, give the pilots more simulator and flight time and still have billions left over. Swing and a miss.

And you said programs - plural. What else?

Those same arguments were used against the B-1. The F-22 can cruise supersonic which none of the other platforms you mentioned are capable of.


Those same arguments were used against the B-1. The F-22 can cruise supersonic which none of the other platforms you mentioned are capable of.

First of all, there are subtle differences between a fighter and a bomber. One's a fighter and one's a bomber.

Secondly, you would have us pay $150 million per plane, when it has no enemies? I say again, there is nothing anywhere that can compete with an F15 at a third of the cost. And more importantly, no one can compete with our pilots (something that armchair commandos never seem to factor in).

I have no idea what importance you are giving to cruising speed. The F15 actually has a better top speed than an F22, and "cruising" faster means using more fuel.


Staff member
You are so grossly misinformed about everything you post, this comment being no exception, that I ain't even mad.

Misinformed? Certainly not, you are the one who voted for Obama by naively believing in his campaign like millions of Americans. Are you happy with that choice, are you?


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Yes we heard about it. Shall we dig up the past statements of Michael Dukakis or the depression and shock therapy of Thomas Eagleton since we are talking about people who didn't win and never will be making U.S. policy? LMAO

How many former VP candidates have been hired by a major entertainment organization as a proselytizer?

Misinformed? Certainly not, you are the one who voted for Obama by naively believing in his campaign like millions of Americans. Are you happy with that choice, are you?

I did, indeed, exercise my right to vote for the candidate of my choice and yes, I'm satisfied with my vote. Why do you begrudge me the right to vote for whomever I choose? Do you hate freedom?


Misinformed? Certainly not, you are the one who voted for Obama by naively believing in his campaign like millions of Americans. Are you happy with that choice, are you?

I want to answer this for my part. I said any number of times during the election season that I wasn't thrilled with Obama. And a lot of people across America said the same thing. But disappointed or not, he was/is still light-years better than Romney and yes, I'll stand by that anytime. And before you try to dispute that remember, the Republicans lost no time pissing into his mouth, starting the day after the election. He didn't even have credibility with his own Party.


Staff member
First of all, there are subtle differences between a fighter and a bomber. One's a fighter and one's a bomber.

Secondly, you would have us pay $150 million per plane, when it has no enemies? I say again, there is nothing anywhere that can compete with an F15 at a third of the cost. And more importantly, no one can compete with our pilots (something that armchair commandos never seem to factor in).

I have no idea what importance you are giving to cruising speed. The F15 actually has a better top speed than an F22, and "cruising" faster means using more fuel.

The chinese and the russians are developping their fifth generation stealthy planes if that is not a threat then there is a problem. They are also developping and building their last generation of submarines and ICBMs which outperform the latest version of the minuteman III. The f15 isn't stealthy and hasn't got thrust vectoring like the latest generation of mig 29 and su 27 and it hasn't got as well as a passive area scanned array radar. The f22 is stealthy, has trust vectoring and a passive area scanned array radar. The best pilots in the world are in the Israeli Air Force, they are the ones who have the highest kills scores on f15s and f16s.
List of Obama's administration defense canceled programs:
If you want more I will give you more


Staff member
I did, indeed, exercise my right to vote for the candidate of my choice and yes, I'm satisfied with my vote. Why do you begrudge me the right to vote for whomever I choose? Do you hate freedom?
I don't like socialist presidents who hate their own country. I hope you won't have any regrets if the situation gets worse.
First of all, there are subtle differences between a fighter and a bomber. One's a fighter and one's a bomber.

Secondly, you would have us pay $150 million per plane, when it has no enemies? I say again, there is nothing anywhere that can compete with an F15 at a third of the cost. And more importantly, no one can compete with our pilots (something that armchair commandos never seem to factor in).

I have no idea what importance you are giving to cruising speed. The F15 actually has a better top speed than an F22, and "cruising" faster means using more fuel.

You do realize that the Raptor is designed to also carry a nuclear payload don't you? Supercruising stealth with a low radar signature has so many benefits especially considering the threat that N. Korea and Iran pose if they become a nuclear country it really is a no-brainer as to why it would be a valuable military asset. We aren't talking dog fighting here.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I know of two. Palin and Geraldine Ferraro. She even started on CNN and Crossfire lol

Ferraro doesn't have the high profile that Palin attempts to maintain. But there you go, two, out of how many? Point being Palin is the exception, not the rule.

I don't like socialist presidents who hate their own country. I hope you won't have any regrets if the situation gets worse.

Obama isn't a socialist and he doesn't hate this country. Can you point to what has gotten worse since Obama was elected?
Also supercruising means that they are maintaining supersonic speed without the use of afterburner. Single crystalline turbine blades are able to rotate faster than normal turbine blades. It is technology developed especially for the F-22. Supersonic speed on the F-15 is achieved only with the thrust of afterburner. Basically the turbine blades on the F-22 can rotate at a higher RPM than conventional turbine blades which would melt on other jet engines.

- - - Updated - - -

Ferraro doesn't have the high profile that Palin attempts to maintain. But there you go, two, out of how many? Point being Palin is the exception, not the rule.

Obama isn't a socialist and he doesn't hate this country. Can you point to what has gotten worse since Obama was elected?

No she doesn't/ Ferraro is deceased.


Staff member
Obama isn't a socialist and he doesn't hate this country. Can you point to what has gotten worse since Obama was elected?
Really? And you think that implementing free healthcare and social security for people living on food stamps through all their lives, who have police records as big as the bible and who don't want to work but only leech off the money collected by the taxes paid by the law abiding citizens isn't socialist?? It unfortunately is. Obama tries to implement the system that has failed France during 33 years. Who does this system benefit? Mostly blacks and hispanics. Also by trying to screw with the second amendment, it showed us who he was and how much he valued nor cared about the constitution. I can also quote defense spending cuts with Groundbased Midcourse Defense which show that Obama doesn't give a shit about the armed forces.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
No she doesn't/ Ferraro is deceased.

Doesn't/didn't, same sentiment. I knew she had passed.

Really? And you think that implementing free healthcare and social security for people living on food stamps through all their lives, who have police records as big as the bible and who don't want to work but only leech off the money collected by the taxes paid by the law abiding citizens isn't socialist?? It unfortunately is. Obama tries to implement the system that has failed France during 33 years. Who does this system benefit? Mostly blacks and hispanics. Also by trying to screw with the second amendment, it showed us who he was and how much he valued nor cared about the constitution. I can also quote defense spending cuts with Groundbased Midcourse Defense which show that Obama doesn't give a shit about the armed forces.

Do you know when Social Security was implemented, georges? It wasn't an Obama creation. We all know how you feel about the "ghetto scum trash", but you have never bothered to post any numbers to the actual number of criminals that get whatever benefits you imagine them getting. The rest of your diatribe sounds like it came straight off Fox News. More examples of how uninformed you are.


Official Checked Star Member
georges if you think Obama created the ghetto class who is on food stamps and living on assistance, you are fucking INSANE if you want to be taken seriously, please take back that statement. and funny you only mention black neighborhoods in your little rant.

did you know that our military spending is more than the next 13 countries COMBINED? We are producing tanks, fighter planes and equipment carriers that we do not need or will ever use? it is literally subsidizing military contractors so we keep paying them BILLIONS of dollars to make things literally for no purpose!!!!!

You don't think that an annual military budget more bloated than a Kardashian eating kidney beans could be cut to pay for some much more needed things like medicine for people who are sick and will die otherwise? how about our roads and bridges? how about the fact that we are the world's greatest super power but we have a 3rd world power grid? we could do ALL of those things with the money we overspend in our military budget.

and georges, food stamps and welfare are not forever. bill clinton actually did a very decent welfare reform that puts limits. the system isnt perfect by any means and it needs to be overhauled again. there are more whites on welfare and food stamps than blacks or Hispanics. did you know that georges????????????

and the 2nd amendment was written when there were ONLY muskets! when they wrote the 2nd amendment they had zero idea that there would be assault rifles and automatic guns. Also what the FUCK is wrong with requiring everyone who buys a gun to have a background check??????? or to have to register that gun?????????? you have to register your fucking car, so why not a gun?????????????? I own a total of 13 guns and I spend time at the range. I have a concealed carry permit and every one of them is registered to my name and I had to undergo background checks when I bought each one of them. I'm fine with it georges. I was happy that it was being done.
Both parties are trying to rewrite the constitution, ever hear of the 14th that the GOP wants to eliminate?


The chinese and the russians are developping their fifth generation stealthy planes if that is not a threat then there is a problem. They are also developping and building their last generation of submarines and ICBMs which outperform the latest version of the minuteman III. The f15 isn't stealthy and hasn't got thrust vectoring like the latest generation of mig 29 and su 27 and it hasn't got as well as a passive area scanned array radar. The f22 is stealthy, has trust vectoring and a passive area scanned array radar. The best pilots in the world are in the Israeli Air Force, they are the ones who have the highest kills scores on f15s and f16s.
List of Obama's administration defense canceled programs:

In March 2013, the Obama administration announced plans to add 14 more interceptors in addition to the current 26 at Fort Greely in response to North Korean threats.[7] The deployment of a second TPY-2 radar to Japan was announced at the same time.[8] While Obama said that the additional deployment was a hedge against unexpected capabilities, Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Hong Lei complained that the additional defenses would impact on global strategic balance and strategic trust.


“We had planned to deploy the SM-3 IIB as part of the European Phased Adaptive Approach. The purpose was to add to the protection of the U.S. homeland already provided by our current GBIs [ground-based interceptors] against missile threats from the Middle East,” Hagel said during a Pentagon briefing last Friday. “The timeline for deploying this program had been delayed to at least 2022 due to cuts in congressional funding. Meanwhile, the threat matures.”

The White House and Pentagon intend to shift SM-3 Block II monies toward the fielding of additional ground-based missile interceptor systems and other platforms.


How did the military get here? A decade of constant combat and ever-increasing disaster relief and homeland defense missions has contributed to the decline in readiness, and Eaglen writes in AOL Defense that the navy is under particular strain
If you want more I will give you more

Your post and your sources are for shit. You also choose to ignore the tactic of blowing up the enemys airfields if you're worried about his planes. And the extensive use of drone warfare. And the F15 Silent Eagle. And the B2. And.......


Official Checked Star Member
also georges have you happened to notice that Obama has used our military in a much more efficient way than his predecessor did? We have killed far more terrorists with much more accuracy and I certainly don't see any cutting the budget in anything I've read. It needs to be cut dramatically. We need to end the no-bid contracts to companies like Haliburton that Bush handed out. he has done none of those thing much to my disliking.

he is NOT perfect by any means and I have many issues with things he's done, but given the disaster he stepped into I think he was a much better option than McCain and the retard and Romney.