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Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
That's exactly my point. Domino effect is what changes things. For chaniging major decisions you need to be a major player and wer are not. Occupying WS is not gonna change a thing. Shouting at your bank branch manager while other ten clients do the same is gonna have the branch manager complaining to his superior and if that happens in 10 branches that means that 10 branch managers are gonna shout at their superiors and so on. Why do you think that the big guys have structered their biz into many and many layers? SO that stupid ppl protest against the top layer reaching nothing. Start from what really affects you: what touches you directly is there where you can make the difference. Involve the ppl slightly over u to join u, not those 1000 floors above u. Mr Murdoch, i'm sure, doesn't even know that there are ppl sitting in front of his TV sight and if does know he does not giove a shit and he is probably laughing at it while sipping champagne.

As far as commercial banking is concerned, I can't tell you that such a thing would have no effect. Maybe it would. But from my time in mortgage banking (and just corporations in general), I can tell you that those at the very top of a big organization don't really concern themselves with the opinions or concerns of those at mid level or lower level management. They're expendable buffers... cannon fodder, if you will. The woman who I work with locally is a vice president. But she is considered like "plant level management" in manufacturing (basically, the lowest form of management). But Brian Moynihan (the CEO of BofA) wouldn't know her if he ran over her in his car. He'd probably be more concerned with the dent her dead body would put in his car, rather than how her grieving family would feel about the loss.

I wish I knew the answer, Sabrina. Like I said, I don't fully understand the aims of the Wall St. protestors. Maybe I'd agree with them on some issues and disagree on others. But I do know that we have let the banking interests (investment banks have little to no direct relationship with the general public, unlike commercial and mortgage banks) expand too greatly and have way too much say in how this nation is being run. And it doesn't matter if we're discussing Republicans or Democrats. Just as many ex-Goldman people have worked for Republican administrations as Democrat ones - probably more. And even though you'll often hear a lot of people, who claim to be "conservatives" or "libertarians", say that it was excessive government power that the Founding Fathers of this republic were concerned about, realize that they're only telling you half the truth (out of convenience or ignorance):

"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
– Thomas Jefferson
pete [B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/rose said:
Rose[/URL][/B], post: 6161139, member: 380567"] Unless you're rich, you're pretty much fucked for tuition and will more than likely have to take out a loan.

Then don't go to college.

pete [B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/rose said:
Rose[/URL][/B], post: 6161139, member: 380567"]

rational conversations aren't in the tea party modus operandi

How so?
Then don't go to college.
yes give in to the mediocrity:bang:



Unless you're rich, you're pretty much fucked for tuition and will more than likely have to take out a loan.


Rig the game so the people have no choice but to take on debt and then they can be easily controlled by their rulers.

Well, it's not the only choice. If they don't want to get into debt they can scrub the toilets of the rich or sign up to fight their wars for them.
Sabrina, you can't possibly be conservative, can you? I mean, with all due respect, because I do love what you do...but...you take strange guys cum on the face for a living. Which side do you think would support your right to do that?

What's the matter with Kansas, indeed.

Will E Worm

The Tea Party has leaders, achievable goals, and a real impact on Washington.

The Occupiers have none of these.

For the most part, yes.

Unless you're rich, you're pretty much fucked for tuition and will more than likely have to take out a loan.

Pell grant.

The College Grants Database, look that up.

Many people have made it without college.

Sabrina, you can't possibly be conservative, can you? I mean, with all due respect, because I do love what you do...but...you take strange guys cum on the face for a living. Which side do you think would support your right to do that?

What's the matter with Kansas, indeed.

Why can't she be? Anyone in America should be for freedom of choice of a job/ career.

You're out of line talking to people like you just did to her.

Conspiracy much?

This is possibly the most ill-informed statement I've ever seen posted on here. It is clear evidence of the successful brainwashing campaign the wealthy has been perpetuating from the beginning.

You can't honestly believe everyone can become rich and successful if they just work hard enough, can you? You don't really believe everybody is in the position they're in based solely on their own actions, do you? If you do, let me make it really, really simple for ya...can you explain Paris Hilton?

Karl Marx. For years your words have been misused and misquoted. For shame. As we see today, on a porn forum, and without evidence of direct religious involvement, the "opium of the people" is indeed alive and well.

I'm guessing the point was "no one is denying them the chance".

I'm not aware of any system that is not corrupt. I also think the pendulum does swing back and forth and it is natural to do so.

I have been to China and Russia. In my opinion I'll take our corrupt system over theirs.
Okay, let's assume that American taxes on business are actually the lowest in the entire world (are they?) add to the taxes the cost of unnecessary regulations, you know, the "fill this up in triplicate" bullshit. Then add to that the cost of benefits, etc. and the costs of new hiring outweigh the benefits.

This whole 'regulation killing jobs' is a complete lie and nothing but a talking point. If you look at the numbers, jobs 'being killed' due to regulations is lower than even when Bush was in office.


Will E Worm

Obama’s 7 Regulations That Are Killing Jobs

President Barack Obama is accustomed to having his way — like trying to dictate exactly when Congress would assemble for him to address a special joint session.

But that’s small stuff. The big stuff is the dictatorial flood of regulations that Obama is imposing. He can’t get his big government agenda through Congress anymore, so now he does it through the executive branch.

The worst of these regulations should be called “Obama’s Maleficent Seven.”

A regulation is a law made by the executive branch, permitted only because Congress over decades passed a multitude of vague laws that empowered bureaucrats.

Obama is taking advantage of this to govern by dictate. As his spokesman says, “There are things he can do without Congress, and he will do them.” Overturning Obama’s regulations requires both houses of Congress to unite by veto-proof margins to wipe out the red tape.

Because the Senate protects the Obama White House by bottling up House efforts to block the regulations, the White House-run bureaucracies are going wild. The only other alternative is court challenges that take years to produce results, if any.
