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I'm not interested in getting into a political pissing contest with strangers on the internet(s), but I am absolutely baffled that anyone can be "right-wing" and openly post on a porn message board. The contradiction and hypocrisy is astounding.

Did I ust see scripture quoted on here?!? JESUS CHRIST!

What I find interesting, is those on the left, who pretend to stand for tolerance, live and let live, do as you wish, kumbaya, etc., are the very people who make fun of those who don't follow the Liberal Agenda.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Steve Jobs and Apple haven't relied on (so called) "slave labor" any more than Walmart has. Sam Walton's business strategy was based on selling lower cost, non-premium goods at the lowest price possible, but in the highest volume possible. Thin margins + high volumes = profits (like Timex). Apple's strategy has always been to give the perception that its products were premium/top shelf. Only in the past decade has Apple seen volumes that began to get people's attention. High margins + lower volumes = profits (like Rolex). But both companies have relied on lower cost Asian labor for years and years. Apple doesn't own those Chinese factories any more than Walmart does. They both contract for the lowest bidder who can meet volume, quality and spec. requirements.
Blame the wealthy for everything. That's so easy to do.

Bill Gates worked hard, Warren Buffet worked hard, Steve Jobs worked hard, Sam Walton worked hard, etc. Most wealthy people did not come from money, they had an idea and worked hard to become successful. Blaming them for becoming successful and wealthy is ridiculous.

In her own right Paris Hilton has to work hard to keep her name out there. She is smart, she turned her name into a brand. Just because you don't like that doesn't mean she did anything wrong.

Jane you know I respect you.

Now tell me, why the lumberjack, the oil-riggers are not so rich? They must be working very hard to earn the minimum wage.

Working hard is not the part of the equation. The problem is not of the rich or the poor.

The basic problem is the distribution system of wealth in "Free" world. Otherwise US of A wouldn't have been a pauper (almost) nation with so much natural resource in their hand.

US should mind their own country. Instead of feeding the arms cartel by demolishing countries after countries, Iraq, Afghanistan and not to forget Vietnam, they should start building infrastructure like new roads, canals, etc, so that the wealth remains with their own people and distributed at all layers of the society. Not evenly, sure, but within the territory they have. But that too is difficult now because of the interest burden the country has. But no amount of oil is going to solve that problem. There has to be buyers.

What the hell matters, to general populace of US when they are jobless and homeless, what happens in a country thousand of miles away? Let them go to hell in a hand-basket.

Instead US is going to China with a beggars bowl to fight a war which is not their own.

There is another thread on the same issue. http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?p=6151522#post6151522
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Will E Worm

What I find interesting, is those on the left, who pretend to stand for tolerance, live and let live, do as you wish, kumbaya, etc., are the very people who make fun of those who don't follow the Liberal Agenda.

:yesyes: They are the least tolerate people.

Now tell me, why the lumberjack, the oil-riggers are not so rich? They must be working very hard to earn the minimum wage.

They do not work for minimum wage and they work for other people, not themselves.
They didn't have to choose the job they are in.

Lumberjack: A median hourly wage of $15.51 - $18.59 per hour
Oil rig worker: Driller average pay ranges $36 - $39 per hour

The basic problem is the distribution system of wealth in "Free" world.

There's nothing wrong with it, Robin Hood. :1orglaugh
:yesyes: They are the least tolerate people.

They do not work for minimum wage and they work for other people, not themselves.
They didn't have to choose the job they are in.

Lumberjack: A median hourly wage of $15.51 - $18.59 per hour
Oil rig worker: Driller average pay ranges $36 - $39 per hour

There's nothing wrong with it, Robin Hood. :1orglaugh

With all humility, if you understood it, I wouldn't have to say it. :bowdown:

And your other points, they don't even deserve an answer, pardon me.


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Anti-capitalists Like the Fruits of Capitalism - $12 a pack for cigs - life couldn't be sweeter for an anti-capitalist.

And more than likely, when he returns home after the protest, he'll whip out his smart phone and text everyone he knows that he took part in the whine-fest. Then, they will all meet up at a friends house to "party down dude", after buying a bunch of booze from the RICH brewery and distillery owners, rent a few movies so that the rich actors, rich movie studio moguls, rich producers, can all get richer off those who were just protesting the "evil, hoarding, wealthy, mean people" just a few days earlier.

And afterwards, flip open their laptops (paying a rich internet providor) for the service, and tell all their friends on facebook how they kicked ass and showed those rich bastards a thing or two!!!

What I find interesting, is those on the left, who pretend to stand for tolerance, live and let live, do as you wish, kumbaya, etc., are the very people who make fun of those who don't follow the Liberal Agenda.

Oh yeah these protestors are very open to other points of view.:rolleyes:

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
Jane you know I respect you.

Now tell me, why the lumberjack, the oil-riggers are not so rich? They must be working very hard to earn the minimum wage.

Working hard is not the part of the equation. The problem is not of the rich or the poor.

The basic problem is the distribution system of wealth in "Free" world. Otherwise US of A wouldn't have been a pauper (almost) nation with so much natural resource in their hand.

US should mind their own country. Instead of feeding the arms cartel by demolishing countries after countries, Iraq, Afghanistan and not to forget Vietnam, they should start building infrastructure like new roads, canals, etc, so that the wealth remains with their own people and distributed at all layers of the society. Not evenly, sure, but within the territory they have. But that too is difficult now because of the interest burden the country has. But no amount of oil is going to solve that problem. There has to be buyers.

What the hell matters, to general populace of US when they are jobless and homeless, what happens in a country thousand of miles away? Let them go to hell in a hand-basket.

Instead US is going to China with a beggars bowl to fight a war which is not their own.

There is another thread on the same issue. http://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?p=6151522#post6151522

I will always heart you. I agree the US needs to worry about themselves. We all know it won't happen. We are to busy trying to save everyone else.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
So is blaming the poor and middle class!
There are a lot of middle class families that worked hard all their lives that lost their jobs and everything because of the economy and no fault of their own. Not everybody is poor and lazy living off the government like you and the right imply all the time!

I never implied that. Yes some people do scam the government. Medicare fraud alone is billions of dollars. Don't act like there aren't liars and scammers. I never once said everyone was poor or lazy. I said a lot of people have a poor work ethic and they do. We didn't have this issue 50 years ago. People back then believed in hard work, living within their budget and they didn't expect the government to take care of them.

There are also a lot of people that bought houses they couldn't afford and lived well above their means. The US is a country of want. People want bigger houses, nicer cars, boats, flashy clothes, etc. If you can't afford it, then don't buy it.
Everyone laughed when the Tea Party were called Teabaggers. Now look how some react when one uses the term Fleabaggers to address the "protestors". Hypocrites much?
I don't understand how anyone can sympathize with bankers. You're either a bad person or a willing slave to do that. True patriots my ASS.

Some of you don't seem to understand, or even care to understand what the protests are about. Nobody's calling for a "shakedown" of big business, what they want is ACCOUNTABILITY. They face almost no consequences for their shady dealings that fuck us directly.

I don't know, maybe some people enjoy being figuratively ass raped (dry)?
Everyone laughed when the Tea Party were called Teabaggers.
That's because the Tea Party is a fucking farce. This is protesting, not red-faced rhetoric.


Official Checked Star Member
I don't understand how anyone can sympathize with bankers. You're either a bad person or a willing slave to do that. True patriots my ASS.

Some of you don't seem to understand, or even care to understand what the protests are about. Nobody's calling for a "shakedown" of big business, what they want is ACCOUNTABILITY. They face almost no consequences for their shady dealings that fuck us directly.

I don't know, maybe some people enjoy being figuratively ass raped (dry)?

That's because the Tea Party is a fucking farce. This is protesting, not red-faced rhetoric.

You don't bring the bankers back to earth occupying Wall Street. Goto your bank branch and start complaining there. Boycott credit cards. Stop using cheques, Save money and don't ask for loans. It's hypocritical to occupy Wall Street and then keeping using the bank system and silently accepting all the shit they give you on a daily basis starting from your bank branch. My 2 cents.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
You don't bring the bankers back to earth occupying Wall Street. Goto your bank branch and start complaining there. Boycott credit cards. Stop using cheques, Save money and don't ask for loans. It's hypocritical to occupy Wall Street and then keeping using the bank system and silently accepting all the shit they give you on a daily basis starting from your bank branch. My 2 cents.

But the thing is, Sabrina, no (major) decisions are made at local bank branches. They're just cogs in the wheel. The people who work there (even the branch managers) often don't know what the corporate policies are. I have a small business account with one of the larger banks. Earlier this year, they began charging me for things that they'd never charged for before. When I inquired, the VP/branch manager had no idea why I was getting hit with the fees. She didn't know that the bank had (secretly and without prior notice) changed its fee structure on certain accounts. I've known this woman for awhile... she used to have a MAJOR crush on my uncle. She's the one who actually opened my account years ago and even convinced me to get my original mortgage with them. She reversed all of the charges and worked to find another class of account that didn't have those fees attached.

If people lined up outside her branch, it would maybe cause her some heartburn. But the people at the corporate HQ wouldn't care. They'd tell her to shut up and carry on. And they'd also remind her that she unless she had permission (and a script to read from), she better not speak to the press.... or she'd be demoted/fired.

I'll tell you what I find interesting about these kids and protestors: if the TEA Party people and these protestors actually sat down and talked, they might find that they're close to being on the same page. There'd at least be some common ground, I believe. But in the U.S., so few people (on the left or the right) actually understand the banking system or the Federal Reserve, people on the left and the right often talk past each other. I haven't paid close attention to the "Occupy Wall St." protests. But I saw an interview, with what appeared to be a fairly educated, middle aged guy, and he and Ron Paul could have been reading from the same book. Just like in the TEA Party, some of these kids are ignorant and goofy. But in both movements there are some well meaning, more intelligent people. Luckily for Jamie Dimon, Brian Moynihan, Vikram Pandit, Lloyd Blankfein, et al., the two groups are so focused on talking that they'll never listen to each other.
I never implied that. Yes some people do scam the government. Medicare fraud alone is billions of dollars. Don't act like there aren't liars and scammers. I never once said everyone was poor or lazy. I said a lot of people have a poor work ethic and they do. We didn't have this issue 50 years ago. People back then believed in hard work, living within their budget and they didn't expect the government to take care of them.

There are also a lot of people that bought houses they couldn't afford and lived well above their means. The US is a country of want. People want bigger houses, nicer cars, boats, flashy clothes, etc. If you can't afford it, then don't buy it.

Times have changed. 50 years ago you could go to a factory and work hard and provide a better life for your family so they had it better. Now that rug has been pulled out from under them and their family isn't going to be better off.
YES some people still scam the system but you act like it is most of Americans and thats not true.


Official Checked Star Member
But the thing is, Sabrina, no (major) decisions are made at local bank branches.

That's exactly my point. Domino effect is what changes things. For chaniging major decisions you need to be a major player and wer are not. Occupying WS is not gonna change a thing. Shouting at your bank branch manager while other ten clients do the same is gonna have the branch manager complaining to his superior and if that happens in 10 branches that means that 10 branch managers are gonna shout at their superiors and so on. Why do you think that the big guys have structered their biz into many and many layers? SO that stupid ppl protest against the top layer reaching nothing. Start from what really affects you: what touches you directly is there where you can make the difference. Involve the ppl slightly over u to join u, not those 1000 floors above u. Mr Murdoch, i'm sure, doesn't even know that there are ppl sitting in front of his TV sight and if does know he does not giove a shit and he is probably laughing at it while sipping champagne.
Jesus: the original long haired occupy Wall Street protester.

Mark 11:15-19
And they came to Jerusalem. And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold and those who bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. 16And he would not allow anyone to carry anything through the temple. 17And he was teaching them and saying to them, "Is it not written, 'My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations'? But you have made it a den of robbers." 18And the chief priests and the scribes heard it and were seeking a way to destroy him, for they feared him, because all the crowd was astonished at his teaching. 19 And when evening came they[a] went out of the city.
That's because the Tea Party is a fucking farce. This is protesting, not red-faced rhetoric.

The Tea Party has leaders, achievable goals, and a real impact on Washington.

The Occupiers have none of these.
You don't bring the bankers back to earth occupying Wall Street. Goto your bank branch and start complaining there. Boycott credit cards. Stop using cheques, Save money and don't ask for loans. It's hypocritical to occupy Wall Street and then keeping using the bank system and silently accepting all the shit they give you on a daily basis starting from your bank branch. My 2 cents.
None of this brings any banker back to earth. It's not as easy as saying "don't ask for loans." Unless you're rich, you're pretty much fucked for tuition and will more than likely have to take out a loan.
The Tea Party has leaders, achievable goals, and a real impact on Washington.

The Occupiers have none of these.
hahaha okay whatever you say hahaha
I'll tell you what I find interesting about these kids and protestors: if the TEA Party people and these protestors actually sat down and talked, they might find that they're close to being on the same page.
rational conversations aren't in the tea party modus operandi