Obamas latest speech.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
As a white man I would like to say....

As a white man let me say....

Being a white man I can say....

You made these three separate statements in one short post and you claim your feelings are not racially motivated? Why do you feel the need to keep reminding us that you are a white man if you are indeed more "pro-black than most blacks"? Sorry, MP. You and I a great friends and I respect your views on most subjects very much but your racial bias shows through in every post you've made in this thread. I can see it and, judging by most of the other comments, so can just about everyone else.

Me thinks thou dost protest too much....


My Penis Is Dancing!
name one.
name one thing i ever said that was anti black?

whatever, you people are programmed to think the way you do.

"you can say this, but you can't say that."

lets just keep playing the blame game, that's been working great so far.

And if you don't like what someone says, call them a racist.

Gotta call you out on this one.

yes if you speak about illegal immigrants, the crimes they commit, black neighborhoods where murder and violent crime happens everyday, black on white crime statistics, ect ect you are automatically a hater and a racist.

if someone attacks you for speaking your mind, they are doing what needs to be done and are by no means haters.

well, thats the pea brained mentality of most.

so cower and be afraid white people. be afraid to walk the street, be afraid to speak, be afraid to think.

also, these people are not supremists, they are separatists, and truthfully i don't blame them considering the day after day actions of way too many non whites in the usa.
all these white people who have opinions should try taking a walk through any black or mexican neighborhood some day, look around, and see what happens to you. hell bring your wife, your gf, your sister or daughter along too.
maybe that reality is better left unknown.
i also wish these white groups would cut the nazi bullshit out and maybe they might be able to send a valid message out.

I'm white, i'm proud of it. my ancestors created beautiful art, music, citys, churches, buildings. invented so many things, discovered medical treatments.
they have advanced, unlike many other groups.
but i better not feel that way because i may be called a supremacist.

and i will say this: i believe completely that if the white race is to survive this century, the only way is to separate, geographically, governmentally , economically.
that to me, is as clear as as can be.

i guess thats me.

and yeah we are all the offspring of a retarded mutant fish\squirrel/chimp 1 million years ago so nothing else matters, we are all the same and everything is good in the usa.

dude, the denial that as races or groups we are different in many ways, to me, is pathetic.

a couple points.
i didnt condone these guys other than their right to speak.
and my workout partner and good friend, and one of my girlfriends are black.
100% black as far as i can tell.
but it doesn't matter, race is not an issue, its not anything.... in colombia, where i live.

the usa, well thats a different story for the most part.
so yeah, i'll admit it and i don't care which one of you pea brains label me as a racist or supremacist or whatever the fashionable word of the day is.

at this point i believe that in the united states, blacks, whites, and mexicans can not live together and function as a society.
the proof is everywhere.

and i truly do not believe at this point it is the faults of the white people.
for the most part, they do everything thing they can to get along with other races, or cultures or whatever word makes you feel comfortable.

mexicans, they just dont assimilate at all, most in the usa are illegal and many of them are criminals, many more are just there to milk the system.

blacks, well since the 60's theyve had their oppurtunity, and it started off well............but this new generation, way too many have no intentions of leading a straight life.
too many have no respect, no values, no social education.
too many are punks, degenerates, thugs, irresponsible and criminals.
too many are flat out racist.
and i don't give anybody a pass because of their skin color.
to me there is simply no excuse for this kind of behavior.

and if i were black i'd think the same way, but be pissed off that everything the blacks worked so hard for in the past has now been chucked in the gutter by the current generation.
you know what the fuck i'm sayin ******.

so, sad to say but at this point , i feel separating is the only thing that will save the country.
otherwise its gonna go down.

jails are filled, schools are filled, the system is overwhelmed and barely functioning.
the economy is shot.
crime within citys is higher than ever and just getting worse.
and also black on white and mexican on white crime is always on the rise.( white on black crime is almost non existent, but some of you are worrying about the danger of these white guys).
the quality of life is worse in every way than it was just a generation ago.

so what? things are gonna start getting better soon?

nope, again wish it wasnt like this but i am convinced that as a nation, a successful nation, at this point in time races can not live together and function as a society.

yeah youre right.
they'd probably starve like they do in africa then just break out of their area and go on a murder rampage.

nobody integrated anything, they stopped segregation.
big difference there.

so tell me expert, exactly what isn't equal or what hasn't been equal since the mid sixties in the usa?

are you another one of these " its all whiteys fault" pea brains.

i'd also like to thank all who have given me neg rep on this topic.
keep it coming pussys.

see no evil right?

man i don't imply that young blacks as a group in the usa have a crime problem.........it's a fact.
you ask if i think its because of skin color, thats implying i am racist.
noooooooo, its not skin color.

and i'm not talking about other countrys, i am talking about the united states.

you ask why there is a crime problem among them?
a lot of reasons i suppose, none of them excusable in my view.

and why did i bring it up here?

because a lot of posters were speaking of what a threat these white guys are.
i stated these guys are not a serious threat to anybody.
they are just a bunch of clowns.

then i state that if you want to talk about threats to your safety consider crime among young blacks. and people get all defensive about it.
as if it bothers them to hear it.
at this point i'm just responding like a fool.

can we end it? lets talk about fishin instead.

All of that came from one thread. I would have to say most of those comments are anti-black.


I'm watching some specialist videos
"Height was a quietly powerful figure in Washington, meeting with every president since Dwight D. Eisenhower. Her activism stretched from Obama's election back to the New Deal"

Any president would have spoken at her funeral, and would probably have said pretty much the same things as Obama.


Hiliary 2020
I was making a point by using sarcasm.
Surprised you didn't see that.

I've heard Obama say similar on several occasions , and i don't even listen to him that much.

Again, I want blacks in america to succeed. For the sake of the entire country
They ain't gonna move forward by harping on the past.
(which was the point of this thread).
they ain't gonna succeed by blaming others for their problems.
they aint gonna succeed if the government continues to support them for having kids too young.

At least I'm trying to give a solution, and feeling sympathy or guilt which is all most have to offer ain't it.

You just don't see it.
The politicians (and the schools), especially the democrats, do all they can to promote resentment in blacks and guilt in whites by bringing things up from the past and exaggerating them.
They do this not in the name of advancement, but actually to keep them down and create diviseveness.
Thats what keeps them in power.

I don't pick and choose who I am critical about based on race.
However alot of you pick and choose who you can be critical about based on race.
So where does the real racism lie here?

Like I said if anybody sees racial biased in my posts than thats because thats what they want to see.
But this is a common tactic, if you can't disprove someone, just call them racist and put them on the defense.

So everyone can see by my posts that i am racist? well everyone can kiss my butt.
Because all I'm doing is trying to show things that aren't helping blacks or any americans, if i hated blacks why would i even care?

And if anybody can find anything derogatory that I've said about any group (except colombians in one post), post it.
Here if you can't accept what I say because you know that I'm white, then I'll use a black guy to speak for me. Sad that I have to do that isn't it.
But skin color is important to a lot of you apparently



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
So everyone can see by my posts that i am racist? well everyone can kiss my butt.

That pretty much sums everything up I would say.

I think everything that can be said in this thread has been said so I'm pretty much outta here.

I hope we can still be friends, MP.


Hiliary 2020
Gotta call you out on this one.

All of that came from one thread. I would have to say most of those comments are anti-black.

ok stan , you see it as anti black.
you cant help it, I know what they did to you in the US education system, they tried it on me also.
What it really is is identifying problems in order to find a solution.
why would i want to do that if i was against them?

What do you have to offer? Sympathy? A guilty conscience?
Well that may make you feel important inside but it doesn't help.
And another thing, Blacks don't want your sympathy or empathy............bro.

So here I am, making post after post of things I feel are hurting black americans, and all you people have in response it to call me racist.

You think this is what MLK wanted by the way?
40+ years later and resentment still being so strong?
No man, he wanted people to live together in peace.
Is that happening?
Is harvesting resentment anger and guilt helping?
Is Obama and the Dems making that happen?
Is calling everyone who has an opinion that doesn't conform to what society says is acceptable racist helping?

you need to wake up.
I was making a point by using sarcasm.
Surprised you didn't see that.

I've heard Obama say similar on several occasions , and i don't even listen to him that much.

Again, I want blacks in america to succeed. For the sake of the entire country
They ain't gonna move forward by harping on the past.
(which was the point of this thread).
they ain't gonna succeed by blaming others for their problems.
they aint gonna succeed if the government continues to support them for having kids too young.

At least I'm trying to give a solution, and feeling sympathy or guilt which is all most have to offer ain't it.

You just don't see it.
The politicians (and the schools), especially the democrats, do all they can to promote resentment in blacks and guilt in whites by bringing things up from the past and exaggerating them.
They do this not in the name of advancement, but actually to keep them down and create diviseveness.
Thats what keeps them in power.

I don't pick and choose who I am critical about based on race.
However alot of you pick and choose who you can be critical about based on race.
So where does the real racism lie here?

Like I said if anybody sees racial biased in my posts than thats because thats what they want to see.
But this is a common tactic, if you can't disprove someone, just call them racist and put them on the defense.

So everyone can see by my posts that i am racist? well everyone can kiss my butt.
Because all I'm doing is trying to show things that aren't helping blacks or any americans, if i hated blacks why would i even care?

And if anybody can find anything derogatory that I've said about any group (except colombians in one post), post it.
Here if you can't accept what I say because you know that I'm white, then I'll use a black guy to speak for me. Sad that I have to do that isn't it.
But skin color is important to a lot of you apparently


You have very little empathy for black people and their history. As you said you are white and can probably trace your family tree to when your forefathers emigrated to the states of their own free will. When Black people look into their past they can't see anything, they don't know where their ancesters came from and all they know is that they were brought to America as slaves to work for white people. Even when slavery was abolished they were still segregated as 2nd class citizens and there is still racism today (done more cleverly though). Each black person has to move on in their own time, many look at their past and still feel anger but you can't tell them to just simply 'move on' as your ancestry has no history of being treated as sub humans. In time once slavery and segregation seem further and further away there will be more unity, but until then let people heal in their own way.


Check out 1:50 - 1:55
You have very little empathy for black people and their history. As you said you are white and can probably trace your family tree to when your forefathers emigrated to the states of their own free will. When Black people look into their past they can't see anything, they don't know where their ancesters came from and all they know is that they were brought to America as slaves to work for white people. Even when slavery was abolished they were still segregated as 2nd class citizens and there is still racism today (done more cleverly though). Each black person has to move on in their own time, many look at their past and still feel anger but you can't tell them to just simply 'move on' as your ancestry has no history of being treated as sub humans. In time once slavery and segregation seem further and further away there will be more unity, but until then let people heal in their own way.


Check out 1:50 - 1:55

Well said Ulysses.
Obama is constantly reminding us that he is black? How? By appearing on TV? Are you advocating he go the Michael Jackson route and bleach himself white?
I got to agree with Jag and Stan. meesterperfect I have also noticed a few anti black posts from you in other threads but this thread stands out more than others. I don't know if you are able to realize that you sure seem to have issues with black folks. :2 cents:

What's your beef? :dunno:
he doesn't talk about race that much and the reason you never heard of her is because of racism, you're not gonna be taught about people like her in schools


Hiliary 2020
you people are pathetic simpletons.
you understand nothing i've posted, it went right over your heads.

youve just been trained to use the word racist every Chance you get like morons.
he doesn't talk about race that much and the reason you never heard of her is because of racism, you're not gonna be taught about people like her in schools

True much? :D
Obama is evil! He is what is wrong with this country! He is the sole problem with America! Everything was great before Obama came on the scene. He is the Antichrist!

All jokes aside, Obama is not the problem, there are many problems but he is not one of them.

He is 10 million times better than anyone else who is in the running to be president, Palin, McCain, Biden, Romney, Giuliani, Huckabee, etc.

There is a severe lack of talent when it comes to the pool of potential "leaders" for the "free world"

Keep focusing on how evil Obama is and never think about the real problems facing the USA.
Boy this meesterperfect guy never lets me down when I need to be entertained. I thoroughly enjoyed going through this thread and had to keep myself from laughing on several occasions.
I got to agree with Jag and Stan. meesterperfect I have also noticed a few anti black posts from you in other threads but this thread stands out more than others. I don't know if you are able to realize that you sure seem to have issues with black folks. :2 cents:

What's your beef? :dunno:

Seems clear to me also.


Hiliary 2020
yeah yeah yeah i'm a racist.

of course not one of you has yet to post anything that i've written that was demeaning to blacks.
just little faggy statements with no substance.
at least stan gave it a shot.

see its like this pea brains, on this board many people are critical of many things.
christians, muslims, republicans , democrats, neo-cons, fat chicks, rich people, ect ect ect.
and if someone says anything about blacks, even if its non derogatory and with good intentions, right away like trained puppies you start with the same old name calling.
In this thread I only said that people, meaning everybody should let the past go and move on, for the good of everybody...........and what do i get? racist this, anti black that.
youre too ignorant to see that the reason your calling me that is not my words(if you even read any of them) but because i'm a white dude talking about something which in your eyes I am not supposed to be talking about, because i'm not black which really shouldn't matter at all.
See, YOU are the true racists, and I'm the guy that wants to see blacks in the USA move ahead, and I ain't afraid to give an opinion to why thats not happening as it could be.