Obamas latest speech.


Hiliary 2020
This i can debate.
I saw that film in the sixth grade.
I saw it again during a diversity class we were all forced to take at a job, in order for the company to reduce discrimination lawsuits.
I'll say here what I said to that class when it was my turn to speak.
Not only should that woman never be allowd to teach again, she should never be allowed near another child for the rest of her life.
And Everybody agreed, especially mothers.

Fisrt I'll use her photo to demonstrate how crazy she is.
look at that psychotic mug, those dead eyes:

Now her actions.
She took totally innocent 3rd graders , whats that 7 year olds, and seperated them into two groups.
she then mentally tortured one of those groups, demeaned them, reduced them to tears over and over again.
And why? To make a name for herself and to prove how racist white people are?
It only proved that she is a sick person.

Dude, you can't use children in psychological experiments.
Its against the ethics of science.
She only got away with it because she's just a teacher.
What she did to those kids was sick.
And they let her do it every year for 15 years.
Thats a lot of kids she mentally abused.
And it was mental abuse, no two ways about it.

People like you think its soo good, people like me see it for what it is.
a sick experiment using children that proves nothing and teaches nothing.