Obamas latest speech.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Who? :confused:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Why can't people be INDIVIDUALS and leaders talk about what's good for ALL people? His speech earlier this week showed that he's definitely not about "uniting" America... he's dividing people among lines, which no one should do IMHO. :2 cents:

What speech is it to which you refer? Do you have a link or a youtube reference? I'd be interested in seeing it.

Understand that I am not a huge Obama fan. I love his leadership qualities and he is a very intelligent and charismatic individual. However, I used to be excited about his message but I am disappointed that so many of the tenets he stood for so vehemently before he was elected seem to have gone by the wayside. I fear that, in his continuing attempt to satisfy everyone, he in fact is satisfying no one. That's why I'd be interested in seeing the speech to which you refer.


Hiliary 2020
The point is that he is always reminded us that he is black, when actually he is mixed, and even more so, IT DOESN'T MATTER.
And it shouldn't

Like Cunning said this cat ain't about uniting, never was, never will be.
that worrys me.

I'm not even saying he's a bad president, just let this race stuff go already, everybody, lets unite.
I thought thats what everybody wanted, maybe not.


The point is that he is always reminded us that he is black, when actually he is mixed, and even more so, IT DOESN'T MATTER.
And it shouldn't

Like Cunning said this cat ain't about uniting, never was, never will be.
that worrys me.

I'm not even saying he's a bad president, just let this race stuff go already, everybody, lets unite.
I thought thats what everybody wanted, maybe not.

Everybody being united will never happen. Ever.
Why can't people be INDIVIDUALS and leaders talk about what's good for ALL people? His speech earlier this week showed that he's definitely not about "uniting" America... he's dividing people among lines, which no one should do IMHO. :2 cents:

So, when he calls on black and latinos to support him and his party in the elections later this year, what signal does that send to people who happen to be "white" or Asian?

The guy smacks of a left wing used car salesman like Sharpton to me, and time is proving that theory right with every additional piece of data he provides.

The point is that he is always reminded us that he is black, when actually he is mixed, and even more so, IT DOESN'T MATTER.
And it shouldn't

Like Cunning said this cat ain't about uniting, never was, never will be.
that worrys me.

I'm not even saying he's a bad president, just let this race stuff go already, everybody, lets unite.
I thought thats what everybody wanted, maybe not.

Uh....If u ever listened to him....
The point is that he is always reminded us that he is black, when actually he is mixed, and even more so, IT DOESN'T MATTER.
And it shouldn't
Not sure when he's "reminded us that he's black". The guy is what he is....
Like Cunning said this cat ain't about uniting, never was, never will be.
that worrys me.
From the "cat" who follows cats like Limbaugh, Hannity and O'Reilly around by his nose ring. But Obama "worrys" (sic) you? :spump:
I'm not even saying he's a bad president, just let this race stuff go already, everybody, lets unite.
I thought thats what everybody wanted, maybe not.

Meester...a psychological reality is...some people fear from others the things they would do or have done.

You promote a guy to manager and he runs around paranoid about his employees sloughing off, not doing their jobs, etc...that's because his ass knows that's what he would be doing or has done. Take a look in the mirror Meester...that's where you will find all the things that "worrys" (sic) you.:angels:


Hiliary 2020
As a white man I would like to say, Boy, I say I'm sick of obama reminding me that he's black all the time and look at the shit i get.
a lot of people feel the same as me, they just don't have the balls to admit it.

and a lot of you are wrong, countrys can unite.
As a white man let me say
that is how the USa became so great.
Thats how Japan , Germany, and a lot of other countrys did it also.
Thats how China is doing it today.
Being a white man I can say,
see those countrys don't go around bringing up the past and even distorting it, they move forward.
They dont go around creating hatred between groups.
The USa is moving backwards, and everybody knows it.
I bet that's what they USA wants the rest of the world to think.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
As a white man I would like to say, Boy, I say I'm sick of obama reminding me that he's black all the time and look at the shit i get.
a lot of people feel the same as me, they just don't have the balls to admit it.

and a lot of you are wrong, countrys can unite.
As a white man let me say
that is how the USa became so great.
Thats how Japan , Germany, and a lot of other countrys did it also.
Thats how China is doing it today.
Being a white man I can say,
see those countrys don't go around bringing up the past and even distorting it, they move forward.
They dont go around creating hatred between groups.
The USa is moving backwards, and everybody knows it.

Really :lame: MP. You can do better than this gibberish. Have you been drinking tonight perhaps?

Just come out and say it....you hate Obama and a lot of it has to do with the fact that he is "black". It's OK pal....everyone can deal with it. Doesn't bother me in the slightest (I'm not real fond of him in many respects myself but it has nothing to do with race). But please quit trying to hide behind this noble-motive facade. It is so obvious as to be embarrassing.

Only your best friend would tell you. :D
Exactly, it's the internet, y'all don't need to be gutless here. This is a place where you can have full freedom of expression with only the risk of people thinking you're ignorant or something :'D


Hiliary 2020
Really :lame: MP. You can do better than this gibberish. Have you been drinking tonight perhaps?

Just come out and say it....you hate Obama and a lot of it has to do with the fact that he is "black". It's OK pal....everyone can deal with it. Doesn't bother me in the slightest (I'm not real fond of him in many respects myself but it has nothing to do with race). But please quit trying to hide behind this noble-motive facade. It is so obvious as to be embarrassing.

Only your best friend would tell you. :D

man youre so wrong it aint even funny.
I'm more pro black than most blacks.
I just have a different point of view than most people.

I want to see blacks in the usa succeed.
i want to see a country united, although some say thats not possible.
And bringing up the past and distorting it even, as if segregation was everywhere...........is not the way to advance!

i don't know how much clearer i can be.
if anybody really thinks , after reading my posts that i don't like obama because he's black, well then they just want to see it that way.
I'm sincere here dear.

Another thing, i've been living in a country now for almost 4 years where they don't have this nonsense.people are people.
gays don't go around advertising that theyre gay, people arent always talking about how whites discriminated in the past........its just normal.
no bullshit.
my good friend and workout partner and an amiguita are black.
And man we get along great.

I'm just saying all this bringing up of the past is depressing and counter productive.
Aint no good comes from it.
And when it comes from the Prez all the time its even worse.
let it go, move on..........and if anyone wants to take what i said as racism thats just sad.
As a white man I would like to say, Boy, I say I'm sick of obama reminding me that he's black all the time and look at the shit i get.
a lot of people feel the same as me, they just don't have the balls to admit it.

and a lot of you are wrong, countrys can unite.
As a white man let me say
that is how the USa became so great.
Thats how Japan , Germany, and a lot of other countrys did it also.
Thats how China is doing it today.
Being a white man I can say,
see those countrys don't go around bringing up the past and even distorting it, they move forward.
They dont go around creating hatred between groups.
The USa is moving backwards, and everybody knows it.

I know I was sick of Ronald Reagan constantly bring up his Irish ethnicity. This was a blatant appeal to white Irish Catholics and was a source of divisions in the country. Like wise Obama should never mention black people of accomplishment for this only reminds us he is black. If he stopped doing this we could forget he is black. That is until we see him. :rolleyes::rolleyes:


Hiliary 2020
name one.
name one thing i ever said that was anti black?

whatever, you people are programmed to think the way you do.

"you can say this, but you can't say that."

lets just keep playing the blame game, that's been working great so far.

And if you don't like what someone says, call them a racist.