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Obama Says US Are Training ISIS

damn i would love seeing you both doing a bikini mud fight, democrat vs republican wow :D


Official Checked Star Member
Mariah, move to Europe for a few months and then let's talk about it again. The world is not only US. By the way, Obama already made war to Libya and contributed big time to the current chaos and to the expansion of Isis. I'm not sure of which alternatives you are talking about, but not sticking the nose into Syria, Libya, Egypt and Tunisia internal affairs. Obama foreign policy is a total disaster and it will take decades to fix it, if ever. And not because he is a Dem or black, but simply because he is not fit for the job. I wonder if you would have still found it a little thing should the Rep G.W. Bush have made the above statement if in office in place of Obama. We are at war with Isis and the president of USA says that the US are training Isis. Really a little thing to finger point, isn't it?
If you guys don't care of what happens outside the US, of what people have to deal with and suffer because of your politicians foreign policies, please, do everybody a favor and mind your business in the USA. Or save us the "justice will prevail" crap next time some TwinTowers-like shit will drop on your soil; or start opening the borders and welcome some of the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants mixed with terrorists that every day enter Europe thanks to your politicians foreign policies.
Sorry Mariah, it's not a little thing to finger point at all.


Official Checked Star Member
damn i would love seeing you both doing a bikini mud fight, democrat vs republican wow :D

I'm not Republican. But i'd passively lay in the mud with Mariah on top any time.
I don't think we are fighting, just discussing from different perspectives. Disagreement is the foundation of respect.
Sabrina, I think you know I'm a traveled person and know there is more than the US in the world.

When was the US at war in Lybia? Obama was hammered by McCain and others for NOT going to war in Lybia & Syria. Let's not forget that Obama inherited a disaster with the US economy as well as 2 wars and an entire region of the world that hated the US before he became president. I don't claim he's done great things but let's not exaggerate here. He has been ridiculed for not doing more bombing and invading and using troops by the right. He was against the Iraq war from the jump which is what REALLY created ISIS. That's not an opinion, that's a fact.
And no matter what, the US is far better than it was when he took office. Its not been perfect but one side has been adamant to block anything and everything he tries to do as a matter of policy, even when it was their idea to begin with. US soldiers arent dying in the middle east anymore for no reason and we arent spending $400 million a day on those 2 wars any longer. Can't bitch about that....can you?
The economy had already started to improve before Maobama took office. He hasn't done one damn positive thing to improve the situation


Official Checked Star Member
And that's the problem...most of US citizen don't even know that the US promoted and fought the war in Libya.

1 March 2011: The US Senate unanimously passes non-binding Senate resolution S.RES.85 urging the United Nations Security Council to impose a Libyan no-fly zone and encouraging Gaddafi to step down. The US had naval forces positioned off the coast of Libya, as well as forces already in the region, including the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise.

19 March 2011:...military operations began, with American and British naval forces firing over 110 Tomahawk cruise missiles.

The United States deployed a naval force of 11 ships, including the amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge, the amphibious transport dock USS Ponce, the guided-missile destroyers USS Barry and USS Stout, the nuclear attack submarines USS Providence and USS Scranton, the cruise missile submarine USS Florida and the amphibious command ship USS Mount Whitney. Additionally, A-10 ground-attack aircraft, B-2 stealth bombers, AV-8B Harrier II jump-jets, EA-18G Growler electronic warfare aircraft, P-3 Orions, and both F-15E and F-16 fighters were involved in action over Libya. U-2 reconnaissance aircraft were stationed on Cyprus. On 18 March, two AC-130Us arrived at RAF Mildenhall as well as additional tanker aircraft.[citation needed] On 24 March 2 E-8Cs operated from Naval Station Rota Spain, which indicated an increase of ground attacks.[citation needed] An undisclosed number of CIA operatives were said to be in Libya to gather intelligence for airstrikes and make contacts with rebels. The US also used MQ-1 Predator UAVs to strike targets in Libya on 23 April.

On 10 June, US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates criticized some of the NATO member nations for their efforts, or lack thereof, to participate in the intervention in Libya. Gates singled out Germany, Poland, Spain, Turkey, and the Netherlands for criticism. He praised Canada, Norway and Denmark, saying that although those three countries had only provided twelve percent of the aircraft to the operation, their aircraft had conducted one-third of the strikes.

Funds spent by Foreign Powers on War in Libya.
United Kingdom $336–$1,500 million USD September 2011
United States $896 – US$1,100 million October 2011
Italy $700 million EUR October 2011
France $450 million EUR September 2011
Turkey US$300 million July 2011
Denmark $120 million EUR November 2011
Belgium $58 million EUR October 2011
Spain $50 million EUR September 2011
Sweden US$50 million October 2011
Canada US$26 million June 2011

There has been criticism over the handling of the operation and the belief that the Obama administration failed to adequately consult the U.S. Congress. The Obama administration defended its handling of the Libyan crisis, drawing a clear line between military and political objectives. On 24 March White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters "We are not engaged in militarily-driven regime change." Instead, the administration is engaged in "time-limited, scope-limited" action with other countries to protect civilians from forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi.[107] However, this conflicts with multiple statements seeming to imply regime change as at least one objective of the Operation, including a report made to Congress as required by House Resolution 292:

"Establishing these conditions would pave the way for a genuine political transition – of which Qadhafi's departure is a critical component. To bring about this objective, along with the international community, the United States responded to this crisis by developing, implementing, and monitoring sanctions and freezing billions in Government of Libya assets, building a broad international coalition focused on escalating diplomatic pressure on Qadhafi and increasing his isolation, and initiating and sustaining political support for military operations. ... Politically, U.S. leadership continues to play an important role in maintaining and expanding this international consensus that Qadhafi must step down, sending an unambiguous message to the regime. We continue working with the international community to enhance the capabilities of the Libyan opposition and increase the ability to achieve political transition. After many meetings with senior opposition members in Washington and abroad, combined with daily interactions with the U.S. mission in Benghazi, we have stated that the TNC has demonstrated itself to be the legitimate interlocutor of the Libyan people, in contrast to the Qadhafi regime that has lost all legitimacy to rule.

In its draft "vision" the self-appointed TNC condemned despotic regimes and called for Libya to "join the international community"; to build a state in which racism, discrimination and terrorism will be substituted with equality, justice, peace and freedom. Two years later, terrorism was established in Libya for the first time in history, while Libya itself was turned by the reckless actions of the UN into the world's largest weapons supermarket for world terrorists.
Moreover, the TNC, which has reportedly sold chemical weapons to both Hamas and Hezbollah, has also been linked to supplying arms to Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.

They changed it, they deserve to embrace it too. I offer to pay Bambi and Michelle a Nobelly peaceful, indefinite holiday in the just and free red sand beaches of Libya. It's like Hawaii, just more brotherhoodish.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.

Freudian slip or not, this man is a disgrace.

Well of course we are. We trained the Taliban, we armed the fuckers with the very hand held missiles they shoot our choppers down with. That fuck bin ladin was in bed with Rumsfeld, when he ran the C.I.A. for daddy bush. This shit is going on, because our leaders WANT it to. It isn't a democrat or republican thing, it's about world power, and a one world government. We can't bring the rest of these fucktards up to our standard, because they're leaders are a bunch of greedy fucking dictators, so they have to drag us down to their level. How, by bankrupting us, and destroying our economy through attrition....years of this costly bullshit will turn us into a third world nation. And yes, he is a disgrace, and a treasonous one at that. Everyone thinks Regan was such a great president...he was an arms trading drug dealer, that bankrupt Russia, causing them to flood these shithole countries with stockpiles of old Soviet weapons, that are being used to try and kill our soldiers. I would bet that a good 95% of the illegal guns that our government whines about in Mexico, are surplus AK47's, that come in from Central America, but these half wit retards in Washington will never admit to that, they blame it on the American public, and nobama isn't even the biggest disgrace in this administration. That one goes to eric holder, and his little attempt at treason. They should all stand trial, and suffer the full consequences.
come on you're reaching now. Every one of the guys on the other side would have had us in wars with lybia iran and who knows who else by now if they won, but they didnt. You're way too focused on finding any little thing to finger point but the alternatives were MUCH worse.

It's not about the other side. Zionists control both parties, they got BOTH parties to support an invasion of Iraq that should not have taken place. Israel has been caught red-handed aiding the Al-Qaeda affiliated Al Nusra front and has been rumored to have trained Syrian Islamists for the past 2 years.

All of this is part of their work against Iran. Assad is an ally of Iran and they both need each other for security. Taking out Assad will make it easier to neutralize Iran, if it comes to that.

Israel also tried to put the blame on the U.S. when it was caught dealing with Sunni extremists in Iran.

Israel is NOT an ally of the U.S. far from it.

- - - Updated - - -

Well of course we are. We trained the Taliban, we armed the fuckers with the very hand held missiles they shoot our choppers down with. That fuck bin ladin was in bed with Rumsfeld, when he ran the C.I.A. for daddy bush. This shit is going on, because our leaders WANT it to. It isn't a democrat or republican thing, it's about world power, and a one world government. We can't bring the rest of these fucktards up to our standard, because they're leaders are a bunch of greedy fucking dictators, so they have to drag us down to their level. How, by bankrupting us, and destroying our economy through attrition....years of this costly bullshit will turn us into a third world nation. And yes, he is a disgrace, and a treasonous one at that. Everyone thinks Regan was such a great president...he was an arms trading drug dealer, that bankrupt Russia, causing them to flood these shithole countries with stockpiles of old Soviet weapons, that are being used to try and kill our soldiers. I would bet that a good 95% of the illegal guns that our government whines about in Mexico, are surplus AK47's, that come in from Central America, but these half wit retards in Washington will never admit to that, they blame it on the American public, and nobama isn't even the biggest disgrace in this administration. That one goes to eric holder, and his little attempt at treason. They should all stand trial, and suffer the full consequences.

It's about Zionism AND NWO. Don't leave out the former.
November of 2008 the US lost 772,000 jobs. The stock market was under 7,000 and the housing market was getting worse, not better. The US auto makers were near bankruptcy and the banks were ready to default. Every single one of those things has turned around. You will surely credit the republicans which is a fucking joke.

Show us stats to prove that it was already turning around. I dare you.
November of 2008 the US lost 772,000 jobs. The stock market was under 7,000 and the housing market was getting worse, not better. The US auto makers were near bankruptcy and the banks were ready to default. Every single one of those things has turned around. You will surely credit the republicans which is a fucking joke.

Show us stats to prove that it was already turning around. I dare you.

Black unemployment has increased by 30 percent. Soon to be 100 million unemployed. Food stamp recipients up to 42 million from 31 million.

TARP stabilized the crisis before Maobama stunk up the joint. None of his economic policies have worked.


Even Bernie Sanders says his unemployment numbers are bullshit and the UE rate is actually over 10 percent.

The stock market reacts to low interest rates more than anything, which the Fed controls not the president. You consistently display your ignorance in economic matters.

I don't know how you keep your electricity from being disconnected every month to be honest.
Oh really? Why don't you tell us which of Obama's economic policies have made it through congressional republicans?

Didn't have to meet their approval. They have acquiesced on just about every policy decision he has made through caving instead of shutting down the government and utilizing the power of the purse. Dancing around budget limitations through sequestration. Obama has only had to veto 4 bills during his presidency, an unheard of small number, I bet you supported his economic plan as a candidate too well guess what, he DIDN'T have a comprehensive plan until after he assumed office and it was created for him by a consortium of liberal economists and spoon fed to him.

So, he has had 6 and a half years of on the job training and shooting from the hip and essentially no resistance by Republicans.
Keep drinking that Kool Aid BC. Soon to be 1/3 of the country unemployed huh? Well according to the beliefs of YOUR party when rich people and companies get richer it creates wealth and jobs for everyone else. At no time in history have the corporations and the wealthy attained and gained more wealth, so please explain why the massive unemployment and decimation of the middle/working class?
How pathetic is it that someone supposedly on a vacation, diving and living the hedonistic lifestyle is engaging in petty political arguments instead? When I am on vacation, I am not checking in with message boards that is for sure.
After you answer those 3 emails each day. What a grueling task that must be.

2 of them are your daily talking points