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Low information Obama zombies sign petition to nuke the Russians

Fox Political Entertainment, dba Fox News, is the go-to source for red-state voters and is nothing but an outlet for far right misinformation. #1 in Political Entertainment, Lying, Distorting, False Narratives, Fear Mongering, and who can forget pushing the Christian agenda, a faith based set of beliefs that require no proof, evidence, or tolerance of dissent. Funny though, you haven't demonstrated how "democrats tend to be low information voters as a whole", so really if you're going to make such wild claims you can't complain when others do the same. But I digress, as I posted above, keep hammering at it, I don't like the term because it's based on assertions that you can't prove, but if you want to come across as confused, angry, and full of sour grapes because all those dummies didn't vote your way, knock yourself out.

Didn't you just say a few days ago that if someone is offended by a display of faith then the offended was the one with the problem? Guess what, FNC serves a purpose in that most of those that watch the channel do so because they don't feel that climate change, the gay agenda, undocumented aliens are going to be shoved down their throats. Where else are they going to be able to have their ideas espoused? Do they not have right to view a channel that speaks more to them? What is the left's objection to Fox News anyway? You fuckers are always whining about something that only extremist right wing but jobs watch anyway. Is Fox helping to win the hearts and minds of American? How has that worked out in the last 2 general elections? Yeah FNC is is a regular Pravda at brain washing. As for demonstrating low information voters, just look at Baltimore, Ferguson, Cleveland , New York and there you have it. To deny that is just putting your head in the sand.
I am just getting caught up while in the car for the 2 hour ride in traffic back to my mom's house.

As long as we have been doing this little dance of ours I still cannot believe that you really believe the shit you say. The dems use scare tactics??????? class warfare????????? O M fucking G dude.

scare tactics how? give an example that trumps "The democrats are going to make religion illegal" or "Obama is going to take all of your guns away!" or "The liberals are going to make christmas illegal!"

You say I duck and dodge...you NEVER answer direct questions unless you have some horseshit spin you concoct. I ask if you watch ANY of the clips I post and your refusal to answer means you don't because it might require some concession on your part. When presidential candidates are proclaiming that the democrats are working on making religion illegal as Huckabee did or that there is no place for christians in the democratic party as your boy Ted Cruz did...even though 80% of the house democrats are christian and every president in US history has been a christian.

THAT IS FEAR TACTICS to the max dude. That and Terror threat level colors that kept people voting for those who will be more hawkish (republicans) John Kerry lost in 2004 because the terror alerts and the constant bombardment of fox news of new plots every day that GW Bush himself was finding out and foiling.


Republicans will take away your social security

Republicans want to take away your Medicare

Republicans are waging a war on women

You truly take the prize as greatest parody poster of all time

No way this shit is real.
Palin was speaking in terms of robbing Medicare to fund a socialized top down healthcare program .

Even dummy Sarah gets it, and you don't.

That must make you feel very sad.
No she wasn't. Obamacare hadn't even been written yet so please sell that horse shit to someone else. She was talking about big government liberals.

Think about it. "Government keep your hands off my medicare!" medicare is a fucking socialist program, pure and simple which is what she bitched endlessly about. You believe 90% of the shit she believes, there could be nothing sadder than that.
Yes she was. Obama champaigned on a top down single payer socialized health care. And she was savvy enough to recognize that they would have to hit Medicare. Which they did.

Fuck yeah, Sarah.
You mean the Romneycare program? Obamacare had NOT been written at the time. I would post the link to the video but you wouldn't watch it.

Romney wasn't the nominee in 08.

And Obama campaigned on it and said he was elected because Americans wanted it .

You voted for someone and didn't even know their platform
WTF I swear you are a fucking pot head or something. Your brain is fuzzy. Obamacare is nearly identical to Romneycare. When Palin was running loose around the country ranting with that stupid accent calling herself a Maverick and boasting how quitters are = to traitors (even though she subsequently quit being governor) The rant that day was about the intrusion of government into the lives of americans. Ive watched it 50 times. And lets say yes it was about not allocating the $700 million from medicare to obamacare (which made ZERO difference because it covered the same people) ITS STILL A FUCKING SOCIALIST PROGRAM SHE IS DEMANDING TO KEEP!!!!!!!!!!! AND TO KEEP GOVERNMENT HANDS OFF OF IT AS IF IT WASNT A FUCKING GOVERNMENT PROGRAM TO BEGIN WITH!!!!!!!!! that retard didn't know it was a socialist program just like she didn't know africa is a continent or any of the other mundane things she should know as someone who could end up the president of the USA.

And here's the sad part: You voted for McCain / Palin KNOWING she was a little old man's heart attack away from being president and her stupidity and everything else. So you cast a vote for HER as much as you did McCain and you're talking shit about me and MY vote?????????????? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I didn't make fun of your vote, I said you voted without knowing the platform. Crazy Uncle Joe in hindsight is making Sarah look like Marilyn Vos Savant.

And that retard was elected governor of her state, something you or I will never achieve, me only because I am not interested in the position ;)
I absolutely fucking knew the platform. And Biden isn't anywhere nearly as fucking bad as Palin and you know it. She didn't fucking know the 3 branches of fucking government!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She was elected governor of alaska not quite the populace that deserves big hugs and kisses. She was caught in scandals and resigned before the end of her term. She took credit for shit she has nothing to do with.
Did Sarah announce today or something?

Maybe I should go off on a tangent about losing tickets like Mondale/Ferraro or Dukakis/Bentsen haha


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Didn't you just say a few days ago that if someone is offended by a display of faith then the offended was the one with the problem? Guess what, FNC serves a purpose in that most of those that watch the channel do so because they don't feel that climate change, the gay agenda, undocumented aliens are going to be shoved down their throats. Where else are they going to be able to have their ideas espoused? Do they not have right to view a channel that speaks more to them? What is the left's objection to Fox News anyway? You fuckers are always whining about something that only extremist right wing but jobs watch anyway. Is Fox helping to win the hearts and minds of American? How has that worked out in the last 2 general elections? Yeah FNC is is a regular Pravda at brain washing. As for demonstrating low information voters, just look at Baltimore, Ferguson, Cleveland , New York and there you have it. To deny that is just putting your head in the sand.

What I commented on was "personal" displays of faith, not a faith-driven political agenda. Churches that get involved in politics deserve to be taxed and any political party that doubles as a religion is in clear violation of the 1st Amendment. Of course FNC serves a purpose and that purpose, along with the AM talk radio echo chamber and the far right blogosphere, is to disseminate misinformation, lies, distortions, false narratives, manufactured outrage, fear, and the fake Christianity of the GOP. Studies have repeatedly shown that Fox News is the most dishonest information broker out there, and all the rest of them, AM talk radio, conservative blogs and websites, even the fucking RNC take their cues from FOX. It's really no surprise that people who vote Republican are demonstrably dumber than the rest of the country. That you feel the need to try to characterize people who vote for Democrats as "low information" is really not surprising either, it's reeks of sour grapes, desperation, and the need to feel superior to people that don't vote the way you want them to. I don't hide the fact that I'm not enthusiastic of a Hillary ticket, I really hope that somehow she doesn't end up being the candidate, but she will be and then she will steamroll whoever the republicans throw at her. I won't vote for her, but that doesn't mean I'm automatically voting Republican because as distasteful as I may find a Hillary presidency, I still know that anyone the GOP runs will probably still be worse.

Baltimore, Ferguson, Cleveland, and New York demonstrates that there are a bunch of idiots that sink to the occasion to riot for anything they think might get them something for nothing. IF they vote they might vote for Democrats, but I'm willing to bet the majority of them voluntarily don't participate in the voting process or they can't participate in the voting process for any number of legal reasons. Until you produce some evidence that everyone that rioted and protested cast a vote for a democrat you're "just feeling it". But yet, you can and will, I'm sure, keep hammering the "low information" line, something you got from one of your stellar "high information" sources, it doesn't change the fact that you're just mad that those dummies didn't vote/won't vote for your guy.
What I commented on was "personal" displays of faith, not a faith-driven political agenda. Churches that get involved in politics deserve to be taxed and any political party that doubles as a religion is in clear violation of the 1st Amendment. Of course FNC serves a purpose and that purpose, along with the AM talk radio echo chamber and the far right blogosphere, is to disseminate misinformation, lies, distortions, false narratives, manufactured outrage, fear, and the fake Christianity of the GOP. Studies have repeatedly shown that Fox News is the most dishonest information broker out there, and all the rest of them, AM talk radio, conservative blogs and websites, even the fucking RNC take their cues from FOX. It's really no surprise that people who vote Republican are demonstrably dumber than the rest of the country. That you feel the need to try to characterize people who vote for Democrats as "low information" is really not surprising either, it's reeks of sour grapes, desperation, and the need to feel superior to people that don't vote the way you want them to. I don't hide the fact that I'm not enthusiastic of a Hillary ticket, I really hope that somehow she doesn't end up being the candidate, but she will be and then she will steamroll whoever the republicans throw at her. I won't vote for her, but that doesn't mean I'm automatically voting Republican because as distasteful as I may find a Hillary presidency, I still know that anyone the GOP runs will probably still be worse.

Baltimore, Ferguson, Cleveland, and New York demonstrates that there are a bunch of idiots that sink to the occasion to riot for anything they think might get them something for nothing. IF they vote they might vote for Democrats, but I'm willing to bet the majority of them voluntarily don't participate in the voting process or they can't participate in the voting process for any number of legal reasons. Until you produce some evidence that everyone that rioted and protested cast a vote for a democrat you're "just feeling it". But yet, you can and will, I'm sure, keep hammering the "low information" line, something you got from one of your stellar "high information" sources, it doesn't change the fact that you're just mad that those dummies didn't vote/won't vote for your guy.

Every republican voter that I speak with and I mean every voter has a grasp of the issues, why they believe what they believe and have an idea or suggestion to make things better as they see it.

Do you scout trailer parks for all these dumb republican voters? Because you will probably only encounter Mexicans now.

Low information voters may be offensive to you but it describes perfectly the sheeple mentality that is so prevalent within the dem voting base. I did not call them dumb. I called them uninformed because they believe every thing spoon fed to them by liberal media and liberal politicians.. I don't know what Fox News you are watching but they are highly critical of not only this administration but Republicans as well.

So which mainstream outlet besides Fox do we get any criticism of Obama when he lies other than Fox?

If you think that NBC, ABC, CBS or the NYT are not in the tank for him then your delusion is far worse than I thought.

Just look at the other liberal posters on this board and their daily rants, all you have to do is do a quick search of blogs and their rant is hot off the presses of talking points. So you really want to paint the protesters in those cities as probable felons with no voting privileges? You are bolder than me with that claim.

I am sorry that you are aligned with the uniformed. But you are and you can thank each and every one of them for the success you have enjoyed in the past two general elections.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Just as I thought, nothing but "feeling it". Whatever. It's no secret that Fox News is dishonest and where the rest of them get their cues. Getting a lot of false information is nothing to be proud of, but that's what you get on the right, a great deal of lies, distortions, false narratives, manufactured outrage, fear, and fake Christianity. Just keep repeating "low information voters", it must make you feel better to think all those dummies just need a little Rush in their lives and they'd be right as rain.
You do realize that Rush has coined many terms that the left has adopted too, right?

How many tines do you spout off " do nothing congress or senate?" Or " obstructionists"?

It is not a matter of feeling good when I use the term. It just so happens that Rush nailed it perfectly.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Rush didn't coin the term "low information voter". It was originally used by democrats to disparage people who vote based on their religion. That you think Rush coined the term is a perfect illustration that your "high information" is typically false information.
Well he certainly brought the term to the forefront of describing the democrat base.

I have noticed that you are particularly fond of catchphrases and/or terms that are pejoratives toward Republicans and conservatives and are usually the first one to take it up when the tables are turned. I personally could care less when those type of terms are used against conservatives, " slack jawed yokels, mouth breathers and knuckle draggers" are long time favorites of the left and make me chuckle.
So am I to take it that you consider all dem voters informed, of higher intelligence than republican voters and generally just awesome people? It is obvious that the root of your objection to low information voters is that Lawrence Tribe did not file an application for a copyright.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Nice try to deflect the fact that your "high information" wasn't fucking accurate, thanks for illustrating the point. You need to go back and read the first post I made in this thread.


I don't consider all voters informed, democrat or republican, but I don't get butt hurt when the votes don't go the way I want them to. People have the right to vote however they want to, instead of crying because your side supports policies that the majority of Americans reject, perhaps republicans should reevaluate their platform. But we know that won't happen, instead double down on failed policy and be fucking belligerent and proud of it. Thanks for making this thread deliver. Rush is the perfect example of a low information voter, spreading his delusions as gospel and his flock just eating that shit up. lol Thanks, again.