Obama Picks Biden for VP

Right. Commodity prices will be severely affected by new offshore oil that won't be available for years and would only represent a fraction of America's oil needs even if/when it does. Umm...no, they won't.
Commodity prices are about supply and demand now, not years from now; unless the distant news is guaranteed to have a huge impact.
Marriage is always between a man and a woman and it is defined as such in the Bible. Why legalize something which is not really a marriage????


The bible is make believe. Therefore, it should have ZERO influence over political and/or social issues.
Reagan helped your country to be at the highest level in terms of economics, military and as well as in science. Reagan was an experienced politician and he wasn't like Clinton who was a liar under oath and an unbelievable UN ass kisser. Obama, solution to all the problems???? Not really. Marriage is always between a man and a woman and it is defined as such in the Bible. Why legalize something which is not really a marriage???? Think that the USA is a country where socialism is liked ???? Absolutely not.

Here is the funny thing - Before Reagan the USA was the largest creditor nation. The USA is now the greatest debtor nation. All the wealth and success of the Regan Era was a mask. The rich got richer, poor got poorer, and trickle down economics did not trickle down. Basically what happened during his presidency is what happens under every Republican President. WEALTH TRANSFER TO THE RICH by reversing all the gains for the middle class during the previous democratic administration.

I have a mixed view of Clinton - Yes he lied about his affair. However, in my personal belief, it is beneath a sitting president to have to answer questions about his personal life. And the only reason it happened was because the prosecutor for the white water scandle had nothing. He spent over 50 million investigating Clinton and all he could come up with was the sexual issues. Its funny how Americans are so quick to condemn Clinton for his Affair when in general so many Americans have had Affairs. Furthermore, Clinton was the most outstanding president during my lifetime. Under his Presidency Crime went down nationally, home ownership went up dramatically, unemployment want down dramatically, more businesses where started, there was no budget deficit by his last term, the national debt went down. There are so many other things. Ohh yes, The USA was regared very favorably around the world.

Now you say that Clinton was a UN kisser. So you beleived that Bush2 was not a UN kisser - which maybe true but look at the price. We basically went it alone to IRAQ and spend roughly 8 BILLION a month in IRAQ. We (the USA) had so much goodwill that was squandered because bush lied to the UN to go to war. Its Ironiq that a draft doger would be the one to put people in harms way for his agenda.

I am so affraid of the Future of this nation. We are falling behind in so many ways, its freightening


what the fuck you lookin at?

The bible is make believe. Therefore, it should have ZERO influence over political and/or social issues.

I agree 100% Regardless of what people believe in as far as religion goes, it should have 0 influence on anything at all that has to do with rules over other people!
I like Joe Biden and respect him as a politician, but still dislike the Democrats on count of them being wanna-be socialists. I fear the same thing will happen here that happened in Britain. The welfare state will evolve into a socialist state with a stagnating economy and the limiting on the freedom and liberties of the individual. I do not support the Republicans but happen to dislike the Democrats a little more. Thank you Midwestern upbringing.
Right. Commodity prices will be severely affected by new offshore oil that won't be available for years and would only represent a fraction of America's oil needs even if/when it does. Umm...no, they won't.
Commodity prices are about supply and demand now, not years from now; unless the distant news is guaranteed to have a huge impact.

The oil price rise wasn't all about supply and demand. Another big factor was speculators buying FUTURES in oil, and there are long term and short term futures. The reason they were so directly affected is because they bet on the fact that the drilling ban would stand, then Bush said what he did, and it became apparent that sooner or later the ban would be lifted.

On October 1 there are several policies that expire that directly affect funding for many programs, most are Democrat favored, BUT the person who is in charge of making this happen is NEWT GINGRICH. The other factor? Part of one of these programs includes the drill ban. He has already said he WILL shut down their funding if the ban isn't lifted, so they are SOL anyway.
Here is the funny thing - Before Reagan the USA was the largest creditor nation. The USA is now the greatest debtor nation. All the wealth and success of the Regan Era was a mask. The rich got richer, poor got poorer, and trickle down economics did not trickle down. Basically what happened during his presidency is what happens under every Republican President. WEALTH TRANSFER TO THE RICH by reversing all the gains for the middle class during the previous democratic administration.

I have a mixed view of Clinton - Yes he lied about his affair. However, in my personal belief, it is beneath a sitting president to have to answer questions about his personal life. And the only reason it happened was because the prosecutor for the white water scandle had nothing. He spent over 50 million investigating Clinton and all he could come up with was the sexual issues. Its funny how Americans are so quick to condemn Clinton for his Affair when in general so many Americans have had Affairs. Furthermore, Clinton was the most outstanding president during my lifetime. Under his Presidency Crime went down nationally, home ownership went up dramatically, unemployment want down dramatically, more businesses where started, there was no budget deficit by his last term, the national debt went down. There are so many other things. Ohh yes, The USA was regared very favorably around the world.

Now you say that Clinton was a UN kisser. So you beleived that Bush2 was not a UN kisser - which maybe true but look at the price. We basically went it alone to IRAQ and spend roughly 8 BILLION a month in IRAQ. We (the USA) had so much goodwill that was squandered because bush lied to the UN to go to war. Its Ironiq that a draft doger would be the one to put people in harms way for his agenda.

I am so affraid of the Future of this nation. We are falling behind in so many ways, its freightening

Bill Clinton was absolutely worthless. He cost over 3000 people their lives on 9/11. He had THREE chances to do away with Bin Laden, and didn't have the balls to actually give the order, he let him go.

Remember the movie "Blackhawk down"? Clinton sent a group of soldiers on a suicide mission and when they went down he LEFT them there. That group was SACRIFICED as a diversion from his shabby behavior.

He is a worthless waste of skin.

If has wife can't trust him, how the hell can anyone else.
If has wife can't trust him, how the hell can anyone else.

Good point. So I guess that means we can't trust McCain because of the shamefully way he cheated on his first wife with a number of woman!
Sorry georges but economics? You mean Reaganomics? His 'trickle down economics' have been proven time and again to not work. And he was a fiscal mess as he ran record budget deficits. Economically Reagan was a joke. Any idiot can spend more money then he has and get someone else to pay for it.

Yes, I meant reaganmomics.
Here is more from Wikipedia:
" When Reagan entered office the United States inflation rate stood at 11.83% and unemployment at 7.5%. Reagan implemented policies based on supply-side economics and advocated a laissez-faire philosophy, seeking to stimulate the economy with large, across-the-board tax cuts. Citing the economic theories of Arthur Laffer, Reagan promoted the proposed tax cuts as potentially stimulating the economy enough to expand the tax base, offsetting the revenue loss due to reduced rates of taxation, a theory that entered political discussion as the Laffer curve. Reaganomics was the subject of debate with supporters pointing to improvements in certain key economic indicators as evidence of success, and critics pointing to large increases in federal budget deficits and the national debt. His policy of "peace through strength" (also described as "firm but fair") resulted in a record peacetime defense buildup including a 40% real increase in defense spending between 1981 and 1985.[88]

During Reagan's presidency federal income tax rates were lowered significantly with the signing of the bipartisan Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981. Real gross domestic product (GDP) growth recovered strongly after the 1982 recession and grew during his eight years in office at an annual rate of 3.4% per year. Unemployment peaked at 10.8% percent in December 1982—higher than any time since the Great Depression then dropped during the rest of Reagan's presidency. Sixteen million new jobs were created, while inflation significantly decreased. The net effect of all Reagan-era tax bills was a 1% decrease in government revenues. Reagan also revised the tax code with the bipartisan Tax Reform Act of 1986.
The policies proposed that economic growth would occur when marginal tax rates were low enough to spur investment, which would then lead to increased economic growth, higher employment and wages. Critics labeled this "trickle-down economics"—the belief that tax policies that benefit the wealthy will create a "trickle-down" effect to the poor. Questions arose of whether Reagan's policies benefited the wealthy more than those living in poverty,and Reagan was seen as indifferent to many poor and minority citizens. FICA payroll tax rates increased to maintain Social Security funding.
In accordance with Reagan's less-government intervention views, the budget and several government programs were cut during his tenure, including that of the EPA. Though he protected entitlement programs, such as Social Security and Medicare, his administration cut outlays for many social programs.
The administration's stance toward the Savings and Loan industry contributed to the Savings and Loan crisis.It is also suggested, by a minority of Reaganomics critics, that the policies partially influenced the stock market crash of 1987, but there is no consensus regarding a single source for the crash. In order to cover newly-spawned federal budget deficits, the United States borrowed heavily both domestically and abroad, raising the national debt from $700 billion to $3 trillion. Reagan described the new debt as the "greatest disappointment" of his presidency.
He reappointed Paul Volcker as Chairman of the Federal Reserve, and in 1987 appointed monetarist Alan Greenspan to succeed him. Some economists, such as Nobel Prize winners Milton Friedman and Robert A. Mundell, argue that Reagan's tax policies invigorated America's economy and contributed to the economic boom of the 1990s. Other economists, such as Nobel Prize winner Robert Solow, argue that the deficits were a major reason why Reagan's successor, George H. W. Bush, reneged on a campaign promise and raised taxes".
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reagan
Economically, Reagan was far to be a joke because 16 millions of jobs were created during his presidency, the economical growth rate was of 3.4% every year and the inflation decreased.
Well, you can't solve every problem but ignoring the fact that 16 millions of jobs were created and that there was an economical growth rate of 3,4% each year is very ignorant from you.
Here is the funny thing - Before Reagan the USA was the largest creditor nation. The USA is now the greatest debtor nation. All the wealth and success of the Regan Era was a mask. The rich got richer, poor got poorer, and trickle down economics did not trickle down. Basically what happened during his presidency is what happens under every Republican President. WEALTH TRANSFER TO THE RICH by reversing all the gains for the middle class during the previous democratic administration.

I have a mixed view of Clinton - Yes he lied about his affair. However, in my personal belief, it is beneath a sitting president to have to answer questions about his personal life. And the only reason it happened was because the prosecutor for the white water scandle had nothing. He spent over 50 million investigating Clinton and all he could come up with was the sexual issues. Its funny how Americans are so quick to condemn Clinton for his Affair when in general so many Americans have had Affairs. Furthermore, Clinton was the most outstanding president during my lifetime. Under his Presidency Crime went down nationally, home ownership went up dramatically, unemployment want down dramatically, more businesses where started, there was no budget deficit by his last term, the national debt went down. There are so many other things. Ohh yes, The USA was regared very favorably around the world.

Now you say that Clinton was a UN kisser. So you beleived that Bush2 was not a UN kisser - which maybe true but look at the price. We basically went it alone to IRAQ and spend roughly 8 BILLION a month in IRAQ. We (the USA) had so much goodwill that was squandered because bush lied to the UN to go to war. Its Ironiq that a draft doger would be the one to put people in harms way for his agenda.

I am so affraid of the Future of this nation. We are falling behind in so many ways, its freightening

Yes, and the 16000000 jobs created during his presidency and the annueal economical growth rate of 3.4% each year were also a side of the mask perhaps???:rolleyes: Please get real.
Even middle class people were happy of Reagan's presidency.
" According to columnist Chuck Raasch, "Reagan transformed the American presidency in ways that only a few have been able to." He redefined the political agenda of the times, advocating lower taxes, a liberal economic philosophy, and a stronger military. His role in the Cold War further enhanced his image as a different kind of leader.

Ronald Reagan's Approval Ratings
Date Event Approval (%) Disapproval (%)
March 30, 1981 Shot by Hinckley 73 19
January 22, 1983 High unemployment 42 54
April 26, 1986 Libya bombing 70 26
February 26, 1987 Iran-Contra affair 44 51
January 20, 1989 End of presidency 64
n/a Career Average 57 39
July 30, 2001 (Retrospective) 64 27
Reagan did not have the highest approval ratings as president, but his popularity has increased since 1989. A Gallup Organization February 2001 poll asked respondents to name the greatest president in U.S. history; Reagan came in first, capturing 18% of the vote. In February 2007, another Gallup poll ranked him as number two with 16% of the vote after Abraham Lincoln. He ranked third with a 72% approval rating in a Rasmussen Reports July 2007 poll on presidents who served after World War II, fifth in an ABC 2000 poll of the public, and ninth in another Rasmussen 2007 poll of Americans. In a Siena College survey of over 200 historians, however, Reagan ranked sixteenth out of 42. Ronald Reagan's approval ratings (Gallup 1981–89)Reagan's ability to connect with the American people earned him the laudatory moniker "The Great Communicator."Of it, Reagan said "I won the nickname the great communicator. But I never thought it was my style that made a difference — it was the content. I wasn't a great communicator, but I communicated great things."Reagan earned the nickname "the Teflon President" as well, which meant that public perceptions of him were not tarnished by the negative aspects of his administration. According to Congresswoman Patricia Schroeder and reporter Howard Kurtz, the epithet referred to Reagan's ability to "do almost anything [wrong] and not get blamed for it." Public reaction to Reagan was always mixed; the oldest president was supported by young voters, and began an alliance that shifted many of them to the Republican party. He was not popular with all minority groups, especially blacks. He emphasized family values in his campaigns and during his presidency, although he was the first president to have been divorced. The president's way of speaking, pro-America rhetoric, negotiation skills, as well as use of the growing media market played his part in defining the 1980s and his future legacy. Reagan was known to gibe frequently during his lifetime, and was famous for his storytelling. His numerous jokes and one-liners have been labeled "classic quips" and "legendary". Former aide David Gergen commented, "It was that humor... that I think endeared people to Reagan." " from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_reagan

Clinton kissed most of the time Kofi Annan's ass, he always made his bet on UN's decisions which were far to be the greatest strategically speaking and not always in America interests.
If he'd have picked Hilary as his VP, I might have considered voting for him as would lots and lots of other americans. But with this move...he all but seals his fate as a fuckin loser!

he with hillary or he with biden, I don't think that one duo will do better than the other.


Postal Paranoiac
Head of the Senate Foreign Relations Comitee. Thirty years in Congress. I think it's a wise choice.
Reagan did not have the highest approval ratings as president, but his popularity has increased since 1989.

that about sums it up right there, doesn't it?

they had a slogan in the 1970's: if you remember the 60's, you must not have been there.

the new slogan for the 90's: if you like Reagan in the 80's, you must not have been there.

86150 said:
I vote the way Jesus tells me to. All you liberals are out of touch with reality.

The 80's boom was fueled by baby boomers, not Reaganomics.
Baby boomers (born 1946-1963 or so) started to reach their peak spending years in the 80's. And they entered the real estate market. The same thing happened when easy credit brought MANY new buyers into the real estate market after 9/11 withe same result. A housing boom. And the housing market is by far the biggest part of the US economy. And second is the auto industry. And when people make piles of cash they buy bigger homes and nicer cars.
Reagan just had good timing. Besides, many countries like Japan, Germany, Canada, Great Britian, etc. had huge growth in the 80's as well. And Reagan wasn't their President.

Ask any astute financier/investor. The 80's boom was fueled by baby boomers, not government taxation policies.

Sorry to go off topic. I am done with Reagan here.
Bill Clinton was absolutely worthless. He cost over 3000 people their lives on 9/11. He had THREE chances to do away with Bin Laden, and didn't have the balls to actually give the order, he let him go.
Yeah, and Bush has done such a great job getting Bin Laden.
Yeah, and Bush has done such a great job getting Bin Laden.

He captured most of ben laden's lieutenants and captured saddam.
Also despite three bombings and terrorist attacks during Clinton's presidency, the 1st WTC bombing in 1993, the bombing of the USS Cole in 1996 and the bombing of the US Ambassy in Nairobi in Kenya in 1997, nothing was done by "beloved" Clinton to take serious and pragmatic actions against the people who perpetrated these bombings. This is what lead to 9/11because no actions have been taken in time to stop the threats and this was under Clinton's presidency.
that about sums it up right there, doesn't it?

they had a slogan in the 1970's: if you remember the 60's, you must not have been there.

the new slogan for the 90's: if you like Reagan in the 80's, you must not have been there.


I would rather trust someone with integrity and honesty than a liar under oath accused of perjury who is also an unbelievable UN ass kisser.