Obama Picks Biden for VP


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
The official who spoke did so on condition of anonymity, preferring not to pre-empt a text-message announcement the Obama campaign promised for Saturday morning

Tell me about it, I've had my cell on standby nonstop this week. Whelp.. Biden is solid. (Wiki Link)
Looks like a good ticket. I don't think Biden will cost Obama any votes, and he might just gain him a few. Now we just have to wait until McCain announces Jeb Bush as his running mate. Just kidding, pubs! ;)


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Looks like a good ticket. I don't think Biden will cost Obama any votes, and he might just gain him a few. Now we just have to wait until McCain announces Jeb Bush as his running mate. Just kidding, pubs! ;)

Hey, that would be one packed ticket. Vote McCain, or face eternal damnation.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Hey, that would be one packed ticket. Vote McCain, or face eternal damnation.

These last 8 years have pretty much been political damnation.

I'm still disapointed that the millenium has been pretty shite. Maybe we can salvage the last 2 years of this decade, eh?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I'm still disapointed that the millenium has been pretty shite. Maybe we can salvage the last 2 years of this decade, eh?

Well, to be fair, it was ok for a few years at the beginning. Certainly was no nineties, though.
Who knows? I can't imagine it would have been worse.

Yes, it would have been worse knowing that they would have blindly followed the UN ass kissing foreign policy from Clinton which was not in the interests of America. The political lack of experience of Obama you can't ignore it, you have to face it and deal with it.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Yes, it would have been worse knowing that they would have blindly followed the UN ass kissing foreign policy from Clinton which was not in the interests of America. The political lack of experience of Obama you can't ignore it, you have to face it and deal with it.

Just going by my 20 years of being able to comprehend political assrapery from a basic level to my more 'informed' later years..

Experience = Corruption.

People that want to help other people = Assassinated. (Gandhi, JFK, MLK, etc)

The best thing we need is a fresh take on the job and Biden is an excellent, experienced *advisor* to senator Obama. And let's face it.. there is no alternative to Obama, McCain is just another Bush and his favored choice is Mitt friggin' Romney! He's spent more time piddlefarting over gay marriage and rallying around increased military spending than doing much good. But that's just my opinion. ::shrug::
For some reason, I had a feeling it would be Biden. I'll wait until I do more research before I comment on the pairing here.
Just going by my 20 years of being able to comprehend political assrapery from a basic level to my more 'informed' later years..

Experience = Corruption.

People that want to help other people = Assassinated. (Gandhi, JFK, MLK, etc)

The best thing we need is a fresh take on the job and Biden is an excellent, experienced *advisor* to senator Obama. And let's face it.. there is no alternative to Obama, McCain is just another Bush and his favored choice is Mitt friggin' Romney! He's spent more time piddlefarting over gay marriage and rallying around increased military spending than doing much good. But that's just my opinion. ::shrug::

Reagan helped your country to be at the highest level in terms of economics, military and as well as in science. Reagan was an experienced politician and he wasn't like Clinton who was a liar under oath and an unbelievable UN ass kisser. Obama, solution to all the problems???? Not really. Marriage is always between a man and a woman and it is defined as such in the Bible. Why legalize something which is not really a marriage???? Think that the USA is a country where socialism is liked ???? Absolutely not.