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Obama Nominates Lesbian Elena Kagan to Supreme Court

CBS, Wash Post: Obama nominates Lesbian Homosexual Elena Kagan to Supreme Court
CBS News reported that President Obama's new Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan will be the "first openly gay justice," pleasing much of Obama's liberal base. But after complaints by an anonymous White House staffer that parts of the report were not public, the CBS reporter updated the post to say "I have to correct my text here to say that Kagan is apparently still closeted -- odd, because her female partner is rather well known in Harvard circles." The CBS report has now been pulled, after The Washington Post repeated the CBS report, and the White House denials, but criticized CBS policy, saying "most major news organizations have policies against 'outing' gays or reporting on the sex lives of public officials unless they are related to their public duties." The sudden media blackout on the 'taboo topic' is ironic, since Kagan's private sex life already has, and will directly impact her public Supreme Court decisions.

Regardless, The Daily Caller confirms Kagan's policy record reflects extremist sexual views in matters of law:

"Kagan's boldest foray into public life was, as dean of Harvard Law School, throwing the military off campus over its 'don't ask, don't tell' policy on gay soldiers. Kagan called the policy, implemented by her former boss President Bill Clinton, 'a profound wrong — a moral injustice of the first order.' She pursued the matter all the way to the Supreme Court, where the justices unanimously slapped down her arguments, forcing Harvard to allow the military to return....

"On the Defense of Marriage Act, Kagan damned with faint praise — she defended the law, but not without first saying the Obama administration opposed it, thought it was discriminatory and hoped to overturn it. Pro-homosexual marriage lawyer Dale Carpenter wrote the move was a 'gift to the gay-marriage movement' because the administration was 'helping knock out a leg from under the opposition to gay marriage.'...

"Long ago, Kagan wrote a memo while clerking for the late Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall that said religious organizations that provide care for teen pregnancies shouldn't get federal funds because of a strict line separating church and state."

Needless to say, Kagan is a bomb-thrower, who would rule as a pro-homosexual, pro-abortion, anti-Christian activist, and she must be filibustered if nominated.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Are these your comments or is there some legitimate source for this "information", Scott?

She is a lesbian. So fucking what. She is not pro abortion, she is pro choice. That's like saying you're pro unsafe abortion. How this makes her anti christian is beyond me. She may be anti right wing nut type of christian. There is a big difference B/S Scott.
oohhnoooz she eats at the pink taco stand, America is doomed!

What's the big deal? I could never understand how people think that their freedom is being violated because other people have the freedom to do something that they don't like, but doesn't effect them in any way EG, gay marriage and abortion.

Not that the Supreme Court, let alone just one of it's members has the power to give those things in the first place.

And so what if she's anti-christian? Not everyone in America is a christian. Why should they be the only ones that are represented? If you want to be fair you shouldn't allow any religious people on the supreme court, or else limit it to one seat per religion and have all major religions represented. It's just plain fookin nuts.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
CBS, Washington Post. I'm not commenting on this one though. Just thought I'd post for you all. This one could get ugly real quick.

I haven't heard this from any mainstream news source (in fact, I'm reading and hearing that there is some significant liberal resistance to this nominee and I also heard that 8 pubs voted FOR her as solicitor general. If so, this debate may be short-lived).

I'm looking for the link that you quoted if it's not too much trouble. Not that I don't believe you....I just like to deal with facts when I am trying to make up my mind how I feel about something. If you don't have the source....I'm ignoring this thread. Sorry....no offense meant.

She is a lesbian. So fucking what. She is not pro abortion, she is pro choice. That's like saying you're pro unsafe abortion. How this makes her anti christian is beyond me. She may be anti right wing nut type of christian. There is a big difference B/S Scott.

That's pretty much how I feel about this unless Scott can provide some more dirt (documented....not just some random post from some blog or whatever).

So far, it sounds like much ado about nothing. I predict she'll be confirmed from what I hear so far....and she sounds like an excellent choice from what I've garnered so far.
Not aware the USSC has a sign out front saying everyone but "Lesbian Homosexual" people can be nominated.:cool:
I'm looking for the link that you quoted if it's not too much trouble. Not that I don't believe you....I just like to deal with facts when I am trying to make up my mind how I feel about something. If you don't have the source....I'm ignoring this thread. Sorry....no offense meant.

I found the link and you are right. It is a mangled report on a news report by CBS. It's a very bias opinion from a blog, not the original news article.


Nice try B/S Scott.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I found the link and you are right. It is a mangled report on a news report by CBS. It's a very bias opinion from a blog, not the original news article.


Nice try B/S Scott.

I would agree. What is your issue (besides sexual preference which, if that's what drives your opinion, makes you a total homophobe as far as I am concerned) with this nominee from a political standpoint?

Intolerance of free human expression is just plain wrong as far as I am concerned. If this is your entire argument, Scott, this thread is worthless and, in fact, severely bigoted. Sorry....the truth hurts.

I am disappointed. You're not stupid by any stretch....I would expect more from you, Scott. :(
If she is capable of doing the job then her background doesn't matter, what Chance does she have when she gets condemned before she even begins.
She looks like a female version of "the penguin" out of Batman when it was played by Danny Devito. It is hard to find a woman uglier than Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Sonya Sotomayor but I think they have done it.
She looks like a female version of "the penguin" out of Batman when it was played by Danny Devito. It is hard to find a woman uglier than Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Sonya Sotomayor but I think they have done it.

I'm sure that will weigh heavily in her ability to be a capable Justice. :rolleyes: Certainly there are attractive women out there who are more than capable but..at least when an unattractive women gets "up there" you know it's likely because of her talent not looks.:2 cents:

Just imagine how far that air bag Palin would have gotten if she need to rely on her absentee brain. We wouldn't be talking about her.
She looks like a female version of "the penguin" out of Batman when it was played by Danny Devito. It is hard to find a woman uglier than Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Sonya Sotomayor but I think they have done it.

I would agree. What is your issue (besides sexual preference which, if that's what drives your opinion, makes you a total homophobe as far as I am concerned) with this nominee from a political standpoint?

Intolerance of free human expression is just plain wrong as far as I am concerned. If this is your entire argument, Scott, this thread is worthless and, in fact, severely bigoted. Sorry....the truth hurts.

I am disappointed. You're not stupid by any stretch....I would expect more from you, Scott. :(

No, not homophobic here (check previous posts for reference).

Either way, her selection is a moot point: lib for lib swap will have little consequence. This thread needs to go away...:ban:
It's hard to take you seriously in non-sport threads when you clown yourself.

I will bet that you have never heard of or knew nothing about Elena Kagan before today.

There have been plenty of gays in the military, in healthcare, in politics, in the priesthood and even in your beloved state of Minnesota.

You have survived.

The problem is she isn't a Liberal. She's more like a Centrist. I was hoping Obama would nominate an actual Liberal.
^ Same here. I prefer a Liberal over a Centrist anyday but I'm happy as long as she's not a activist GeneriCon judge like Bush's appointees


It doesn't really matter who Obama appoints to the scotus, Obama has spoken and that's that, it's the best choice, end of story, get over it ! :thefinger
Don't you dare go against the grain of this D minus administration from, not the Land of Lincoln so much as from the land of legendary political high crimes & scandal.

A) Kagen is a judicial non entity, exactly like Harriet Miers.
I thought that judicial non entities must not be selected too the highest court in the land ? :confused:

B) Kagen was employed by Goldman Sachs in an advisory capacity.
''So, It doesn't matter'' they will say . . . But . . . but "It's the seriousness of the charge" the donkey - asses also always used to say, that is, when the roles were reversed. :spin:
C) What is it about democratic women :1orglaugh . . they're so square faced - jut jawed & clip haired ! :eek: They look so much like sisters, Donna Shalalala, Janet ''Waco'' Reno, Neapolitano (the dept of homeland insecurity witch who has zero previous intelligence experience) and now this scary Kagen lady, who, again does not have any judicial experience . . . hightail it out of here !!!! I'm gettin the creeps ! :shivers: :1orglaugh
D) Why do people enjoy politics so much, are there really that many lying cheating swindling bastards in the world ? ;P :hatsoff: