what's your point? I think anyone who was paying attention knows that Obama Is "bi-racial". But how can you say that he's not black? of course he's black. he's also white.
It just seems to be the social norm for people to pick one and only one racial identity. If you want to really get into it almost everyone is mixed race, or at least mixed ethnicity. I think that most men have a tendency to identify with their fathers, and if they are mixed race, than they side more toward their father's race.
Really who cares? isn't the important thing that we respect people for the way that they see themselves? self-identity is more important than genetics. To put so much focus on genetic "race", well who is really the one focusing on the race issue here? I don't believe that it's Obama.
And of course Fox News is going to be shocked that white people and black people would hang around each other, it's certainly a position that most of their contributers don't take.