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Obama may be the first biracial president

I don't give a fuck what his skin color is.
Thank you.

Can we please pick a candidate who will be faithful to Article II of the Constitution of the United States? You know... that thing that they "swear to uphold" when they assume office? That little thing that delineates their "powers"? Tells them what they can do and also what they CANNOT DO?

When did Congress lose it's job? If Congress isn't doing it's job, just HOW are WE THE PEOPLE being represented?

And quite frankly, I'm tired of all this talk about "southern racism". My wife has been exposed to more "racism" in the supposed 'liberal' north east/west than she ever has been in the South and the Midwest.

- R.
JFK should have lived ...

The way I hear my parents and their friends talk about how John F Kennedy made them feel...this is the way Barack Obama makes me feel right now. He makes me believe that we can take all of the embarrassments and disasters that have made up the George W Bush years and actually fix them and turn our country around...Turning our country around..feels as hopeless a task as putting a man on the moon probably felt way back in the day...
Actually, JFK fucked up quite a bit, but wasn't around the reap what he sowed. That's why most remember him the way they do.

After all, he failed to secure the removal of tactical nuclear weapons in Cuba. Luckily Castro scared the Soviets so much, they decided to remove them as well.

JFK is also the only other American President than Truman to drop a nuclear bomb on an enemy combatant, as an ASROC was used on a Soviet sub during the Cuban missile crisis. There are countless other things people don't know about JFK.

No American President ever means "wrong." In fact, I dare anyone to draw a line where that is. In fact, had Clinton been shot 2.5 years into his first term, he would have been remembered far, far worse. He fucked up pretty bad before the Republicans took back Congress for the 2005 session.

People who say there was "sweeping change" in 2006 because of the Congressional elections don't know their history. It's historically the norm that the 2-term incumbent President's party losses Congress after 6 years. With Clinton, it only took 2 years.

Frankly, it's all BS. Obama is playing on old rhetoric. Even though I agree with some of his policies, he throws around rhetoric just as much as the others. ;)
Re: JFK should have lived ...

JFK is also the only other American President than Truman to drop a nuclear bomb on an enemy combatant, as an ASROC was used on a Soviet sub during the Cuban missile crisis. There are countless other things people don't know about JFK.

While we have difficulty getting each others humor at times I am assuming this was supposed to be serious.If so I would love to see a link that says the US used a nuke tipped asroc during the cuban missile crisis or any asroc at all against a soviet sub.


what the fuck you lookin at?
So he could be the first oreo elected president?
is that a joke? "ala" 'this or that' is a expression that means in 'reference to'.

"ala bush vs. gore" = "as in bush vs. gore" Or "such as Bush vs. gore." for example.

Oh ok, i have never seen that used before.
Oh my...that video is just jawdropping. American's are truly great!

Especially considering that thanks to editing, you're only seeing the stupid ones there. That video certainly doesn't represent most of the folks I know, and it sure as hell doesn't represent my level of knowledge.

But hey, what do you want from a culture where it's more important that we know about a trailer trash family with two famous daughters (Britney and Jamie Lynn) from our *serious, investigative media*, than it is that we're kept aware of the shady, underhanded shit that our givernment is doing to ensure that we're one big country with Mexico and Canada.

Thanks ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, and the conglomerate of worthless hacks on the cable news stations :thumbsup:

Especially considering that thanks to editing, you're only seeing the stupid ones there. That video certainly doesn't represent most of the folks I know, and it sure as hell doesn't represent my level of knowledge.

But hey, what do you want from a culture where it's more important that we know about a trailer trash family with two famous daughters (Britney and Jamie Lynn) from our *serious, investigative media*, than it is that we're kept aware of the shady, underhanded shit that our givernment is doing to ensure that we're one big country with Mexico and Canada.

Thanks ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, and the conglomerate of worthless hacks on the cable news stations :thumbsup:


I agree. There's no reason a celeb's personal life should headline a news report. EVER. Kinda hard to justifiably complain about how Paris Hilton has such an easy life when she on your news station every damn day.
Prof..seriously, you don't believe this do you?
People who say there was "sweeping change" in 2006 because of the Congressional elections don't know their history. It's historically the norm that the 2-term incumbent President's party losses Congress after 6 years. With Clinton, it only took 2 years.

Why are you making a baseless claim about "peoples'" assertions regarding 2006 elections? Maybe you can point me to the post in this thread where someone brought up '06?:dunno:

Why didn't the Dems "lose" Congress before 1994? They had control of the House from '54 to '94 and there were 4 Dem presidents in this time? Doesn't control of Congress imply control of both houses? If the country was so angry with Carter, and so in love with Ronny, why didn't the Dems take a beating in Senate/HoRep elections?

Why do you keep referring to Obama as playing the 'ol rhetoric game? So all Obama's talk about "change" is just b.s? He's actually just going to be a Dem version of Dubya? Or he's going to be some sort of "same 'ol" Democrat?

Congress can "put the policy and funding leash" on Obama...but if he beats McCain by embarrassingly H U G E numbers...would they dare go against him? The public is going to unite Congress and the Presidency under the Democratic brand...you'd have to be a blinders-on dumbass to think otherwise at this point...

It's the shit times to be a Repub....
What does it matter what his racial background is?


Closed Account
Barack Obama - that's a black man. In general essence, and physical appearence - that's a black man. It would hypothetically be the first black president. The 'white ancestry' is a side note, this mythical biracial category is the stuff of television and myths. These 'biracial' people you may rarely see are the extreme rarity, the stuff of fantasy, unicorns etc. They are the extreme minority.
Barrack Obama is indeed mixed raced and will be the first black president of the USA, an historical event. he has a vision for America, a better economy and society for all, hopefully bringing all colours and creeds together. This great country and the world needs a potentially great leader such as Barrack.
If Obama was white, not biracial, he wouldn't be on the radar. He's in the mix because of the color of his skin. If he gets elected, the country will have regressed not progressed.

When a minority gets elected based on merit, not his color, the country will have progressed.

(just my opinion- and I voted for a black man before Obama came along)
Generally people that are biracial are usually associated with the minority. Based around the fact that they do not fit in with the "norm"..I don't mean that in a derogatory sense. Only in that, of all the ethnic groups in America, over 81% are Caucasian. So while it's true that a person may be of multiple ethnic categories, the rest of the nation will always identify them as being apart of the ethnic minority, because in relation to the rest of the country they are.


what the fuck you lookin at?
If Obama was white, not biracial, he wouldn't be on the radar. He's in the mix because of the color of his skin. If he gets elected, the country will have regressed not progressed.

When a minority gets elected based on merit, not his color, the country will have progressed.

(just my opinion- and I voted for a black man before Obama came along)

Very well said. If he wins his skin color will no doubt have something to do with it. Aside from the fact that I think america is ready for something other than another 4 years of the republicans.

I dunno. I just know we're fucked regardless!
And whats George W Bush's explanation of how he got where he is?
Could it be he was born to the "lucky sperm club" more than just about most you can think of? And he needed the help as he was not a superior student or anything.Daddy went to the big college is how he got in(a legacy they call it) , talk about your affirmative action.So I guess everbody does what they can with the cards they are dealt.Don't even try to say though that someone like Obama or for that matter any of the leading dems was priviledged or given advantages that outweighed the ones people over in the republican party for the most part were born with.Sons of admirals(McCain),Congressman and Presidential candidates(Romney) and of course our current up with the bootstraps LOL rocket scientist GWB son of you know who.
If being black is all you need to win what happened to President Jackson?
And whats George W Bush's explanation of how he got where he is? Could it be he was born to the "lucky sperm club" more than just about most you can think of?

Yeah no kidding lol

Same Obama hating, different day. . .
The guy is only a graduate of Columbia and Harvard, past president of the Harvard Law Review, a teacher of Constitutional Law, an experienced civil rights attorney, a state senator for 7 years, and a US senator for 4, but he lacks merit, don't you know :rolleyes:


Closed Account
For the record, that Stupid Americans video is done by a bunch of Australian comedians, some of whom were based in America for a news parody show called CNNNN. They recently finished filming a series of The Chasers War on Everything. Look that up in YouTube if you like em.

I've seen that video a thousand times and it still puts me in stitches. It's for reasons in that video as to why the American people need Barack Obama to be President if there's any hope for the salvation of the America Dream. But, IMO America is too fucked up to save itself. It's beyond salvation. By the way, what exactly is the American Dream? Is it just that? A Dream? :2 cents: