How is the video?
Not ehh but whatever. If it’s good I’ll resub as a thank you. Until then... regardless I hope it’s good
How is the video?
I just noticed that Nikki's site advertises that they have 3787 videos... Nikki's new site has been active for 15 years or so with a weekly video update... That makes up to approximately 800 weeks... Let's round it up to 1000 weeks... Even if we add the weekly camshows, that's only 2000 videos... What about the remaining 1700 odd videos? Those affiliated models didn't last long... Has she included Madden's content to the list? Where did my math failed me?
wtf is this update? srsly
I personally think It is great to get these behind the scenes type stuff ...however...let it end with some T&A or something worth spending money on. People have Instagram for things like this. Nonetheless, it’s nice to see her out of character
New video's great. There's a section where her shirt's all of the way up and they are just chatting.
New video's great. There's a section where her shirt's all of the way up and they are just chatting.
It’s a better update than what we got the last month and a half so I’ll take it
Extremely risqué video : " Wow!!! What an update!!!! Incredible!!!
A good tease video : " better than the original!!!! Worth the subscription!!!!
An average video : Let's be happy!!! Its better than having no videos...
Boringly poor video : Well that's the Nikki we got used to... Hope for a better update next time...
If only every human is as content and optimistic as Nikki's fans, the world would have been a heaven...