
Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

although that would be hilariously entertaining, it would not exactly help my goal. That goal being to keeop the two seperate so that one does not pullute the reputation and credibility of the other. These aren't my rules. It's just the reality of the world we live in.
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

you could always not tell anyone that its you writing both sides. keep it a secret. just outwardly treat it like its just another article written by two writers with disagreeing opinions. you could even hide it between similarly themed articles with other contributing writers.

but i got you. itd blur the line that youre trying very hard to define. just an amusement, maybe after you win that second pulitizer
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Honey I can't even figure out what your previous posts mean and I have cared enough to ask you repeatedly and try to get some clarification, which you have NOT given at all. You seem to be either on drugs or possibly in need of some professional help and I am advising you to seek some before you do something that you may regret. This is not stable behavior and I can't communicate with you to even try to help when you aren't even making sense. Please stop. Please find a Dr. in your area that can help you. Anyone else here want to jump in and help me with this guy/situation?
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

Nikki. You are an amaing person for caring about everyone and I honestly wish that the world was filled with people like you. Unfornately there are people such as this RedLM who may be upset, but sounds like someone craving attention more than a suicidal person. If he was truely serious about killing himself he probably would have. I hope that didn't sound too mean and I hope he gets help. He's just looking at the wrong place posting his problems here.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Nikki, lf l can help.

Sounds like RedLM is suffering from Depression and the feeling of worthlessness, hopelessness, loneliness and everything associated with depressive thoughts.

RedLM...if you are reading this....Please take Nikki's advice and seek medical help and don't do anything foolish or even think about harming yourself.

Think of all your friends and family and what they mean to you RedLM, you are a worthy person RedLM

Please seek help or at least contact a friend who will be able to help you.


Honey I can't even figure out what your previous posts mean and I have cared enough to ask you repeatedly and try to get some clarification, which you have NOT given at all. You seem to be either on drugs or possibly in need of some professional help and I am advising you to seek some before you do something that you may regret. This is not stable behavior and I can't communicate with you to even try to help when you aren't even making sense. Please stop. Please find a Dr. in your area that can help you. Anyone else here want to jump in and help me with this guy/situation?
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

Jon S.

Honey I can't even figure out what your previous posts mean and I have cared enough to ask you repeatedly and try to get some clarification, which you have NOT given at all. You seem to be either on drugs or possibly in need of some professional help and I am advising you to seek some before you do something that you may regret. This is not stable behavior and I can't communicate with you to even try to help when you aren't even making sense. Please stop. Please find a Dr. in your area that can help you. Anyone else here want to jump in and help me with this guy/situation?
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604
I checked his previous posts (not just to this thread), and really none of them make any sense. Being absolutely serious here, I'd have to say he is simply REALLY lonely and in need of attention, and making seemingly bizarre posts is the best he can do to that end. Is he really mentally unstable? Even with my hypothesis, that's still quite possible. Bad enough to hurt himself or others? Again, quite possible. Sadly, it's impossible to get help for someone who isn't receptive to it &/or cooperative....and that is especially true on the Internet.

Like others, I tend to believe he is just "playing around". However, even in that, there is still something going on internally (mentally if you will) that would lead to that type of behavior in the 1st place. Little does he know, this time he actually picked the one thread devoted to that uniquely special brand of human where it isn't taken lightly....in case you haven't learned....Nikki cares!

Now, a little good news, I actually got 5 more hours sleep for a total of 9 & I am off for a quick dip in the pool (1st time since the vertigo), so wish me luck!

Much love and light to the uniquely special and ever amazing "Nikki Nova"!

EXACTLY!!!! Well stated Dazza! I like to think I'm fairly articulate, and I couldn't have said it better myself if I tried. Like I said, he is posting bizarre posts all over the boards...thus something is clearly amiss. With men anyway, the 1st inclination might be to laugh it off &/or be dismissive, but in reality it's really not a laughing matter.

Nikki, lf l can help.

Sounds like RedLM is suffering from Depression and the feeling of worthlessness, hopelessness, loneliness and everything associated with depressive thoughts.

RedLM...if you are reading this....Please take Nikki's advice and seek medical help and don't do anything foolish or even think about harming yourself.

Think of all your friends and family and what they mean to you RedLM, you are a worthy person RedLM

Please seek help or at least contact a friend who will be able to help you.


Nikki or no Nikki, it would still be very difficult to say no to chocolate. :drool2:
Actually it's not as hard as You Might think. I for one am not supposed to eat chocolate really...for obvious reasons, but still I'd take Nikki over chocolate because I find her to be FAR more stimulating! Come on pervs, get your heads out of the gutter...you know what I mean! Ha ha ha! An absolutely amazing person beats chocolate (or virtually anything else for that matter) hands down in my book! Now many already know about my health issues, but to be perfectly honest, if I were made a genuine offer of becoming 100% healthy as if nothing ever happened to me...but, I had to "quit" Nikki for that to happen....HONESTLY, I would say no...because to me, it wouldn't be worth it! So, you DEFINITELY know that I would take Nikki over something as plain (comparatively speaking) as chocolate! Chocolate!?!?!? CHOCOLATE!?!?!? Come on now...nothing compares to Nikki...NOTHING!
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Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Actually it's not as hard as you might think. I for one am not supposed to eat Chocolate really...for obvious reasons, but still I'd take Nikki over Chocolate because I find her to be FAR more stimulating! Come on pervs, get your heads out of the gutter...you know what I mean! Ha ha ha! An absolutely amazing person beats Chocolate (or virtually anything else for that matter) hands down in my book! Now many already know about my health issues, but to be perfectly honest, if I were made a genuine offer of becoming 100% healthy as if nothing ever happened to me...but, I had to "quit" Nikki for that to happen....HONESTLY, I would say no...because to me, it wouldn't be worth it! So, you DEFINITELY know that I would take Nikki over something as plain (comparatively speaking) as Chocolate! Chocolate!?!?!? Chocolate!?!?!? Come on now...nothing compares to Nikki...NOTHING!

as much as it pains me to agree with jon, come on, Larss. Chocolate? compared to Nikki? i think what you meant to say Chocolate or no Chocolate itd be VERY difficult to say no to Nikki


I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I'm not saying that I would take Chocolate over Nikki, only that Chocolate is always good. Even for you, Jon, as long as it is taken correctly - i.e. Not mixed with full fat milk/cream and sugar as you would find in a normal bar of Chocolate. Cocoa has chemicals in it that releases endorphins and is very good for you. Unfortunately, it is normally presented in sweets with both high fat and sugar content. Use a high cocoa content (75%+) Chocolate in chilli (1 or 2 small pieces) or in a sauce for venison or other game.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I'm not saying that I would take chocolate over Nikki, only that chocolate is always good. Even for you, Jon, as long as it is taken correctly - i.e. Not mixed with full fat milk/cream and sugar as you would find in a normal bar of chocolate. Cocoa has chemicals in it that releases endorphins and is very good for you. Unfortunately, it is normally presented in sweets with both high fat and sugar content. Use a high cocoa content (75%+) chocolate in chilli (1 or 2 small pieces) or in a sauce for venison or other game.
That is true Larss. I always get confused & think that milk chocolate in candy bar form is the ONLY chocolate that exists...even dark chocolate is better for you than milk chocolate...I'm going to keep what you said in mind in the future. I've actually seen studies that show that the endorphins that are released by eating cocoa actually create a state in the brain that is identical to sex...so it can't be too bad...if you eat the right forms & in moderation.

Still, like you seem to agree, Nikki is the tops.......I've never met anyone like her, and I'm sure I never will...she is just that unique & amazing! Like I've said countless times before, even if she hadn't been through all that she has in her life...she'd still be pretty awesome! When you factor all of the rest into the equation....and I'm sure anyone with half a brain would agree...she is simply incredible! Anyone who would have been through even half of what she has wouldn't be 1/10th the person she is! Quite simply, there are a select few people that it is quite simply criminal to be mean to and/or hurt.....and Nikki is definitely one of them! I've always been one who has a devilish side and likes to pick on people in jest (used to anyway)....Hell, I find myself actually being incapable of doing that to Nikki, even jokingly...she is just that AWESOME...and I would not want to do anything to hurt her, even slightly or briefly. Hell, I even had to scrap all of my April Fools Day prank ideas for that very reason! Ha ha ha!

On another semi-related note, for those who haven't read the "brief" summary of what Nikki went through during her near fatal horse riding accident....do so. Hell, I consider myself to be fairly hardened, and a "cool customer" when it comes to showing emotion.....and the callous way she was treated nearly brought me to tears. To treat any human being like that is criminal.....but to treat someone as genuinely beautiful (inside) as Nikki like that....Hell, quite frankly there isn't a word strong enough to describe what that is! Too often people in the adult industry (especially the women) are treated like they don't matter or are some how sub-human. Coincidentally, that attitude is usually exhibited by the hypocritical and self-righteous, who are often secretly consumers of pornography and adult entertainment. The funny thing is, and I like to believe I am fairly astute when it comes to people.....that the women I have encountered in here who work in the adult industry are actually 10x times the people (in the case of Nikki I would go as high as 100x) than those self-righteous hypocrites who would put them down! I know there is FAR more to Nikki than her looks, and I for one would take her any day over virtually anybody else in the world (and the universe....assuming logically that there is other life out there)! Too often people forget that the women who work in the adult industry are not whores, porn whores, cum dumpsters, sluts, bitches.....well, you get the point....they are HUMAN BEINGS with the same things that make up all HUMAN BEINGS!!! When we forget that fact....sadly, dehumanization is what "logically" follows!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hey what happened to my post about the oral sex question last night? Was it too graphic for the sex forum or something lol?

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hey what happened to my post about the oral sex question last night? Was it too graphic for the sex forum or something lol?
Well.....I'll come clean. There is actually a "rule" against posting copyrighted images by anyone other than the copyright holder(s) themselves, and I brought that to the attention of the moderators, and they decided to delete the post in it's entirety. Upon reflection, I believe that I perhaps overreacted in this case, BUT, there really is a rule against it, AND it was "technically" in violation of said rule....so, in the future, if a moderator were to come across it themselves....there is probably a 50-50 chance that it would still get deleted. However, if you wanted to ask your question WITHOUT the image/picture, you would be basically safe...and it would not get deleted.

Anyway....sorry....my bad! I know rules are rules and all that.....but generally, I've never been a stickler for rules myself. If I overreacted, and I believe perhaps I did in this case, I'm sorry!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

lol ah no problem at all :D

I apologize for posting the picture, I wasn't sure if maybe there was a copyright problem or not but figured it would be safe since it was a Nikki Nova picture inside her own thread. I will remember this in the future.

At first I thought maybe she deleted it or was shy about oral sex or something lol. Well, maybe the post managed to get indexed into the Google cache and I'll post it again (without the picture).

Well.....I'll come clean. There is actually a "rule" against posting copyrighted images by anyone other than the copyright holder(s) themselves, and I brought that to the attention of the moderators, and they decided to delete the post in it's entirety. Upon reflection, I believe that I perhaps overreacted in this case, BUT, there really is a rule against it, AND it was "technically" in violation of said rule....so, in the future, if a moderator were to come across it themselves....there is probably a 50-50 chance that it would still get deleted. However, if you wanted to ask your question WITHOUT the image/picture, you would be basically safe...and it would not get deleted.

Anyway....sorry....my bad! I know rules are rules and all that.....but generally, I've never been a stickler for rules myself. If I overreacted, and I believe perhaps I did in this case, I'm sorry!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

lol ah no problem at all :D

I apologize for posting the picture, I wasn't sure if maybe there was a copyright problem or not but figured it would be safe since it was a Nikki Nova picture inside her own thread. I will remember this in the future.

At first I thought maybe she deleted it or was shy about oral sex or something lol. Well, maybe the post managed to get indexed into the Google cache and I'll post it again (without the picture).

Again, sorry about that.....It was all me...then a moderator. Nikki had nothing to do with it as she never even had a chance to see it. Take my word for it....Nikki is cool as Hell! Had I not reported it, given the number of posts on here....there is a good chance it would have gone unnoticed by "the powers that be" so long as nobody (myself, or more importantly Nikki, etc.) reported it. Like I said, "technically" it was a violation of the board rules...but if Nikki didn't have a problem with it, there is a chance it wouldn't have been noticed or deleted.

Like I said.....my bad!


I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

lol ah no problem at all :D

I apologize for posting the picture, I wasn't sure if maybe there was a copyright problem or not but figured it would be safe since it was a Nikki Nova picture inside her own thread. I will remember this in the future.

At first I thought maybe she deleted it or was shy about oral sex or something lol. Well, maybe the post managed to get indexed into the Google cache and I'll post it again (without the picture).

You can post links to pictures, but only the thread starter in the first post (or an OCSM) can post pictures to a thread.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Who says all of the angels are in heaven, for we've got one right here on Earth!
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Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

You can post links to pictures, but only the thread starter in the first post (or an OCSM) can post pictures to a thread.

i know that you cant hotlink and that you only the threadstarter can add attachments, but i think we're allowed to post pictures from like a ********ing site. im far from 100% on that, but i know its been done (ive done it) without any complaint or comment. but, yeah, if youd rather be safe than sorry linking to a picture is your best bet


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

so clinical in your chocostance. I love it! hahahaha
You are correct though.
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

I'm not saying that I would take Chocolate over Nikki, only that Chocolate is always good. Even for you, Jon, as long as it is taken correctly - i.e. Not mixed with full fat milk/cream and sugar as you would find in a normal bar of Chocolate. Cocoa has chemicals in it that releases endorphins and is very good for you. Unfortunately, it is normally presented in sweets with both high fat and sugar content. Use a high cocoa content (75%+) Chocolate in chilli (1 or 2 small pieces) or in a sauce for venison or other game.


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Official Checked Star Member


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

whats an asterisking site? hahahahah
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

i know that you cant hotlink and that you only the threadstarter can add attachments, but i think we're allowed to post pictures from like a ********ing site. im far from 100% on that, but i know its been done (ive done it) without any complaint or comment. but, yeah, if youd rather be safe than sorry linking to a picture is your best bet


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

well thank you! Good morning btw love!
Ok folks I am off to FINALLY eat some breakfast and then head to the gym. Then I come home and take a hot bath and get all ready for a long night of work which includes a live members only cam/chat show on my website. (www.nikkinova.com) today at 4:00 pm Pacific/ 7:00 pm Eastern time. Catch ya later folks!
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

woo hooo
Lovely picture u added Nikki. ;)


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