
Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Yes but that's the point of this magazine. It is TRULY 100% about clinical and truly medical uses. yes there are thousands of idiots witha card that use it to just get stoned and smoke for anxiety and other excuses. There are so many things about the plant that 99.% of the people out there do not know and I DO that's why I was made editor and why I am asking for TRULY medicinal testimonials. For those of you that are interested in what I am talking about there is a great documentary found online. Here it is in parts from you tube.

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

part 6

part 7

Also another great resource to treating cancer naturally without the above method is There is also blood root black salve and many other medicinal plants that have been proven to kill cancer. I've been through it personally and am a walking testimonial not just for myself but for many people close to me who also have beat it with these methods, so this is a huge passion of mine to spread the word. I reffered Tay to it months ago but she opted for the traditional western medicine chemotherapy route. Didn't even enhgage in conversation with me really at all to even hear or see what I am showing you guys. Many people have a hard time believing that plants and diet can be that powerful but they can and they don't destroy the healthy cells in the process like chemo does. I know a LOT about this my friends. Nikki Nova is only a part of my life. Got me? I could go on for pages and pages and give you more info than you can handle on this topic of health and natural medicine. I've studied various facets of it my entire life.
Don't worry, I won't ! lol. It's a porn forum and I get that but I did want to address the statement and issues broght up by Alen because it's the way most people think and feel simply due to a lack of knowledge. What I hope that you get out of this is that if you or anyone in your family has canmcer or has had it etc that the "C" word will and should NEVER be scary to you ever again.
Big love everyone. I hope you are having a wonderful Friday and a kickass weekend lies ahead of you!
Nikki Nova
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Happy Friday, gang!

my humorous bit for the week... hopefully not 'bad,' but certainly a wee bit 'sappy.'

A professor stood before his philosophy class with some items on his desk in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls.
He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "YES."
The professor then produced two glasses of wine from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
"Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided, "I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things; your family, your children, your health, your friends, and your favorite passions; things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full.
The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, and your car. The sand is everything else; the small stuff.
If you put the sand into the jar first", he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the good things that are important to you.
Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner.
Play another 18 holes. Do one more run down the ski slope. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first; the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."
One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the wine represented.
The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. I t just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of glasses of wine with a friend."
Share this with a friend... I just did.

as to Medical Marijuana... my oldest's most recent career choices came down to law enforcement or weed grower... sadly, for the mom and pop operations that are certain med maryjane is the key to their making millions, when (not if?) it is legalized more widely, the big pharmaceutical companies will find a way to make the THC administration by inhaler or tablet or transdermal patch... the high without the admitted risks of smoking it (no, it's not without carcinogens, even through the bong) or the variation in potency users face now.

while i do not want my bus driver or my kid's teachers ON marijuana, i have zero issue with personal use even recreationally so long as others are not put at risk. i have seen the abuses of a 'prescribed' dose of weed... precriptions that have unlimited refills treating conditions that were temporary. Most often though, I question where the harm of that is to Joe Public, and I know women and men with MS who swear it is a miracle drug, and a man who explained that with marijuana he was able to eat during his chemotherapy, which meant he could keep nutrients in his system and did not lose as much weight, so the entire treatment regimen was more tolerable.

Pax gang!



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Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Oh honey ! everyone's is! The key is to know that their issues do not have to become YOUR issues. Be kind but keeo them at a distance if they are toxic so they don't pollute your life in unnecessary ways. Stick to the one's you KNOW you are good with and try to laugh about the crazy. lol
Humor is a good road/way to maintaining sanity.
Nikki Nova
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Seems like your goals in the writing department just continue to grow. Yay you indeed, Ms Editor :)
And I won't say my family is quite as dysfunctional as yours but it's still pretty dysfunctional. I think it's why I tend to enjoy watching sitcoms based on dysfunctional families or people lol. I can really relate to it haha. One of my all time favs is Arrested Development.

Have a GOOD Friday :)


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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

G'day to Nikki and everyone:)

Here's just a silly little blond joke to end the week,

A girl was visiting her friend and the friends two new dogs.

She asked what their names were and was told one was called Rolex and the other was Seiko.

"Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?' asked the girl.

'HELLLOOOOOOOO......?" said her friend. "They're watchdogs."

Wishing Nikki and everyone a fabulous weekend...keep safe!!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I know a LOT about this my friends. Nikki Nova is only a part of my life. Got me? I could go on for pages and pages and give you more info than you can handle on this topic of health and natural medicine. I've studied various facets of it my entire life.
Don't worry, I won't ! lol. It's a porn forum and I get that but I did want to address the statement and issues broght up by Alen because it's the way most people think and feel simply due to a lack of knowledge.

its your thread Nikki. you can fill it with whatever you want. we know you always bring something interesting. its why we love you. (well, one of the reasons...)
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Yes but that's the point of this magazine. It is TRULY 100% about clinical and truly medical uses. yes there are thousands of idiots witha card that use it to just get stoned and smoke for anxiety and other excuses.

Why again should people who suffer from severe anxiety and panic disorder be excluded from getting Medical Marijuana? Have you seen the side effects of someone on Xanax, Prozec, or Zoloft? I certainly have and it's not pretty. Unfortunately the person I knew (now deceased) was not in a place and time where Medical Marijuana was an option.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

No no no. You misunderstand me. First of all I have anxiety issues as anyone here in my thread already knows. It is what casues my insomnia and I 100% agree with you that natural treatment is better than much of the medications prescribed for it. I am just saying that there are ...just as Allen was saying a lot of people that have a prescription card that don't really need one purely for medical reasons and the easiest excuse to use is anxiety and therefore that's an often abused one. I'm not saying that it shouldnt not be used for anxiety at all. I think's it's a great tool as long as it's an Indica strain and not a Sativa strain of course. I'm just saying that I also know a few stoners that don't really need the card and that's their excuse for having one is all.
Hell one girl I know LITERALLY chainsmokes joints as a lot of people chainsmoke cigarettes and that's abuse at that point. She has it for anxiety and it might help her anxiety if she didn't get so stoned that she counterbalances the pot with coffee all fucking day long. She also drives while smoking with a fucking joint in her mouth and is one of most abnoxious drivers I know and I refuse to be in a car with her. She is unfortunately a prime example of the kinds of people that are damaging the reputation of the good that this plant can actually provide in the medical field and makes it harder to be taken seriously.
Nikki Nova

Why again should people who suffer from severe anxiety and panic disorder be excluded from getting Medical Marijuana? Have you seen the side effects of someone on Xanax, Prozec, or Zoloft? I certainly have and it's not pretty. Unfortunately the person I knew (now deceased) was not in a place and time where Medical Marijuana was an option.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Yes but that's the point of this magazine. It is TRULY 100% about clinical and truly medical uses. yes there are thousands of idiots witha card that use it to just get stoned and smoke for anxiety and other excuses. There are so many things about the plant that 99.% of the people out there do not know and I DO that's why I was made editor and why I am asking for TRULY medicinal testimonials.

I don't use, but I truly believe there's more to learn, and more importantly, utilize, from this plant.

Where's the Hooked-on-Phonics-ish demographical cross-section PSAs from people it has helped?

Wishfully, I'd love to see all that prohibition money go directly into funding clinical studies and treatment.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Oh don't even get me started on how it would help our economy BUT that's a hole other can of worms. hahaha
I am just happy and proud that my writing is taking off and I am not only writing for a few magazines but now I am officially the editor of this new one and I am super proud of the cause. Yay! ha ha. I can't tell you guys the name for another month or 2 because we are in the super beginning stages right now and it's a wide ranging business that is not just limited to the magazine so there are many legal things underway right now that have to be locked in first before I can dish much more on it all.
Nikki Nova
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I don't use, but I truly believe there's more to learn, and more importantly, utilize, from this plant.

Where's the Hooked-on-Phonics-ish demographical cross-section PSAs from people it has helped?

Wishfully, I'd love to see all that prohibition money go directly into funding clinical studies and treatment.


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I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

No no no. You misunderstand me. First of all I have anxiety issues as anyone here in my thread already knows. It is what casues my insomnia and I 100% agree with you that natural treatment is better than much of the medications prescribed for it. I am just saying that there are ...just as Allen was saying a lot of people that have a prescription card that don't really need one purely for medical reasons and the easiest excuse to use is anxiety and therefore that's an often abused one. I'm not saying that it shouldnt not be used for anxiety at all. I think's it's a great tool as long as it's an Indica strain and not a Sativa strain of course. I'm just saying that I also know a few stoners that don't really need the card and that's their excuse for having one is all.
Hell one girl I know LITERALLY chainsmokes joints as a lot of people chainsmoke cigarettes and that's abuse at that point. She has it for anxiety and it might help her anxiety if she didn't get so stoned that she counterbalances the pot with coffee all fucking day long. She also drives while smoking with a fucking joint in her mouth and is one of most abnoxious drivers I know and I refuse to be in a car with her. She is unfortunately a prime example of the kinds of people that are damaging the reputation of the good that this plant can actually provide in the medical field and makes it harder to be taken seriously.
Nikki Nova

Hmmm. I was lead to believe that marijuana was a cause of paranoia, which would tend to mean that it would not be that great for helping with anxiety. :dunno:
I do know that a lot of people smoke saying that it helps with their anxiety, but that is self defeating, as it is the lack of nicotine that is causing the anxiety in the first place.
As for driving whilst smoking pot - that is no better than driving drunk :facepalm:
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

No no no. You misunderstand me. First of all I have anxiety issues as anyone here in my thread already knows. It is what casues my insomnia and I 100% agree with you that natural treatment is better than much of the medications prescribed for it. I am just saying that there are ...just as Allen was saying a lot of people that have a prescription card that don't really need one purely for medical reasons and the easiest excuse to use is anxiety and therefore that's an often abused one. I'm not saying that it shouldnt not be used for anxiety at all. I think's it's a great tool as long as it's an Indica strain and not a Sativa strain of course. I'm just saying that I also know a few stoners that don't really need the card and that's their excuse for having one is all.
Hell one girl I know LITERALLY chainsmokes joints as a lot of people chainsmoke cigarettes and that's abuse at that point. She has it for anxiety and it might help her anxiety if she didn't get so stoned that she counterbalances the pot with coffee all fucking day long. She also drives while smoking with a fucking joint in her mouth and is one of most abnoxious drivers I know and I refuse to be in a car with her. She is unfortunately a prime example of the kinds of people that are damaging the reputation of the good that this plant can actually provide in the medical field and makes it harder to be taken seriously.
Nikki Nova

Thanks for clearing that up. Sorry if I came off as making accusations. I just didn't know where you were going with the anxiety thing. Thanks for the story about the girl who is abusing the system. I know people like that do exist.


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

No no no. You misunderstand me. First of all I have anxiety issues as anyone here in my thread already knows. It is what casues my insomnia and I 100% agree with you that natural treatment is better than much of the medications prescribed for it. I am just saying that there are ...just as Allen was saying a lot of people that have a prescription card that don't really need one purely for medical reasons and the easiest excuse to use is anxiety and therefore that's an often abused one. I'm not saying that it shouldnt not be used for anxiety at all. I think's it's a great tool as long as it's an Indica strain and not a Sativa strain of course. I'm just saying that I also know a few stoners that don't really need the card and that's their excuse for having one is all.
Hell one girl I know LITERALLY chainsmokes joints as a lot of people chainsmoke cigarettes and that's abuse at that point. She has it for anxiety and it might help her anxiety if she didn't get so stoned that she counterbalances the pot with coffee all fucking day long. She also drives while smoking with a fucking joint in her mouth and is one of most abnoxious drivers I know and I refuse to be in a car with her. She is unfortunately a prime example of the kinds of people that are damaging the reputation of the good that this plant can actually provide in the medical field and makes it harder to be taken seriously.
Nikki Nova

the very idea of that woman behind the wheel of a car scares the shit out of me

I am just happy and proud that my writing is taking off and I am not only writing for a few magazines but now I am officially the editor of this new one and I am super proud of the cause. Yay! ha ha. I can't tell you guys the name for another month or 2

Dr. Bong: The Magazine?

let me just say im superproud of you too. super-duper proud


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well let me educate you a wee bit more because it's real simple when broken down. There are 2 main kinds of marijuana. One is called Sativa and the other is Indica. Any type of pot or strain of pot will fall into one of these 2 categories. Indica is purely mellowing and helps with anxiety as long as you don't get all fucked up on it. Amount taken has a lot to do with medical usage as well. Sativa is a type of pot that isn't as mellowing and has somewhat of a stimulant effect so it can actually cause or provoke anxiety. I would also like to take this opportunity to address the smoking of it as someone else did. Smoking anything is bad for you. There are vaporizors so you get the thc without the smoke and tar build up in the lungs. There is also injesting of the medicine through strips that melt on your tongue, candies, baked goods and home recipes as well. All are available at dispensiaries. Like I said guys, this magazine will be different than ANY other out there. It is purely clinical and medical and not some "stoner" mag for the pot culture. I'm excited about it and I think you will be surprised. Enough of this for now though because it's months away from being availabe and I am already getting messages from people asking me the name and I CAN'T TELL YOU yet!! hhahaha
Nikki Nova
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Hmmm. I was lead to believe that marijuana was a cause of paranoia, which would tend to mean that it would not be that great for helping with anxiety. :dunno:
I do know that a lot of people smoke saying that it helps with their anxiety, but that is self defeating, as it is the lack of nicotine that is causing the anxiety in the first place.
As for driving whilst smoking pot - that is no better than driving drunk :facepalm:


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

the very idea of that woman behind the wheel of a car scares the shit out of me

Oh you have NO IDEA!!!!

Dr. Bong: The Magazine?

NO! That is NOT the name! hahahahahaha

let me just say im superproud of you too. super-duper proud

Thank you Sweetie!!!
Nikki Nova
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Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well let me educate you a wee bit more because it's real simple when broken down. There are 2 main kinds of marijuana. One is called Sativa and the other is Indica. Any type of pot or strain of pot will fall into one of these 2 categories. Indica is purely mellowing and helps with anxiety as long as you don't get all fucked up on it. Amount taken has a lot to do with medical usage as well. Sativa is a type of pot that isn't as mellowing and has somewhat of a stimulant effect so it can actually cause or provoke anxiety.

i knew absolutely none of that.

Like I said guys, this magazine will be different than ANY other out there. It is purely clinical and medical and not some "stoner" mag for the pot culture. I'm excited about it and I think you will be surprised. Enough of this for now though because it's months away from being availabe and I am already getting messages from people asking me the name and I CAN'T TELL YOU yet!! hhahaha

so no chance of you naked on the cover with a giant pot covering up the naughty bits?


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thank you Sweetie!!!
Nikki Nova
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i really am proud of you. writing a piece where you give relationship advice is one thing (not trying to belitte it, the few Ask Nikkis that ive been able to read online have been very entertaining), but editing a magazine is something else entirely. (and of course theres the articles youve written, but havent been able to read any of those). just the fact that the guy has enough faith in you to do is saying something. not that im surprised, i know youre more than up for the challenge. proud really is the right word. i have no doubt youll do an amazing job.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

This might be one of my briefest posts yet...only managed 4-5 hours sleep last night, I've had a headache all day (probably from lack of sleep), plus I had to "deal" with my favorite "big kid" today...namely my mother...God bless her...but yeah..."big kid" yeah, briefly:

First, a preface, this is a porn board....yeah I "get" that....ha ha ha! BUT...

I get the fact that "Nikki Nova" is but a small part of what makes up the person who is "Nikki Nova" & that "Nikki Nova" is quite simply a persona. However, I for one believe that the person who is "Nikki Nova" is an absolutely and incredibly beautiful (literally) and amazing person! If I had to list the things that I believe make her (the person who is "Nikki Nova") an amazing person...and I hope everyone can understand what I mean here...quite frankly the fact that she is "Nikki Nova," and all that comes with that "tiny" aspect of the woman herself, hardly makes my top 10 list of the reasons that I believe she is simply an incredible person!

Being totally honest here...I've only known her since November, but she has already opened my mind in so many positive ways, and I genuinely believe that she has even managed to bring out a lot of the best in me & I am becoming a much better person because of the impact that she has had in my life!

Do I simply adore and love the Hell out of the WOMAN/PERSON who is "Nikki Nova"? Like so many other people on this thread, and elsewhere too....and I will speak for everyone when answering this question......You're Goddamned right we do!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone has an amazing weekend!

ps....come on guys....for me this post is "brief"!!!


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Oh puh leez! Belittle all you want. I didn't exactly WANT to be doling out relationship advice BUT as with anything I had to pay my dues and still am doing so. The world has known me publicly as "Nikki Nova" for 15 years so to get anyone to see me as anything outside of that is much harder. I started writing for the first magazine "Playtime" as Nikki Nova with a monthly advice column called "Ask Nikki Nova". Finally after a while they assigned me some editorial pieces and I chose to do those under a different name (my real one) so that proper credits could be established in where I actually WANT to go wioth my writing. The two new magazines I am working for I am still writing under both names. I am writing a Nikki Nova tales section where I tell crazy stories over the years of things I have seen and done in my many years in the biz. I also write editorial pieces however under my "other" name. haha. In addition to that I also write a natural medicine section and have for a while. Now for this 3rd mag that I was made editor of I will still be writing for it as well. None of it pays shit really but's all part of paying my dues just like anyone does in any feild. It doesn't feel like work to me though because it's what I truly love. That's the exciting part.
Nikki Nova
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i really am proud of you. writing a piece where you give relationship advice is one thing (not trying to belitte it, the few Ask Nikkis that ive been able to read online have been very entertaining), but editing a magazine is something else entirely. (and of course theres the articles youve written, but havent been able to read any of those). just the fact that the guy has enough faith in you to do is saying something. not that im surprised, i know youre more than up for the challenge. proud really is the right word. i have no doubt youll do an amazing job.


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

This might be one of my briefest posts yet...only managed 4-5 hours sleep last night, I've had a headache all day (probably from lack of sleep), plus I had to "deal" with my favorite "big kid" today...namely my mother...God bless her...but yeah..."big kid" yeah, briefly:

First, a preface, this is a porn board....yeah I "get" that....ha ha ha! BUT...

I get the fact that "Nikki Nova" is but a small part of what makes up the person who is "Nikki Nova" & that "Nikki Nova" is quite simply a persona. However, I for one believe that the person who is "Nikki Nova" is an absolutely and incredibly beautiful (literally) and amazing person! If I had to list the things that I believe make her (the person who is "Nikki Nova") an amazing person...and I hope everyone can understand what I mean here...quite frankly the fact that she is "Nikki Nova," and all that comes with that "tiny" aspect of the woman herself, hardly makes my top 10 list of the reasons that I believe she is simply an incredible person!

Being totally honest here...I've only known her since November, but she has already opened my mind in so many positive ways, and I genuinely believe that she has even managed to bring out a lot of the best in me & I am becoming a much better person because of the impact that she has had in my life!

Do I simply adore and love the Hell out of the WOMAN/PERSON who is "Nikki Nova"? Like so many other people on this thread, and elsewhere too....and I will speak for everyone when answering this question......You're Goddamned right we do!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone has an amazing weekend!

ps....come on guys....for me this post is "brief"!!!

sad thing is this is brief, but its probably still longer than anything ive ever posted. ever!


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thank you so much sweetie. I hope you feel better. I haven't gotten out of my jammies all day myself. Just one of those days. I really hope you feel better. I'm definitely concerned about you to say the least. I wish you were healthy and there could be some sort of gurantee that your heart has no more problems and you could sleep well and be happy and stress free. That would be awesome!
Nikki Nova
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This might be one of my briefest posts yet...only managed 4-5 hours sleep last night, I've had a headache all day (probably from lack of sleep), plus I had to "deal" with my favorite "big kid" today...namely my mother...God bless her...but yeah..."big kid" yeah, briefly:

First, a preface, this is a porn board....yeah I "get" that....ha ha ha! BUT...

I get the fact that "Nikki Nova" is but a small part of what makes up the person who is "Nikki Nova" & that "Nikki Nova" is quite simply a persona. However, I for one believe that the person who is "Nikki Nova" is an absolutely and incredibly beautiful (literally) and amazing person! If I had to list the things that I believe make her (the person who is "Nikki Nova") an amazing person...and I hope everyone can understand what I mean here...quite frankly the fact that she is "Nikki Nova," and all that comes with that "tiny" aspect of the woman herself, hardly makes my top 10 list of the reasons that I believe she is simply an incredible person!

Being totally honest here...I've only known her since November, but she has already opened my mind in so many positive ways, and I genuinely believe that she has even managed to bring out a lot of the best in me & I am becoming a much better person because of the impact that she has had in my life!

Do I simply adore and love the Hell out of the WOMAN/PERSON who is "Nikki Nova"? Like so many other people on this thread, and elsewhere too....and I will speak for everyone when answering this question......You're Goddamned right we do!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone has an amazing weekend!

ps....come on guys....for me this post is "brief"!!!